#1-*Crystalline Light & Spirit*
Meet a Crystalline Goddess — With Gifts and a Galactic Update By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”
G: Goddess
TR: Terra Rae
G: I am the essence of the Crystalline Universe, and I came from there to spread this incredibly delicious light. I am *Crystalline Light and Spirit*.
TR: How wonderful you feel. I do notice that you glow at times.
G: It is so easy for me to give others light – and to return their Spirit to them. What I do is illuminate the pathway to the heart and soul, so that the Divine connection can be returned or strengthened. #1-*Crystalline Light
TR: What can one expect to experience from you?
G: My journey has been just that! I make certain that the “illuminated” are given their illumination, as they are on that path already. I shine a beam of Galactic Goddess Light into them. Often this can make a person feel blissed into another level of being and thinking. So I make certain that they are ready to receive, and that they are asking for it, and that they are truly ready on all levels.
TR: How do you prepare someone for this amazing process?
G: Well, truly I do some heavy-duty clearing, as well, in preparation for this process. Looking at my photo can help you resonate with me, and bring the divine into the core of the being of light, so that you are able to create a magnet to the light of life.
Truly, the Stellar Skulls and the Goddesses work as two hands together, and when two brilliant minds come together, there is rarely separation. We are one!
So, I can help align the chakras, and help connect the upper chakras to Earth and her Spirit. I can help to align and connect the lower chakras to Divine Light, so that it all comes into an appropriate and significant balance. For some, this will be the first time in their life! Often a person may have an ego, and decide that they know what “is best,” and they may think that their way of “knowing” means they are aligned – yet I smack that right out of them. (This is merely a manner of speaking, of course.) So, this is all very special – and it can shake them up a bit, humble them, and then allow them to fall into a state of alignment and bliss. I make sure they know they are letting go of these ego restraints. They soon become much like a young child, learning something for the first time, and then realize that it all goes back to the basics of love, of spirit, of opening the heart, of letting down the barriers, of asking for the connection, and of allowing it truly to come forth – it is all about allowing.
TR: I like that! Can you tell us more about your role with the Stellar Skulls?
G: I bring so much energy to everywhere I go, that I do often lead a pathway of light to create a beacon, which illuminates the path for any Crystalline Skulls. This is the pathway for the Skulls to do their super duper work. They are such magnificent beings; I feel as though I should light up their pathway so they can be shown the way, and be honored, and given a light beam of love. This lets me gently give them security without being a smothering mom, although sometimes I do feel like their mom.
It is also my gift to light their pathway, as they are shining stars, almost like the entertainment “stars” on Earth who walk a certain red carpet. I give the Stellar Skulls a carpet that is illuminated among the asteroids, stars, and planets. I also have great foresight, so I can make certain that they travel in the correct directions. I understand that they have so many abilities themselves, yet we truly work as a team. We share knowledge, love, and spirit, and we create community together. What is unique about our relationship is that we can all ask each other for help, and fill in the gaps for each other where there may be some skills needed.
Insight on First Contact
TR: When I lived in Marin County, California and held the Circles of Light Network Events, in the mid 1980’s, I would lead group meditations. I often saw a Light-ship landing, and the doors would open, and some of the Ascended Masters would stroll down the ramp to greet us here on Earth. I was guided then to share these visions, leading them right through the experience. I know now that I was being shown First Contact, or The Welcoming, with the Light-ships lighting down. Can you comment on this idea and who will see this event?
G: We understand that it will create a great sense of calm among many, and those who are not able to understand will be the ones who will stand out and need the balancing. Some of them will just stay in a state of nonacceptance, and they will keep themselves in a very finite 3D world. The coming of the ascended ones will allow others who are ready to escalate and elevate themselves to other dimensions, and move that transition along rapidly. And that is where more Crystalline Goddesses and Skulls come in handy. So, it will spark the light in one, and then another – and the excitement and love will just build!
TR: Do you have a role in this event?
G: We are making certain that we are lighting many pathways for the Light-ships to come, in a certain grid-like fashion. When they come as ships-of-light in a grid formation, it helps to heal those on this planet – and the Earth herself. This is no small matter!
It is very exciting, and it is amazing we can contain ourselves in some of these 3D bodies, which are such magnificent sculptures. We understand that it all takes time, and in Goddess time capsules, this is nothing. So the time it took for us to speak with you is just a drop in the galactic pond. And as you know, we have been here for the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, and they are rather boisterous themselves, and have a lot to say!
How to Use This Goddess: *Crystalline Light and Spirit*
TR: If you are ready to call her in, connect your heart with hers with a golden infinity symbol. Breathe it in. We have had some amazing journeys and experiences with *Crystalline Light and Spirit*! The Stellar Skulls are big fans of the Goddesses and of these special journeys. Fortify your own Merkaba and ask to see or be taken somewhere special! (Check out our Merkaba article here: http://ow.ly/ZyiGS
G: This is an easy way to introduce you to raising your frequencies, so that moving upwards into a ship of light will not take a toll on your body. This is part of the “welcoming into the new light,” which is truly what the ships are bringing forth! It is more visible and physical when they appear, although the light and frequency on the Earth has been changing over the last several years. Blessings on these new adventures together!
Crystalline Goddess through the heart of Crysta.