DSCN6892Meet and play with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls! Click Below

Technique for connecting with these sentient, heart-centered Beings!

  • Take a deep breath and get centered.

  • Put your hand on your heart. Breathe, and create a strong deep tone (so your heart and spirit connect with the Skull).

  • You may feel a tingle, rush,  or flush of energy!

  • Ask him/her to connect you to ____________ .
    Fill in the blank with what you intend or desire.

  • “Beam” your Love, Light and Joy through another tone, with focused intention.

  • Notice they are there for you ~ feel them.

  • Take it a step further ~ ask any questions you may have.

  • Notice a sound, picture or words. Sometimes you may feel yourself expand, journey and
    much, much more.

  • Call in the Crystalline Stellar Skull Tribe to amplify your visions and requests.
    They are there in a blink of an eye.