Tag Archive for: #SaintGermain

Who Are You Really Channeling?


St. Germain (“Flame”)

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

I just read a recent article/blog by Greg Giles, Beyond Discernment – Who are the Authentic Channels?

Apparently, he fell victim to being “duped” by what he felt were the Freemasons of the Masonic Order who were channeling through him, while being told they were the Galactic Federation. Because of this situation he warned that every channel is being “duped or hoodwinked” ~ shall we say. He also stated that the GF is a fabrication of the Freemasons.
Not every channel is hoodwinked! The second sentence here couldn’t be further from the truth, although they may have done this to him and to others.

It’s time to address this, since I have been around channels and psychics since the early 1980s.
I will say that I have really seen a lot of strange and wondrous people and channels around this scene. I have been working for many years directly with the Galactic Federation of Light (GF), Ascended Masters, Archangels, Inner Earth Crew, Elementals and Gaia herself, along with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Crystalline Goddesses in our clearing work with “Team Earth”. We work with individuals, the planet and throughout this Galaxy. I shall expand upon this further. As “Team Earth” we don’t just “Channel” words from the other side of the veil, from Fifth, Seventh and Ninth dimensional beings. We work directly with them to truly clear the dark, nefarious traps, devices, implants and just about anything that doesn’t belong around an individual or area. Most individuals have no idea that this nefarious 5D of dark ‘stuff’ is there. It was put there to trip one up, program and influence a person as much as they can.

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