Tag Archive for: #Dragons

Meet Some Crystalline Stellar Dragons

Name: *Seeker of Dragons* #3D

Glyph or Totem: Dragon shape skull

Origin: Crystalline Universe

CSD: Crystalline Stellar Dragon

CSD: I am the *Seeker of Dragons*. I find their paths and seek them out to return to their original guardians. Some of the Dragons went from Light to Dark, and before the transition ritual, they need to be able to be found and then allowed to return to the Light, and even come back from whence they came.

I make this transition possible. I also assist the Dragons in coming back to their original divine beings, in the event they were taken or captured, or something happened to them.

TR: If a Dragon was killed does it just come back?

CSD: I can retrieve it from other dimensions, as there have been times when the wizardry captured the dragon and kept them secluded in another dimension. Some fall away and are indeed done with their time on Earth or in another galactic area. They have more than one life at times. Each Dragon tells a different story.

One Dragon may come back with their guardian and the one they guard. It is a bit of a symbiotic relationship life after life.

Perhaps an individual has gone to the dark side and the Dragon has not gone with, and for one reason or not been able to protect them. This has happened. I can assist them in coming back to their being and making sure the individual is in the light in this lifetime, so they can be reunited.

TR: Where have you come from?
CSD: I have come from the Crystalline Universe and I am a definite Warrior of Light. I am masculine – that is my nature. I phase from being a Dragon in nature to the skull from the Crystalline Universe, as you see me now.

Called in to Assist
CSD: There are times when a Dragon knows it must be in an appropriate place and I get called in to assist, with either the transition or helping to reunite the Dragon with the original being they were assigned to

TR: How do you feel if someone wants their Personal Light Dragon back?                                                                                                         CSD: I go out on my magical journey and fly the vast expanses and target where they may be on any dimension and guide them back.

TR: Can you get someone their Dragon if they are not cleared of devices?                                                                                                     CSD: Some can handle the Dragon energy and some need it to get them to where they can be cleared. A Dragon can provide a lifeline for some. As each case may be different. Some will feel or see or hear their dragons as they return and some really may not be able to handle the energy. There is a mutual agreement on both ends, with the Dragon and the being, so it is self-evident before I even enter the picture. I understand if it is truly something I can assist with or not. Dragons are always busy, as you know. We are ready to assist with any safekeeping of the Earth, and helping to bring about a peaceable kingdom with the Light-ships and the Earth beings. Some Dragons truly just want to guard the galaxies and have no attachment to beings on Earth.

 TR: A person’s Dragon is still there not affected or attacked by dark Dragons?                                                                                              CSD: Some Dragons are like Stellar Skulls, and reside in another dimension ready to come when needed. So yes – it is hard to speak about in certain timelines. They have a purpose and cannot be set about for attack. There is always a level of integrity and intention and this is their livelihood. The Ascended Masters assist with the Dragon’s evolution from egg to creation when it is needed.                                                        TR: Can you get a Dragon out of restraints or rescue them?                  CSD: I seek them out and can facilitate release. Sometimes I call in specific Dragon Tamers or others who release the binding or cages. I cannot bring back a dark dragon for anyone.

Inner Dragons

Part of my joyful nature is bringing back the Dragon within a person. Often we need our Inner Dragons activated. I activate that crystalline structure within the being. We can all resonate on a higher frequency when our Inner Dragons are activated.

TR: Do we have some that need to be activated?

CSD: We can truly connect the dots so you can feel them more. Your personal Inner Dragon reactivates some timelines from when you were Crystalline before and allows you to feel this transition from 3D to your Crystalline Self. So, it provides a structure for you to fill in. We can go through this process so you can sense it and describe it. It also activates a stellar grid within you and within the Space-Time Universe you are in, so you can attract those who are looking for similar goals.

It is easy for me to activate inner dragons for groups of people, yes. The release and return of your Inner Dragon can give you an immediate sensation of rejuvenation, resilience, and being able to accomplish more with what you have as well as bring in your tribe. It is a bit like connecting the points of light around you and creating a constellation of energy much like the star constellation you see in your galaxy. This is quite an experience, and it is important.

Inner Stardust
You do call me into your heart and I expand from there. You will feel the inner stardust activating and enhancing your resonance, so you feel the difference. Imagine there is a constellation of an actual Dragon within you.

Without the Etheric Clearing and retrievals having been completed the sensations and full activation of the stellar constellation on Earth and between tribe members will be much less and the sensation will be minimal.

TR: We generally don’t bring forth a personal Dragon till the Clearing to the Core work is done. The high-dimensional Dragons don’t want to set off any devices in the person if not cleared. I decided to bring forth this 5D and 7D Inner Dragon activation to give you a feeling of what they do and possibly how it feels. They just said you may not feel much if not cleared.



CSD: 5D and 7D Activation for Inner Dragon Essence is a stardust activation that brings vibrancy to chakras, creating a constellation of your glands that light up. So each cell can take you to the stars and prepare you for your personal dragon. So bring my heart-light into yours – use your breath- ground and center.

See each cell bringing forth a smiling white dragon. Feel your heart expanding out ~ notice how each cell then reaches for the stars. (go through the chakras here from the top down. You will notice each chakra becoming more vibrant, like every organ and inch of your body, the cells, the blood, and bones become like white light with the essence of the blue in the stars ~ and this is the nature of the Blue Ray. When the Dragon essence returns, you will see the sparkle and a silver or platinum element enters. The tingles come to your extremities: toes, fingers, head, ears. You can imagine yourself as a Dragon emerging from an egg, making a sound, expanding your wings. See this re-ignition within, moving outwards, creating lots of sparkling stardust ~ creating points of light around you.

CSD: #13D-*Light Being of Divine Dragons* Yes, many people have been clearing energies for 20, 30, 40, and 50 years, yet if it is not released from dark dimensions and many pathways trailing back to previous lives, and into the Inner Earth, and outward into the galaxy then it is time! And that is why there is a level of Crystalline Beings here to assist. It is not about being bigger or better, it is about being of the most genuine authentic service assisting the light grid to come forth in the greatest magnitude for all.

CSD: I can be felt while you sleep, as can other Crystalline Dragons. I can indeed be seen in clouds and that is also magnified just like you may sense a Light Ship. We have to simulate energy. When you sense or question a cloud shape as Dragon-like ask for a sign within and around you for verification. You can feel that there is a level of recognition. And for this same reason when you sense there is perhaps a light ship hiding in a cloud, know we will also be close by as we are great protectors.

Because we are crystalline in nature we cannot work with just any carved skull. We are only familiar with the Crystalline resonance and in particular, we choose our tribe – the Crystalline Stellar Skulls – so we are one and the same. We have a reason for being a part of the Ascension plan, as it is to gradually lift the vibration of as many as possible so they choose a life of leading, and light-working, and choosing how they can be of service. This is all about lifting oneself as well as others and letting go of the ego, allowing the Crystalline Team to come forth and serve and create a level of change necessary no matter how out-of-this-world and of another dimension it may seem.

TR: Here’s another powerhouse!

#2D *Dragon Warrior* Totem: “Wings of Glory”

CSD: I am a dragon warrior. That is my name,*Dragon Warrior*. And my totem? I am masculine and my totem is oh so feminine. She has wings of glory. I call her “Glory”. She introduced herself to me as *Wings of Glory* and we have been bonded at the heart ever since.

Her skills have always been to oversee and light, right into the core of any situation. She shines her brilliant light from her heart outwards to spotlight all that may be askew or awry. She then assists me to focus on how to penetrate that area, release anything that is out of the ordinary, or not permitting growth and enlightenment, and then I move in and right it all.

I have superpowers to completely eradicate or gently erase, depending upon what energy or force is needed, any darkness or blocks, which can be in people, communities, and even galaxies. We do not play around and we focus as a team ever-so-intently to come in and work and play in such a way, that we can work as superheroes.



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Dragons Speak!

Personal Light Dragons Personal Dragons that align with a particular individual are able to drop down to 7D and 5D to be closer to 3D. This way they can protect and watch over the individual and their family. The individual can also learn to fly on them and ask to safely check out Earth, other planets […]