*Splendid Ray of Truth & Light* #30G
Special Abilities: Will bring out the heart in every situation, with fire and speed. Heps people dance in the light.

Allows for clear vision and is like a Radio Station!
Allows for clear vision and communication!
Skull: I bring all equalities to the front of the Earth, so they come up for a clear vision and allow for clear communication.
This is also the way in which you can speak with parts of a wheel, whether it be a part of your body speaking to you or part of a community speaking to serve the whole. So it then surfaces, what needs to be worked though or into. Truth comes up and into the light so the surfacing of this is dealt with immediatly.
I too bring out the heart into every situation. I do it with fire and speed. One can not deny my presence nor my abilities. When there are indivduals who are wishing to subdue or hide, I bring them into the light so they can be seen. This makes for very interesting occasions.
Terra: You have wonderful swirls of red and white!
Skulls: My swirls of energy in my skull are comsic beings of light that have given me insight and juice to hold fast to my inteneded outcome, of bringing out the light in any situation. So as you suggest ~ it is a spotlight. If there is a message a part of your body has for you, hold your third eye to my skull (or photo) and you will get a picture and message about it. You can find the path for healing this way.
Tune into him like a Radio Station.
Or if there is something hidden within, not even knowing its location, it comes to light with my assistance. Just tune into me like I am a radio station. I bring healing energy into the person, meditiaton or seeing me. So, I provide physcial and emotional healing of light to radiate into the person, for ultimate blessing and light. I raise the consciousness of the person so they can appreciate their own abilities of tuning into themselves. Without a healed light worker, how can we proceed as a team to the best of our group abilities? So I bring this into focus.
My spirit delights in being able to give focus to a gray area.
This is not the only time we have worked together as we have worked near the fire pit in Mongolia receiveing messages and sending them out to other communities.

Getcha dancin’ in the Light!
Getcha dancin’ in the Light!
Brings Out Dance and Movement
I was born from the waters of the river, and the heat from the inner resources of the earth near the intersection of the mountain. I emerged as a flowering vine to God Source. My colors wowed my tribe! I also make for some incredibly joyous times, bringing out the dance and movement into the body of the light person, in the body of people, as this means they must move ~ and thus decide to move forward. There is no holding back with me. I remove blocks so there is a new level of completion, and then I push forward with the truth and the light from the heart.
How incredible is that?
The way I work is to help people ‘dance in the light’. Thus, this joins communities. When working with an individual I help all bodies dance together in the light, in a harmonious blend of energies. This allows all to be united on the same heart level and to shine in a light of truth.
Terra: You will be helping many. Will we be able to work through photos with you?
Skull: I emanate my radiant light through any captured image of me. I am hard to cover up. I can only shine with fire!