Tag Archive for: #DivineFeminine

Soul Connecting with Goddess Gaia

 by Terra Rae and Crysta of “Team Earth”

Grounding to the Heart of Gaia

 Terra: You can do this before your meditation, while out for a walk, or when you are sitting at your desk. It only takes a moment and feels relaxing, centering and delightful!

~ Breathe deeply into your body with a few deep breaths.

~ Close your eyes and breathe a color right into your heart. Pink or green feels good. Using a Rainbow Ray or sparkling white is very uplifting, and a bit of a rush!

~ On the next breath, send a sparkling ball of this colorful light from your heart, right down through your body, to the bottoms of your feet. Feel this.

~ Send this straight to the heart of Gaia ~ The Earth-heart.

~ She will send up her energy, straight up to you, sometimes with color. Just feel it, since she knows what color you need.

~ Feel it come up from your feet right to your heart. Breathe this in. It’s a wonderful feeling!

~ Fill your heart-center with this warm radiance, then let it move through your heart and expand through your chest – and then into your whole body, as you breathe it through. Humming or toning works magnificently to enhance this juicy experience.

~ Now, take another deep breath. Visualize you are sending your light around the entire magical Crystalline Grid of Earth. Tone this out, and send colors with your breath and positive intentions.

Gaia has been amping up the game. Know in your heart and soul that you are making incredible changes with your participation.

Gaia is Delighted and Activated When You Ground to Her Heart!

Gaia: It is my divine pleasure as your Gaian Goddess here to be part of this process – and the uncertainty can indeed be healed with love, appreciation, gratitude and a deep connection to my heart.

I am now using the glorious, brilliant multi-verse energies to eradicate the darkness, to bring forth my own Divine Feminine and exhilarating my blessed being. I extend this to all of you!

This is a new potent vibrancy that will serve your hearts, your immune system and especially your connection to me.

We are all poised and ready to help each other heal.

Together we can give others the ability to be part of the change of the cellular paradigm throughout the planet. Using cosmic light through our hearts can assist planetary and humanity healing.

Together as a team, we can help to cleanse the atmosphere with stardust-filled light and with multi-verse light. We can do this by grounding and sending energy out through our hearts, with your assistance and with you grounding to my heart.

This is a new potent vibrancy that will serve your hearts, your immune system and especially your connection to me.

My ability to serve all is my true purpose. Also, as the disharmonies have been happening throughout Planet Earth, I have maintained strength, honor, and the Divine Goddess energy to soothe all living beings – whether animals, plants, or people – or even the vibrant elements here — to create peace, harmony and connection. This is a guiding light as it soothes and eases the heart, mind and spirit.

Connecting Your Soul

All of this translates to having a connected soul and being a part of the magical light grid around the planet – and within myself – as a living, loving, flowing, sacred Goddess of Light. So as you all connect to this Goddess, and the Spirit and the Earth-Heart energy of mine, this connection provides transformation, light, love, energy and calm.

The calming energy needs your magnificent hearts and minds. And as we all radiate peace and a blessing of light, this strengthens the healing grid, serving all of humanity – rounding out the rough edges, allowing all to be part of humankind’s own divine and earthly plan.

So just being, just breathing deeply, and just grounding – are all part of World Peace. And I am an expert on that!

(She is chuckling here!)

This is one magnificent start – to start at the beginning. It becomes a group healing, as it is ever so true that as you heal and feel your heart and magnificence within, you are serving the Global consciousness. This starts with you! It is the most important “button” to press – the starting point – and going from there, expanding out, to not only all of your organs and chakras, to each and every one of your cells. Feeling the peace and connection is the ultimate experience of a group consciousness that is elevating and bringing up my own resonance. Know that you are healing the planet right now – and “It feels delicious!”

So this is one beginning to use and to move forward with. Come back to this place should you forget and move into fear or worry, with the unstoppable list of questions you may have. How does your heart feel when you breathe deeply and connect with me?

Well, this is a success, my dears! You are feeling that it is a truly wonderful, deep-hearted connection, as it is.

And this is what others feel should they be breathing, using the light of the grid, my Heart-Light – the light of the universal flow and that of the multi-verse.

Sparkling Rainbow Robe of Light

I have reached outwards to use multi-verse healing energies to bring in a greater, well-rounded, divine essence of love and light.

This is part of the energy that may create a calm robe around your shoulders. It has every color of the rainbow, plus tones and tints and many sparkling lights. Breathe it in fully, and exhale fully.

This is electrical and grounding, creating a swath of light for all to connect and feel nurtured. This is truly a level of Divine Feminine serving many while serving the consciousness to be more well-rounded. This is a great place to play – and I am here to give you this message of encouragement and resilience, of being strong and feeling your innermost and outermost workings. Your breath is the key here. Be at one. Be at Peace and more peace will flow inwards.

Your guiding light here – Gaia,
or should I say Goddess Gaia?!

Downloaded through Crysta of “Team Earth”

BIO: “Team Earth” clears Past-lives, Contracts, Entities and whatever does not belong in, on or around you – such as, Implants and Curses. We clear all aspects of you! Do you want a deeply profound transformation from Advanced Healers? Call us for a chat or an appointment. Get yourself Cleared to the Core to prepare for Ascension and First Contact!

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Who are the Magdalenes?

Grounding the LightWho Are the Magdalenes?
by Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Maybe you are one! This writing may strike a chord deep within your heart and soul. It surely will raise a lot of questions, and this is always good. In the past few decades I have had many clients come to me that either thought they were Magdalene, or had been told this by others.

It’s time to get this clarified. I found these folks to be confused, since they then thought they were Mary Magdalene, from 2000 years ago. 

As we grew up, and many of us were going to different churches, they would teach that Mary Magdalene was a whore and a harlot. How convenient of the “Dark Side” to alter the Bible so many times, removing any of the Magdalene and female teachings, making Mary to be weak and in need of great repentance, with Mary Magdalene being the bad girl. Read more