Working with Oceans and Connecting to Dolphin Aspects
Meet *Voice of the Oceans* to Clear the Oceans, Meeting your Dolphin Aspect

Very Playful and dolphin-like!
Welcome to our first Newsletter with
“The Crystalline Stellar Skulls!”
Meet *Voice of the Oceans*
Find your dolohin aspect.
Awaken to other Universes.
Hi there, I am Terra Rae of “Team Earth.”
I have had the grand experience of being reacquainted with a whole tribe of angelic, heartfelt, galactic, sentient beings ~ the Crystalline Stellar Skulls. They have been with us since the beginning of time, and have just made their reappearance here on Earth.
These sentient Stellar Skulls are here to assist with Gaia, the people of Earth, and others in this galaxy to clear the darkness, making way for the opening, clearing and activation needed for First Contact and Ascension. They move through all dimensions, and they have knowledge of all civilizations, with skills and tools for every level of expanding. There is nothing they cannot address. They love being asked!
I would like to introduce you to *Voice of the Oceans*, who is from the Crystalline and Rainbow Universes. Read more