*Remover of Negative Energy and Darkness* (#16G)

My name is *Remover of the Negative and Darkness*. I am able to travel to places far away and glimpse from above, giving you information you desire about dark areas.
Skull: My name is *Remover of the Negative and Darkness*. I am able to travel to places far away and glimpse from above, giving you information you desire about dark areas.
Unique Abilities: Addresses dark areas of the past and brings them back to the light and cleared. (psychic vampires, cords, contracts and attachments, curses, holograms*)
Obliterating Darkness
Skull: I love taking my students and admirers into dark corners of their own psyche and of places they have been before. (Past situations and past lives.) They may have participated in some scenario and need to undo this previous structure, and I assist that process. I make it easy for the transition to be smooth and for the psychic vampires* to be removed and obliterated. A previous incarnation may have created negative patterns in the individual. My ability as the remover of negative and darkness gives them freedom so they can rebuild and rebirth. They can rebuild and go back to the womb in essence, and leave that story behind. (Clearing past lives, agreements, curses, attachments)
Terra: My work also involves clearing clients and friends of the past of dark areas, which makes you a very valuable ally. I love and appreciate the idea that you are able to go right to what needs to be addressed, whether it’s entities, contracts, something detrimental that is still in place, as well as attachments.
Skull: My name is *Remover of the Negative and Darkness*. I am able to travel to places far away and glimpse from above, giving you information you desire about dark areas. Also areas in which it is night and there are illusive visions, or people and places who are trying to hide. This is my expertise ~ to see deeply into the darkness, and pick up the little innuendos that are left behind. My vision allows the trails to be exposed. If there is a multi-dimensional hologram* hiding something, I penetrate these, so you can see the truth of what has been hidden.
Spots and Cloud Angels

*Remover of Negativty and Darkness*
Skull: I have places in my skull that are like cloud formations. These are protective angels and entities that allow for the process to be ever so smooth ~ like the gliding wings on the air of bats. It is also to see deep into the recesses of areas in which others may only see the light, and easily skip over that which I have a vision for.
Terra: This, unfortunately is usually the norm, which does a great disservice to one that really wants to clear and transform, so they can move on, heal, open the 12 strands of DNA, and expand. It takes great courage to look at the dark areas of the past, and yet it is some of the most rewarding, and transforming thing one can do! How wonderful it is, that you are here to help!
A real Bat Head!
Bat Totem Carved on Head
Tracking Cords and Energies
Skull: My hearing is ever so acute, so I can hone in on any specifics of where there might be attached energies* out in the universe that also need to be removed or deleted. You can ask me for the tail end of the strings (cords) and I can show you the place, or you may be able to hear it, as I give you that ability to see or hear, depending on how you receive information. I am one of the shakers and movers of the Golden Tribe, as I fly like an eagle undetected. I also disappear into darkness and am not seen by the dark side, which gives me the ability to observe everything in their dark realms.
Terra: Can we sit and look into your eyes or rub the bat to look into the past?
Skull: Holding the bat and the base of the skull would be very good, for I see into the subconscious patterns. Looking into a photo, or rubbing it, or laying it on someone would be good as well. We have all been together and I have been the reason you are so fond of bats.
Golden Valley
Skull: I came from the undersides of a large tree near the waterfall, as I do indeed like to hang in trees (just like bats). I would often go for a flight for the Golden Tribe when others only wished to work with the heart-light. I would do some of the underbelly type of work to expose the undesirables. I was in the valley of the Golden Tribe and I came from a seed of various planets. One seed from a crystal planet.
My carver was amazed at the sensations he got when I asked to have a bat atop of my head. He had never done that before and it delighted him to no end.
Terra: There is a lot of work here to do. You must have been greatly honored?
Skull: I have been an overseer of my brothers, sisters and cousins there ~ and truly they are very appreciative. I also let them know when it was safe to come out and be seen. Blessings on our journey together! I am anxious to be put to work, for it truly is a reunion.