Opening and Clearing the Heart

With Magical Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Glyphs
By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Here is one of the amazing Stellar Skulls that can assist in pulling you out of a rut and into a more vibrant and active state. She has come to make herself known at this time along with many other Crystalline Stellar Skulls (CSS), to assist with clearing and opening those who want assistance.

19K – *Spirit of Life and Joy* and her “Spirit” Glyph

 She also has an amazing glyph on her noggin. This is a seventh-dimensional, angelic Language of Light. The Stellar Skulls are like angels here on Earth, and they all have very special abilities they want to share. Since the glyphs come from the 7th dimension, they – as well as the Stellar Skulls – are able to come to you in a blink, once you invite them in. They like being called in to work or play with you, so as not to interfere with your free will. When working with the “Spirit” glyph, it can fly off the skull to work through and around you or to wherever it is sent.

New Relationships

This amazing being of light can assist with clearing a fear of opening to a new relationship, or, possibly something that is blocking the relationship you may desire. You also may want to expand a relationship you are already in.

She can help clear the armor from your heart, so you can magnetize to you a new partner, a new friend or associate, or even a family of light. She loves to bring joy and expansion into your life. How fun is that?

*Spirit of Life and Joy*

CSS: Often there is a block, wound or injury, and you may not understand this. It is a level of hardened armor that has built up. So you operate with this shield over your heart, and are not fully aware that your true heart-light and heart-essence – the soul of the heart – is not beating fully.

If you invite in my presence in, my glyph and I act as a team. We gently come inwards and whisk out any foreign interference that has been standing in your way. It may feel like a whirling, spinning dervish of love ~ warm, and gently moving upwards and out. You can do this now if you like.

Terra: Here is some extra tips on working with a glyph – which are like keys, since they can open much!You may want to sit and tone with some deep breathing while calling her into your heart, especially in the beginning. Just state her name and invite her glyph’s name right into your heart. Sound tools, such as crystal or Tibetan Bowls are helpful. Tuning forks and tingsha chimes are also good to help move the energy blocking the heart and from your cells as you tone.

CSS: It may feel like your heart is being cuddled a bit, and some hormones are being released. Your body may be warmed and your torso (whether sitting or standing) may begin to move in a clockwise direction. This is the very gentle, loving release that we provide.

You may begin to get a vision or two, which you definitely may wish to address later. We allow the cells to release and to refill with light, so that the integrity of the magnificence of the heart can be fully felt.

As these sensations arise, breathe into them. It may be key for you to then create an intention or a vision of what you truly desire. Notice the feeling that goes with this. We then spin this (your intention or vision) out into the universe, so you become a loving magnetic force, for a “like” vibration. You can do this daily so that you realign all of these new light-filled heart cells, which are now pulsing at a new higher frequency. Doing this every day for awhile, possibly twenty-one days, allows you to clear a lot and feel your brilliance.

You can place our photo in front of you, or on you, to create this new level of magnification. We become like an active, walking meditation – allowing our stellar angelic wings to guide you, and lift you in this harmonic vibration. Truly ~ we dance with you! We make it simple. Notice the change. It will happen very soon! Are you ready?

You can also send my energy to a person or place. If you are using my photo, just use my essence, and I will help to equalize and balance the areas that are in need. I use my intuition as I arrive to save the day! Picture me in a cape!

What to Look for and Expect

Terra: When working with the Stellar Skulls, you may get a rush of energy and feel a spinning sensation, or wave of energy, even though you are not in the

meditation at that moment. Its very common, and part of the opening. You may even see the glyph spinning through and around you! You may also want to draw the glyph and add their names to it. Pin it on the wall, or over your bed, or in the car for your reminder to call in *Spirit of Life and Joy* and her “Spirit” glyph. This is also calling forth a vibrant light from the 7th dimension. For those of you who are “seers,” you may even see the Stellar Skull or the glyph show up before you.

You can also visualize the glyph out in front of you. It may change sizes, and it may start spinning. Then call it into your heart. Sometimes I have seen it spin in, spin down and then spin all the way up and out.

You may want to journal the sensations and feelings, as well as the visions you get. You will also most likely have some very interesting dreams. So journal these as well, and more will be revealed.

Enjoy the experience, and remember to breathe often, since this is key. Don’t forget to have fun, and be in gratitude

#1K *Keeper of Earthly Angelic Light*

Glyph – Heavenly Light on Earth”

I am so happy to introduce myself as the *Keeper of Earthly Angelic Light*.

My symbol states exactly that, “Heavenly Light on Earth.” We continue to inspire individuals and groups ~ as I have been on the many journeys that “Team Earth” has been sending us to work with the Galactic Team for so many missions. It is easy for me to create the heavenly light within another, or a group. For I light above them and allow their hearts to open to a sacred space. It can immediately ground from the heart into the Earth, so that it feels strong and cleansing.

I have an equal blend of masculine and feminine – for more than one Angelic Presence resonates through me – so I come in a loving, harmonious and balanced nature.


Sometimes the brightness of my light is rather ticklish to individuals – and sometimes it is so potent. If they have strayed from the incredibly delicious light, then they may feel as if they need to sit or lie down. It does indeed affect different people in different ways. It may be suggested that we go in through a filter for some who are frail. (So, if you are frail, or haven’t been in the Light for a long time, she will put up an invisible filter while working with you. You can also ask for one as well.)  

I inspire individuals and groups, for I light above them, when sent, and allow their hearts to open to a sacred space. It can immediately ground from the heart into the Earth – so that it feels strong and cleansing.

Terra: Where did you come from?

CSS: It was easy for me to come to this planet. I was chosen with the essence of the Void of Light, the Red Universe and the Golden Universe – so it does create an orange color. This form of jade comes from the healing heart of angels, too. I came from the wings of the ancient Light Beings, and was presented to another carver in Asia who again could feel my magnificent heart.

I am pretty much all heart – which can be slightly explosive or implosive to those who are not familiar with that incredible essence of light. It can be quite a galactic journey for those who have repeatedly come back as a dark figure. I may have an unassuming presence with my visual carving, but I am so potent within the heart, that it can be such a delight, or such a powerful journey, that some may not know what hit them.


The Task of Heart Healing and Becoming an Earth Angel

CSS: I can be given the task of heart-healing, with my photo or with the contact of my glyph ~ or I can even be sent with intention, for most of the Crystalline Stellar Skulls do work remotely. (from a distance)


It is as easy as pie! As a team of skulls, we make it easy for you to work with us on all levels. We like to make it very simple in the event someone is attracted to us, needs our healing or tools – and must have our heart essence. You can do this with a photo if you can’t actually be in our presence. We want you to be able to access your own innate abilities – which is just precisely what Stellar Skulls assist you doing. The incredible Crystalline Stellar Skulls bring about the Spirit and the Earth in any person who wishes it – so you are able to feel them as your own angels on Earth.


Terra: How would you like to have us send you in?

CSS: It is easy for me to be sent with the wings of any of the other Stellar Skulls (so you can call in both of these amazing beings to fly together). I can be sent individually as well, for my spirit and strength all come through visual impressions of me. You can access me through gazing at, or the rubbing of my glyph. It is a strong symbol, and those who have strayed in the darkness will find it uncomfortable, or too hot to the touch. (Especially since the Skulls only work in and for the Light.)


CSS: For some, I will connect them so strongly to the Angelic Heart Essence that they will begin to hear a song – or break out of a previous barrier and melt into love. This light may take on the form of tears, or releasing stagnant energy that may be congealing in the form of a dis-ease. It could be potent for someone who is really hurting from a state of dis-ease, to come into the Light.


Terra: What might they possibly feel?

CSS: It can be sudden – and individuals can move into a state of limbs quivering, or organs pulsing. It could be something they may not have been in touch with. Thus, the clearing can be at a significant rate, and they can be very surprised that they were not in touch with that aspect of themselves.


I do have a gentle soothing nature in my color healing. So, I soothe your being with the incredible magic I possess, gently into your auric or etheric bodies.

I can be given the task of heart-healing, with my photo or with the contact of my glyph – or even sent with your intention.


Terra: While you have been reading this, you may have been thinking of a person, a family member, an activist group or a political arena that might be served with more of an open heart. It would benefit the greater good if there were more heart openings, healed hearts and heart-mind decisions made. These two brilliant beings, #19K -*Spirit of Life and Joy* and her “Spirit” Glyph, along with  #1K -*Keeper of Earthly Angelic Light* and his Glyph – Heavenly Light on Earth, would be glad to assist. So, send them in!

Stellar Skulls through Crysta of “Team Earth”

Stellar Glyphs are available as handmade pendants.