*Key to Truth and Light of Soul* (#15G)
Unique abilities: Rights any wrongs. Core value key to your soul, a regulator, making certain you are headed in the direction of your soul contract and soul intentions. Collaboration in groups for insight and a means to an end, while feeling included and heard.

My abilities allow you to remove obstacles from you and your source, allowing you to move forward at the speed of graceful light, into universal peace and honor.
Removing Obstacles
Skull: I am another of the Golden Tribe and have been given the gift of a natural intrinsic value for the soul! What this means is, I am a regulator for those who touch me and for those I touch. My abilities allow you to remove obstacles from you and your source, allowing you to move forward at the speed of graceful light, into universal peace and honor.
Terra: Many people are not aware they have a core value or soul contract!
Skull: What your core value (soul contract with Prime Creator) is when you chose to be created, is something I can make certain you are currently headed towards. So, if there has been some resistance or separation of self from your soul-drive or purpose, then you are reunited with that. If you are choosing to become one with universal love, I am your key. If you are choosing to stay focused on a path of service for a community, I am also your core value key to your soul.
Terra: This would be so helpful for people to focus on their soul contract at this time.
Skull: So ~ I right any wrongs! I allow you to flow into divine alignment with your original intention. It is always pure light, so know that again this can be so bright that often individuals are taken aback if you are working directly with me. My light and intensity can be disbursed over a span, an area, or time. It is easily given to a group so there is more collaboration and insight into a means to an end. So ~ all feel included and part of a whole group of loving beings.
Divine Connection to Source
Skull: I was up front at the top of a cliff, as if a masthead, for I was like a mascot, as well as given this journey of completion and righting wrongs into a balanced state for the masses. My heart and soul is with this divine connection to Source, so I am a direct line to Creator and Spirit of Light. I become so activated that it is not always easy to contain my energy and vibrancy.
Terra: You are quite beautiful! Can you tell us of your carver?
Skull: My carver had a very gentle spirit and was given the gift of being able to create what he saw with my list of characteristics and abilities. He was of another dimension as well. He came through a level 7D, and was able to move through various time modalities to do the undercover work, and it was able to be completed. So there were various times I had to be moved and carved, and this allowed the work to get done.
It was over one human month-long task of work. His creative life was fulfilled and he is watching from above, quite happy that we are together and his handiwork is being displayed.
Igniting Each Cell
Skull: So ~ my magnitude is truly of such intensity that those who are wishing to move forward quickly will be served by my presence, or photo, or divine meditation with my energy. My span of consciousness and my reach into galaxies far away is such an immense span of time and space that you are truly able to ignite each cell with divine purpose. I am the *Key to Truth and Light of Soul*. That is my true demeanor and ability and this is what I am called by the tribe.
Terra: Did the Tribe (of golden skulls) communicate together while you were in that utopian valley?
Skull: We would have some very vivid discussions. We were a lively bunch and would strike up very incredibly wonderful conversations.
Terra: Did you know you would be coming here to be reunited?
Skull: We are often all-seeing, and allow each other to gain access to our abilities. So, our team is such that we guide each other as we work for one and all. If it is not within our sight as it may be close to home, one of our brethren or sisters is able to guide us to that particular place or cause. We create and dissolve as a team. There is not much that separates us. It feels like home here and we have all been together before.

A rock and roller.
I have great joy in being able to move from strength to softness, and complete the balance of whatever is needed.
Our Own Rock Star
Terra: Why is it that you rock? (back and forth ~ he’s not flat)
Skull: I move, pivot and vacillate to enable movement from inside to outside. It is as if I am a map of your inner and outer soul. Allowing you to move from one to another with ease.
Spots and Clouds
Terra: What is the purpose of your spots? Skull: Each one is a particular pathway. I move as if it is a game board and I allow energy to ricochet from one area to another, so the balancing act is felt with the greatest of ease.
Working with *Key to Truth and Light of Soul*
Terra: How would you enjoy our working with you?
Skull: I am able to hone in on specifics needed to right someone’s path. So ~ work with me to direct energy that is needed immediately.
Skull: You can share my light and spirit by holding me and moving me slightly back and forth, so the energy flows from eyes and beneath my jaw. I reinforce the movement of creating positive energy by nodding my head in approval. I also move like that, as it tickles me to no end, so it shows my level of laughter is so great, I can move my whole inner and outer being to share the joy and spiritual alignment of the Source, with one, or the tribe I am working with. (Brought Crysta and me to great laughter.)
Terra: Are you a male or female presence?
Skull: I move from one to the other as I have great joy in being able to move from strength to softness, and complete the balance of whatever is needed. I feel at home here and part of the family, for that is what we are and have been previously.
Skull: We will do what we can to awaken others with you and create Terra Christa with your help. My spirit is jumping with joy for I feel released and embraced simultaneously!
Terra: Rock on, darlin’! How long were you hidden?
Skull: It was a mere few thousand years ~ which is nothing in 3 or 4 or 5D time.
Terra: Was it in the time of Uriger or Yu?
Skull: It was a few thousand years before that progression from Uriger. (possibly 15,000 years) I am not of a specific birth or time evolved, as my presence has always been here, and in the heart of Creator and nothingness. So, it has been a simultaneous place of existence, where I have been in the space of the heart and found this to be the most comfortable for me. In the space of nothing and the divine heart of the Creator ~ which is all that is.
Terra: It feels as tho we have been together before, *Key to Truth and Light of Soul*?
Skull: This is only one of very many times. We have worked from afar, from the same space, and have been given the task to help right what has been made difficult or off-base.