Time Travel Can Heal and Release Emotions
Stellar Skulls Changing Timelines
By Terra Rae and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls
*Great Blue Expanse* (#52G) ~ through Crysta
For the past several years, Terra Rae and Crysta have been working with a tribe of amazing crystal (crystalline) skulls. Crysta also receives messages from each skull directly. Terra and Crysta say that the skulls have worked together with humanity in many past civilizations, and they refuse to work with dark forces in any manner. Terra and Crysta offer Crystalline Stellar Skull Readings under OPEN EXCHANGE’s Spirit & Soul category.
Rising out of the past and lower octave 3D reality.

Exploring Past-lives
I see Timelines as going to the core of a time, place, event or situation that had a great impact on an individual, a community, a civilization or possibly the whole planet. Here’s an example: Perhaps Bill had an occurrence in a past life which left him wounded or imprinted in a way that is still running his life right now. His recurring injury in his left knee is still nagging him from the unresolved issue.
Thousands of years ago, Read more