Personal Light Readings
15-, 30- or 60-Minute Personal Light Readings
15-, 30- or 60-Minute Personal Light Readings
Are you ready for a Juicy, Vibrant, Enlightening, Expansive and Heart-Opening experience?
Get with the Crystalline Team of Light and “Team Earth” to answer the question you pick, for a 15-minute “Light Reading” for what serves you the most at this time. Receive a confirmation from us and within 24 hours we will get with you on Zoom or the phone.
Become instilled with a Light Vibration from your Family of Light.
$44 for your 15 minute-Light Reading
$46 if paid through PayPal,
You can speak to one of the Crystalline Team of Light:
Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses or Archangel Metatron, Merlin, Kuan Yin, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, Yeshua, Magdalene and Goddess Mary.
Your Choice – or the one that wants to speak to you.
1. What is it I need to know the most right now?
2. Do you have a burning question you want to have addressed?
3. What is the next step for my healing and evolution – now?
4. Can I hear about an important past-life?
5. Do I have a Galactic Family elsewhere? If so, can I hear more about them, and where are they?
The time is set to Pacific Coast Time.
1) PayPal — to: (Receipt from Divine Essence)
Be ready a few minutes before scheduled time. ALL TIMES ARE IN PACIFIC STANDARD TIME.
You will receive an MP3 recording of your call – sent to your email, after your session.
At your appointed time, call this conference call secure line:
DIAL IN NUMBER 605-313-6003
Searching for a longer, more advanced session?
Up to three hours of “Clearing to the Core” and Past Life Clearings.