Meet and play with the Crystalline Goddesses!
They actually came with the Crystalline Skulls, since they oversee them, and are able to direct them at times, sending them all over for our work in 5D and beyond. We kept them in the back-ground, since the Skullies love expressing themselves, and using their phenomenal abilities. We are so honored to introduce them to you now.
CSG: We see so many men and women here on our precious planet, with their hearts in the right place, looking to extend their spiritual awareness and unite. The external world is receptive to loving, compassionate, caring and unifying light and all-inclusiveness.
This Stellar Goddess light supports all of these magnificent intentions on all levels.
Goddess: We are here to give you recognition and stamina. As you call our heart-lights forth (and by all means do) you will notice a tingling within, or ask for your own personalized sign that we are here for you. You will feel it in a tremendous way, as our light is so brilliant that you are able to sense the change within immediately. This cosmic sign is proof in itself.(You may also see sparkling energy around you!)Perhaps you may have wondered where your support has been? Know it is here, with us waiting for your request to be fulfilled. As you are ready to let go of any means by which you are holding yourself back, ask and these barriers will be re-leased with the nurturing essence which only a Crystalline Goddess can provide.And know that, as a mighty power you can move forth with a Crystalline Ray of Light, as this is what empowers us to empower you. We also work heart-to-heart, and mind-to-mind with other galactic team members you know and love.
What is holding you back? Would you like to erase that hesitance? Then ask for it!
Technique for connecting with these sentient, heart-centered Beings!:
Take a deep breath and get centered.
Put your hand on your heart.
Look right into the eyes of whichever Goddess you are attracted to or curious about.
Breathe, and create a strong deep tone (so your heart and spirit connect with the her.
You may feel a tingle, rush, flush of energy
Ask her to connect you to ____________.
“Beam” your Love, Light and Joy through another tone, with focused intention.
Notice they are there for you ~ feel them.
Take it a step further ~ ask any questions you may have.
Notice a sound, picture or words. Sometimes you may feel yourself expand, journey and much, much more.
Call in the Crystalline Goddess Tribe to amplify your visions and requests. They are there in a blink of an eye.
Click on a Crystalline Goddess!
Click link to book 15-30-60 min personal light reading!