Tag Archive for: Crystalline Light

Crystalline Ray of Light for Anything Pandemic

By Terra Rae of  “Team Earth”

There is so much talk right now: “Should I, or shouldn’t I, get a vaccine?”

I hear many saying they do not want to be around anyone without a vaccine. And I also hear others saying they are getting “outgassed” by being around those with one!

People seem to be taking sides from a place of fear. Most people have not even researched what is in the vaccines that are being distributed now in their area. It’s possible to identify many different strains of the vaccines now from the number on the bottle.

It has also been stated that once you do receive one, there is nothing you can do about it, and yet many people are being told they need one to continue in their workplace. I have been working for a very long time using the high-frequency Crystalline Ray – along with the amazing Crystalline Teams of Light – to clear and transmute and then activate ourselves, others, and Gaia.

Anyone – including you – can call in this 5D energy of Light. Though most people don’t see it, many actually do! Many people will feel it. People have forgotten that it is from our will and clear intention, without fear, that can bring in these fabulous high frequencies. We as “Team Earth” have transmuted and cleared so many with the Violet Flame – individuals and large groups. We regularly focus on areas of Gaia and the Inner Earth, the waters, the plants, the animals, the children, and the elements. When refilled, we bring in different radiations of colors and light, and then back it all up with the fabulous Crystalline Ray. We as humans are beginning to vibrate in 5D, which is preparing us for Ascension – where we will fully vibrate in 5D and higher. We are meant to be crystalline beings!

I asked our teams of Crystalline Magdalene Lady Ascended Masters and Crystalline Stellar Teams to bring in their insights on this hot topic.

Interconnected Maps
Crystalline Magdalenes:
Right now we all want to be able to connect and stay strong, so the truth is that we create our own balance. And again, a lot of the information is creating fear! Opening ourselves up to being a test-rat of a community, receiving a vaccine or not, we have the power within us to change and affect what has been given to us. So the solution is to know that you will be able to create internal and external change if you wish, whether you have a vaccine, a virus, or not. It is all within your control, and this is part of the ability to ascend – which has not changed. It is the same path, no matter what happens.

Many leave it up to others, or to medicine, or to their spiritual practice. When, truth be told, it comes from within – accessing our beings, and the skills we have developed (and perfected) over lifetimes, and are still learning to access. Then we bring these abilities back on, and alive, with the different keys we receive when we ask for assistance and connect with our higher selves – and with spirit – giving us a constellation of light within us. This interconnected map ignites all of our Selves, on all levels, within our deep inner recesses of our hearts – opening our glands to universal light and source. So, it is an interconnected process, and it is not for anyone who is stuck in their ways!

Internal Balance

It goes back to your internal balance, and we can create a healing solution intertwining the elements as a sparkling ray of light to move through our systems. As each Being has their own divine construct, we can ask that our universal flow of light – and divine self – use this incredible knowledge to implement light tools.  We can then align the right places and amounts, which is going to regulate what has been done when the vaccine has been received. Do we look at each creation that the medical system has “done?” No! We work globally with the Crystalline Light Grid and use a Crystalline Light Medicineshall we say.

Terra: Haven’t different strains of vaccines had so many different things put into them?                                                                                                                CSS: This would be the absolute truth, and the magnetic field of each different vaccine changes the auric field of an individual. Yes, you can bless, heal and transform them, and see them come in as light, before you receive a vaccine.

To assist before receiving a vaccine, or even a COVID-19 test, strengthen your auric field. In other words, make sure your immune system is strong, and do any techniques of balancing and protection that you practice. For this, make sure you are hydrated, exercised, and rested. We use Merkabas to uplift and balance chakras – so make it a ceremony!

Aurora: In an interview with David Icke, a woman mentions that if we take the vaccine, we are losing our souls? I am not getting this!

Crystalline Magdalenes: Again, this is fear. We are in charge of our personal programs and our souls. This is part of our true ability to help planetary consciousness, raising the level of the light grids and making sure that it is open to possibilities for so many others.

Have You Received a Vaccine, or Have You Had COVID-19?

CSS: And if you have received a vaccine already – do this double. So in other words, practice extreme healing and self-care – radically – over the following weeks. People who have had COVID-19 will have ‘stuff’ to neutralize as well.

We suggest you refrain from overexertion and be conscious of your moves – as in truly being aware of how you feel, and being in touch with your emotions, so that you are not set off in one way or another. Use your day, your breath, your awareness as a conscious practice, and be present with yourself.

You may need to clear out your chakras, and also clear and protect yourself and others before meditations. Do some breathwork. Ground and call in your (completely confirmed) guides, and then do your grounding practices. Make certain you are fully connecting to Gaia’s precious heart, and use your own techniques of clearing your energy. We often use a Violet Flame technique. We also find that the Crystalline Light serves to clear out bodies, minds, and spirits – and this is something to call in, even before any of the medicines are received. Do a clearing on the space where you are receiving the vaccines, should you decide that this is your course of action. As with any release, refill your light bodies so you can ground yourself fully. Then energize the vaccine before you receive it.

Using Your Protocol
Crystalline Magdalenes:
For those who are planning to receive a vaccine, or considering this, we use our magical crystalline tools with Clearing to the Core, along with meditation, protection and grounding, to keep us fortified, resilient, strong, connected to spirit, and anchored in love and harmony. All of this fortification is true to nature. So using all of this – plus inviting in our Crystalline Light to open up your DNA strands for pure healing energy – helps to keep us connected to Earth and our ancestral strains. For this is how we keep the integrity of our lines of energy connected to the light grids. As you can imagine, this is a state of mind, heart, and spirit; and it also uses your abilities to keep you blessed with your digestive system “on.” Releasing the stress of the day is part of your protocol that keeps you functioning at an optimum level. As we know, “As above, so below.” Using the energy of this magnificent, universal healing grid of light, and the original multiverse energy, the Crystalline Ray (along with becoming the conscious being that we are meant to be) is part of your process of keeping your inner and outer selves strong. If your question is “How do I keep my body blessed, and able to tolerate all of the input that scientists are deeming ‘certain’?” It will help you to know that your own heart and mind will keep you strong. And the fear is something to be released. This is of the utmost importance!

Opening yourselves, and your cells, to receiving these light and energy healings, helps you retain the integrity of your brain and immune function – and this is key! We have just that –- we have the keys –- with our intention and focused abilities, to be a part of our own personal process to live a long healthy life. And as we know, our ancestors made it through so much. We have all of these strengths still within us, to be stronger than what is being thrown at us. Focus on your ability to live and thrive. Now we know we have all of the developed focus –and so much more – to continue to thrive.

We often get in our own way when we doubt ourselves. That is a huge block for many to overcome. And yes, it does take the support of others to reassure us of our innate abilities, and to show us that we can develop and go much further. Make sure to reach out to others for support and assistance when you need it.

Do Clearing on the Space Where You Receive Your Vaccine(s)

CSS: You can even meditate on it ahead of time. Ask the Angelic and Crystalline Teams to clear you. They are always around, and they free the energy from those who have come before. Not all of the people near you are feeling grounded. They may not be conscious of this, or they may be psychologically or physically ill. Their fear or energy can remain in the space.

All of us are powerful beings of light – and we are energy. Healing our auric fields and ourselves using the brilliant Crystalline Light, and moving it through, does create harmonic resonance in alignment with the cosmic light – and with the energy of Gaia as well. So this is how we are using the elements. We even see Gaia spiraling all of the precious elements into a beautiful, spiraling light that we use in the Crystalline Light as well. There is a complete balance of elements and light in the Crystalline Ray. And then the Universal Light comes forth with ancient and future energy. So know that this is how we infuse ourselves with the glowing harmonic light. It does sparkle – and it can even be rather phosphorescent!

Transforming the Altered Energies

Terra: Can we transmute the negative responses from vaccines?

CSS: We see that you can still transform that altered energy. So, using your protection, and your essential oils, will help you in this process. Again, this is your auric field, which brings into your cells the information that consists of your cellular vibration from others. It’s reminder that all of it is energy. (The auric field is magnetic, and it can bring in other low or distorted energy frequencies, along with bacteria, viruses, other infections, and dis-ease before it moves into the physical body. All of this can be cleared out.)

You are also able to transform the space you are working in. If you are working in person with healers or massage professionals – or if you are in a household with a mix of those who have received the vaccination and those who have not – you can use potent air purifiers to help. For all of these, you can use your own personal protection and clearing.

It does take time and awareness – and as with any new practices, you may have to schedule it, rather than looking at your day as a spontaneous movement of energy. You must become aware of where you are going, what you are receiving, and how you wish to interact, as so much of it is about protection, grounding and clearing.

Protecting You and Your Space

Terra: Many of our clients, and our friends, do massage and healing work. For them, we recommend the use of pure, therapeutic-grade, essential oils. When you undertake this type of practice, the high frequency will raise both your and the clients’ frequency, and also set up an anti-viral shield. Use sprays with oils – on and around the body and auric field of the practitioner – as well as in the workspace. If the client is willing to be sprayed before and after, it will actually calm them. And if their auric field is frenetic – which sometimes happens if they have had a vaccine – it can calm down.

The Crystalline Ray and Violet Flame

If you are working in an office, a restaurant, a shop, or anywhere that people are coming and going, you can call in the incredible transmuting, transformative Violet Flame from the Heart of Gaia. Clear out the space before you start work, and also at the end of the day. It only takes a moment to visualize a cool violet and purple flame flickering in gold, coming from the heart of Gaia. It transmutes, and clears out any space, as well as the people in it. See it moving up in a counter-clockwise spiral right up from the center of the Earth. Ask to have it clear out any unwanted or lower-frequency energy or vibrations, and it will. If you need a super-clearing of an area – or yourself – call forth the Crystalline Stellar Team. They will come in, and their crystalline energies will clear out even more – since they can see everything.

This is a great opportunity for you to call in the Crystalline Ray. Create a bubble of Crystalline Light around yourself. Put one around your workspace, and amp it up each time you are there. Send one around the hospital, grocery store, or gas station before you arrive. Use the Crystalline bubbles around yourself. A lot!

The Crystalline Ray and Violet Flame come from the fifth dimension and higher, and they shower right in with your intention and words. Speak it out loud when you can, and breathe deeply. The extremely high frequency of the Crystalline Light can be seen or imagined as sparkling blues of every shade, and of whites that look like fairy dust with different color sparkles. It shimmers with platinum as it moves. It will swirl, shower, and spin in a clockwise spiral as it shimmers in from above. Other high-frequency colors may be called in with the Crystalline Ray for opening, grounding, awakening, and dancing around and through you and others in your space. Magentas, golds, and azure are also good add-ons.

One of our clients started to get nosebleeds while working on massage clients, and she was concerned she might be picking up something from the clients, since she too could feel the intense energies in their auric fields. So I asked about this, and about what she needed.

CSS: Put up a protective shield for not ever getting the illness. For Light-workers – or those who are involved in coaching, counseling, or healing practices – clear out your energy before and after each client. Shaking out your body, and clearing your chakras, are fine practices. Revving up your immune-strengthening and hydration programs are also important. So – be sure to use more of all of these tools!

Crystalline Team through Crysta

Become Ignited With a Crystalline Stellar Goddess

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”



Goddess: My skills are so vast, as I encompass exquisite heart energy and allow your true force of magnificence to come forth. This can lead the way for so much to melt away. I bring it all to the surface, feeling abilities and your resonance of previous times, when you may have felt that the true you had emerged. So, for this reason, I am one *Goddess of True Earthly Heart-Light*. 

When the Earth-heart comes through your own, with my crystalline being, a new you emerges.

So, know that I am much larger than this shape encompasses. I emit a vibration that reaches so far, your own auric field is enhanced twofold. And you become more crystalline by uniting your energy with my own galactic heart. For truly, I am of another era, another Universe, and this is the time when the information is perfect to come forth enhancing the feminine, compassionate, caring and bold and brilliant light. That is how we all work together, enhancing one another.


Terra: Here’s how to dance with this Stellar Goddess. Bring an intention or a focus forth if you desire, and breathe into your heart; send this breath to the Heart of Gaia, and she will send it back up to your heart. Now send an infinity sign from your heart to the heart of the Goddess, connecting there with your breath.

Goddess: When I assist your growth and ignite your goddess being of light, I also spark our glands and heart. How you become a magnificent, grounded and stardust-filled being is to connect your glands and heart with mine. This is a method of spiritual practice in which you may place your essence or being within mine as a juxtaposition, and notice how you feel embodied in a Crystalline Goddess surrounding you. (You can do this now! She works with the Light, for the Light and from her own heart.)

Then, as a means to solidify this connection, you can bring my being into yours. With each transposition, notice how your heart and the glands in your head are feeling. Notice the light moving around and sparking and igniting – notice your heart tingling, feeling magnified, feeling outstretched and reaching outwards – as it connects more deeply with the Earth-heart and with spirit-filled energy from above.

So, this is a protected practice – namely, you now cannot be infiltrated by any other energies! Crystalline light, that is my purity and that is how you will notice the tingly sensations and ignitions even more. Memories may be sparked with my coming within you. You may feel magnified, growing to a larger size, and able to enhance your seeing and noticing abilities. It is as if an “on” button was just switched, and the light has gone on. Do you notice how the energy moves back and forth, in, out and inwards in your head?

Crystalline Goddesses and Skulls, channeled through the heart of Crysta.