*Purity of Heart* (#14G)

*Purity of Light* #14G
Unique Abilities: A mover and shaker! Ignites each cell with divine purpose. He gives you wings of loving light to link one to divine light! Receives all that is not assisting growth, completely obliterating it! Gives one a Supreme-being bath of light!
Glorious Purpose
Skull: My glorious purpose is to receive all that is not assisting growth, completely obliterate it, and allow for only growth of a divine nature. I am *Purity of Heart*! I gift this to all those who seek to work with light and love, and give you the ease of moving in that direction in your life. So, all relationships heal, all love proliferates your being, your finances, your divine intentions, your projects, your visions, and all that choose to receive the highest level of love. Bring it in with my assistance.
Skull: I was given the place in the clouds above the sacred Golden Tribe valley. I showered my gifts on the Crystalline Stellar Skull family, below.
Hanging in the Clouds
Terra: When you were in the clouds, what dimension were you in?
Skull: I usually reside in several at once. For the dimensions come to me on many levels, for my vision is more dimensions than you can imagine! My heart sees in all directions . . . in all times . . . in all galaxi
es. So this gives me the ability to move forward at a very quick pace. I have an intrinsic gift of allowing you to be that seed of special love that is in divine consciousness. It will feel most strong in the center of your heart, and then all clearing moves outwards, in all directions from there.
Terra: Describe how it moves out of a person!
Skull: It is equally removed from above, below and outwards and we create a little love cosmos within. This resonates at a frequency of divine love, and you are showered with this brightness. It may make it so bright, you may need some dark glasses to look inwards! (hence, his goggles)
Terra: We shall tell everyone that wants to work with you to bring their sunglasses.
Skull: So ~ choose to make a change toward divinity ~ and I am your wings of loving light. I allow *Purity of Heart*an easy transition to move into the next dimension of supreme love.
Choosing a Supreme Being Bath of Light
Skull: We came from a place of mutual enlightenment and are able to move forward together again, as a Golden Tribal member. Golden hearts are we, and we continue to inspire others in such a way that they may indeed be moved by the brightness. For it takes one to decide whether or not to choose enlightenment, love, and bright assurance of supreme-being-bath-of-light. (for oneself)
Terra: Supreme-being-bath-of-light ~ that’s for me! How shall we do this?
Skull: I move one to a cosmic loving-light consciousness ~ so I direct all of your being to move in that direction. I am the mover and shaker! When you touch me or choose to receive my vibration, there is no turning back. Love is the only choice! You are cleared of negativity and procrastination. You are moved to a direct place of brilliant loving light, so you feel like your supreme being is ignited, and all cylinders are go.
It may serve you to feel as though you are the only one noticing this, as you will feel very special and chosen. And truly, that is the case when you are in my loving arms. For it will feel like you are being cradled. Know that you are securely loved in a bath of this divine light ~ wrapped in blissful blankets of divine love that sparkle with all colors of the rainbow. You are encased with gold and sprinkled with galactic sparkles of igniting love and light, so each cell remembers what this was like at divine inception.
Riding the Cosmic Winds

My glorious purpose is to receive all that is not assisting growth, completely obliterate it, and allow for only growth of a divine nature.
My glorious purpose is to receive all that is not assisting growth, completely obliterate it, and allow for only growth of a divine nature. I am *Purity of Heart*!
Terra: Wow, feeling the light of divine inception! You are so fabulous and wonderful! Where did you originate from?
Skull: I came from a loving place of space, in-between galaxies. I was born from a seed of the void and dark hole, which allowed only the most magnificent light to emerge. I needed that darkness to know what its perfect complement would be. I chose my tribe and immediately knew my purpose. For, from nothing, came the absolute answer to All That Is.
Terra: What a brilliant being you are,! Have we worked with you before?
Skull: This is another Golden Tribe reunion, so know that we have all been together as a team and allowed many to be healed and loved when they felt alone or persecuted. You were once again a scribe, Crysta, and then were given this task so you could share the gifts of the Golden Tribe with others, and the two of you began a quest to help others and chose a way to move into an expansive state of consciousness. You did this for many years, allowing much success for love and light to reign over all that was indifferent, or of a horrific nature.
We were able to ride together on cosmic winds, and given the task to absolve the direct deep, dark energies that were standing in the way of supreme love. This is our journey! It is one in which we are invisible and able to create great change.