Terra Rae and Crysta, as “Team Earth,” are dedicated to awakening, healing, clearing and educating individuals, assisting Gaia and the masses, with the help of the sacred and brilliant Crystalline Team of Light Beings, Ascended Masters, along with the Archangelic Realm and others. (More about our team here.)
With their phenomenal and infinite heartfelt skills and multi-dimensional abilities, we elevate consciousness, preparing people for Ascension and First Contact.
Archangel Metatron:
“They so brilliantly heal the Healers!”
Fees vary depending upon the depth of the treatments.
Call us, toll-free, for specifics so we can tailor your session to meet your current needs. (888) 310 – 3774
How do you prepare for your 5D Clearing sessions?
We offer a detailed list of suggestions here: