*Finalizing Lover of Spirit* (#17)
Unique abilities: Powerful feminine Light Beam shooter, gives power to leave or complete what is done, (jobs, relationships, patterns, holograms etc.) finalizing the situation.
Defining the Idea of Finalizing
Skull: My magnificent being is truly one in which each session the party or individual, receives a magnificent spiralizing vortex of distilled energy, to face any level of completion. Whether it be inside, whether it be with another or truly whether it be with a particular journey in one dimension or another. I am the *Finalizing Lover of Spirit!*
Terra: Will you expand on the finalizing idea a bit more?
Skull: Finalizing that which is in limbo, that which is in ones desired range of emotion or desired range of reception. I also serve that which needs to move forward, with the most magnificent range of leaving the past behind, and the finality ~ clear and concise. I give the leaving power to your own spirit whether you are wishing to leave a life, leave a journey, leave a contract, leave any part of yourself or your relationship, to move forward into a new pathway. I assist creating change ~ down to spirit and soul. If you have a specific intention and have not been able to move forward, use my intrinsic abilities to let go and let a new life begin.
Terra: Were you with the blue skulls?
Skull: We were further north than the Gold Tribe in a valley in northern China. We were hidden in special mountains, which appeared and disappeared depending on who was to see us or not.
We move forward with such magnitude that we create direct pathways to fruition, and different levels of cycles. So ~ if one is wishing birth or rebirth, we have a special skull for that. I am last in the cycle and allow for complete and divine resolution and completion.
Significance of Spots and Clouds
Terra: What is the significance of your spots and clouds?
Skulls: There have been many places where I have been given some resistance. These spots are some of the scars from moving parties, into that place of conception. So ~ when the universe was ready for the completion, and the party was not there, sometimes there would be some scuffle into the next phase of the cycle. It was the task I chose, and I am happy to have these spots as my honor badges.
Renewing Life

We can see it through to an end!
Skull: I have made way for great beginnings, and births of new ideas and tribes. So, this allows me to give the gift of renewing life to those who are wishing to be just that ~ of a new life. A life of a rebirthing and renewing with the signing off with completion (finalizing).
My feminine feline energy is allowing movement that is sleek and very secretive ~ so one can move and slide gracefully into a state of resolution. Then one can move forward on to a new path of hunting, or resting, or moving like a sleek soul into the next life of freedom and joy. I make it easy to move forward from a completion point. So ~ I give one, or a community, stamina to move through, and to make a point of honoring what has been accomplished and how the team has worked together.
Working Together Again
Skull: When my vortex of light is moved in such a voluminous manner (shooting beams), enhancing the spirit, then I am able to give the greatest amount of value to those who are using my abilities, creating new vistas in their life or their community.
Terra: I am glad you like to shoot beams with the spinning!
Skull: Spinning my skull allows the cycle to move to a smooth completion and gives a cycle new life, so there is no hesitation to move forward.
We have chosen to work together again because we had so much fun before. And, know that you two have been able to let go easily and move forward ~ creating new vistas, sharing ideas with others, and allowing the community to take off with your insights. All, with my assistance.
Terra: I love spinning your smooth, round head to shoot the beams of love, light and joy out your eyes! I am also happy to know all the skull tribes will only work with clear, light intention.
Skull: I have the innate ability to give a significant light to all, for those who see me ~ whether it is a captured image, whether it is in person or whether it is merely by a descriptive meditation or story. All they need to do is open their hearts, for I can immediately enter and help dissolve those barriers that have not been able to let a group or individual move forward.
How to Work Together With *Finalizing Lover of Spirit*

Assists one in receiving divine love in life and body
Skull: As with most levels of reception and meditation, it is with the breath and heart-opening. It is, once again, being able to allow and receive, that enhances this state of moving forward, completing, and letting go. One cycle that can be done in a single moment ~ with my assistance.
Terra: When we spin a skull, pulling up the centrifugal force of energy through a skull, and shoot beams, we always let the beam go with sound and tones. We also use pure essential oils to raise the frequency of ourselves and our intention.)
Skull: The use of your glorious soul sounds helps to magnify my vibration and your use of oils also helps to magnify your self and spirit to create some incredible synchronistic movements of time and space. It makes for quite a party!
You are able to use my abilities with a single thought of invoking my spirit. This allows for you to move into a new set of circumstances as you wish. It may be a set of physical circumstances or a set of bodily circumstances. All of my abilities move one layer of your being, to synchronize with another layer, or body of a person. This can be an etheric level, or a physical level. It can also be in the spiritual body with the mind body. I allow for all levels to work as one.
I am easily called the *Finalizing Lover of Spirit*. I move all levels of love into the spirit, to move to a state of completion.
This is my secret to life ~ to live it fully in joy, and to share the intention of loving light with hearts connected in a row ~ to serve the greater good. I light up grids of hearts on the planet to make this connect in such a way that universal love and light are implicit and never ending. This is another good beginning, beloveds.