*Divine Light of the Green Universe*#8T

Assists those who have big dreams, but no idea of how to accomplish them.
Totem: Quail = “United Wings of Light”
Color: Black/brown jade with tan calcification
Origin: Green Universe
Special Abilities: Assists those who have big dreams, but no idea of how to accomplish them. She brings in the Universal Light to make them bold, give them vision, and allow them to burst forth with the strength and stamina that is needed to see a large project through to the end.
Shining The Light
Skull: I am the *Divine Light of the Green Universe*.
I shine light on those who are going forward, and who are able to gather the most people together, to create joyous, loving, light-filled projects.
My greatest joy is to assist those who have big dreams and have no idea of how to accomplish them. I bring in the Universal Light to make them bold, give them vision, and send them forth with the strength and stamina that is needed to see a large project through to the end.
My quail is my delight! She represents the love and joy of a community. We work so well together, just as the flight of a bird assists those who feel bogged down in some way by lifting them out of the murk and mire. She has her own name. She is the “United Wings of Light”.
My own abilities also enhance how communities can prosper, working as a team, and completing projects in peace and harmony ~ with all hearts united.
Teamwork for One’s Future Vision
Terra: Tell us how you work as a team?
Skull: Since we have one goal together, we allow the abilities of any who work with us to move forward at an accelerated pace. We give clarity, vision, and the ability to concentrate and delegate if needed. Often there are many seekers who have great visions, but cannot let go of details. By calling us into your heart, merely by using our photo, you can let go of some details and allow others to assist in the process.
Terra: What’s the best way to go about this?
Skull: The first step may be to actually vocalize the vision, so that others can create community and work with this vision and seeker. We bring out the needed qualities in a person, and enhance them by gifting them with the balance and grounding that is needed to complete one’s futuristic vision.
How do we do this? One invites in those essences, those gifts from Spirit to accentuate what one is already in touch with. Much of this is permission, belief and acceptance, along with some humility.
For example, one may feel capable of doing a large project by oneself. This may be a very big idea that one may feel competent to do, yet these visions most certainly affect many ~ thus, they need the backing of many other hearts and minds to see it through to completion.
Much of this is just asking for what one may need ~ so we may give you clarity on what it is that you do not possess, or have within ~ and so you can ask for what you need. We take off the blinders!
Her Origin
Terra: Where is your origin? Your energy feels strong and feminine!
Skull: I am a , and I am so very goddess-like. I exude the glory, wisdom and pure, loving heart-energy of a very feminine muse. And I do instill creativity in many. If one is having a block, I am there to blast it out into another universe.
I did come from a lovely forested area in Asia. The woman who carved me did not even know she had the ability to carve until I inspired her. This is not very ordinary for a woman carver to take on such a noble task, and she became quite well known, thanks to us, and thanks to her listening to us.
Harmonious Outcomes
Terra: It sounds like you really get around?
Skull: We have assisted many upon their journeys. Those who have been receptive to other light beings, and to helping them, have truly reaped the most benefit.
We have been helping others in various universes to assist with creating harmonious joint projects. So, if there is a particular meeting that needs to happen, we make certain that all parties are on the same page, and we assist in creating a harmonious outcome.
We asked when we were carved to have very large open eyes, as we believe that most skulls are seers, not just we of the Crystalline tribe.
Are the New Skulls Sentient Beings?
Terra: I like that! What about the newly carved skulls in Asia? Are they sentient beings as well?
Skull: Much of this depends on the heart connection of the carver and the original intention of the being. Yet we understand that a connection to a skull from an earthly being can spark great expansion, so there is a very deep connection.
It is true that there are some skulls that are just sculptures. We, however, inspire the unknown, the subconscious, the otherworldly, and we allow the mind to glean more information. We encourage an individual to reach out further into something greater than what is known from what has been merely learned. I have spoken the words that will draw in those who need us the most.
Terra: Do invite her into your heart to assist you and your projects!