Who are the Magdalenes?
Who Are the Magdalenes?
by Terra Rae of “Team Earth”
Maybe you are one! This writing may strike a chord deep within your heart and soul. It surely will raise a lot of questions, and this is always good. In the past few decades I have had many clients come to me that either thought they were Magdalene, or had been told this by others.
It’s time to get this clarified. I found these folks to be confused, since they then thought they were Mary Magdalene, from 2000 years ago.
As we grew up, and many of us were going to different churches, they would teach that Mary Magdalene was a whore and a harlot. How convenient of the “Dark Side” to alter the Bible so many times, removing any of the Magdalene and female teachings, making Mary to be weak and in need of great repentance, with Mary Magdalene being the bad girl.
In actuality, most of the tribe that was with Yeshua had set this event up eons earlier to come in together at that time, and are of what I call The Magdalene Line. It took a group of highly committed and trained powerhouses of Light to come together during that dark, confusing and overshadowed time, to bring forth the true teachings of Light.
The Marys
Mary Magdalene represented and held, as she does today, the Divine Feminine, not just on this planet but in this universe. The whole group was bringing in the Divine Feminine to be anchored upon the Earth, including Yeshua and the other Marys. When people feel strongly about Magdalene, it may be because they are “a Magdalene” as well, who also made the commitment to bring forth much greatness. Not everyone made the commitment!
When I refer to “The Marys” this includes the four women who were very close to #Yeshua 2000 years ago, as well as today, since they actually show up together when we call them in. (This happens quite regularly, since we put them to work a lot!)
They include #Anna, Yeshua’s grandmother (Mother Mary’s Mother), and his cousin #Miriam, daughter of Mary’s sister, who was raised together with Yeshua. (She too was a grand healer and teacher.)
The one you know as #MaryMagdalene, who became Yeshua’s wife, was and is a master teacher of the Essene Light teachings, to both the disciples and the flocks of followers.
And yes, there was quite a bloodline that came from this tribe of magnificent Beings. This was the plan. Many escaped to France, anchoring in their Light. They moved to England, and visited Wales, Scotland and elsewhere, to again anchor in the Light and awaken people to the Christ Consciousness Teachings. You may also know these as the Origin Teachings of Light.
(Mary Heartsong’s beautiful books are through the voice of Anna, and gives a lot of insight into their their journey back then. Anna was in the physical for over 600 years at that time preparing for Yeshua and “The Marys.”)
Time-Space Universe
So, what does that mean, you may ask?
A very long time ago in this “Time-Space Universe,” which was set up to be a polarity universe to gather greater understanding of ‘all that is,’ a very powerful, dedicated and well-trained group of Light Beings stepped forth when the dark side of the polarity was overtaking quite a bit of the creations of light throughout the whole universe.
These beings are holders of Christ Consciousness right within their DNA. Many of them came from different universes to help set this one up, since they had been integral in bringing some of the other universes into balance, before starting this one. Many of you who are reading this are also from some of these amazing Light Universes, as are The Crystalline Stellar Skulls. Some of you made a commitment to the Light, all the way back then. These beings of Light knew that it would take some pretty huge, and well thought-out, powerful plans and dynamic ideas set in place, with a big commitment to bring this universe and Earth into the true balance of the Divine Christ Consciousness Light.
Earth’s Creation
Earth was created through the loins of one of these beautiful and most powerful Magdalene beings, who had been around for 100,000 years in that incarnation. She came into this “Time Space Universe” from the “The Rainbow Universe” and saw that we needed a place for the full expression of the Divine Feminine.
Our first full form in density was on Avyon, in the Constellation of Lyra. We had created a most beautiful planet with much water and many lifeforms. It had two moons and we were thriving for quite awhile there, exploring the polarity game and creation. I call it Blue Star-Born, since we created it with our Blue Ray from the stars. Because of revenge, hatred, the misuse of power, and big infiltration from the dark agenda, Avyon was blown up.
Being near the Pleiades, this Magdalene being, an amazing goddess of Light, shot a new planet into the constellation that holds Sirius. It had many similarities to Avyon, since so many of us loved Avyon so much we were longing for her Blue Star-Born beauty.
Many stepped up to start the polarity game there, to see if all could live in harmony and balance, with many types of lifeforms, including reptilian. This planet, named Tiamat back then, was kept secret for a long time, to see if the balance of polarity would work. It actually worked for quite awhile until the nefarious ones I call the “dark wizards” sent in dark reptilians to infiltrate with lies and deception, shift the balance, and conquer Tiamat.
That blessed planet was then blown up, and some of us who loved her so much, brought her here to this far end of the galaxy to try our best to reshape her and heal her. She used to be three times this size. Gaia holds the Divine Feminine for this Galaxy. She is a Divine Mother of great magnitude. Since our Team works directly with her, I will tell you, that in the past She had been very giving, tolerant and lenient, but now She is really tired of the abuse.
The Blue Ray

Mary Magdalene
The story is, as the *Crystalline Stellar Skulls* shared with us, upon my exploring this subject further, that many of the Magdalenes, including the Marys and Anna’s bloodline, are related on a soul-spirit level. But, not all of them! This is still a cellular recognition of the Christ Consciousness.
There are men in this line, though it does not mean it is of Yeshua. It means it is a brilliant blue, white, silvery Ray of Light. It is as brilliant as Mary, as Anna, as Miriam, as Magdalene and as Yeshua. It is that pure, healing, original light. It is that which our beloved planet Gaia came in on, as our cosmos was meant to have. It is the brightest of the bright, and the healing, high-fifth-dimensional vibration. These Magdalene and Mary lineages were created with this light, and they carry it with them.
Unfortunately, many of them do not know it is within them if they are not tuned into a certain spiritual consciousness. They forgot their plan, and their agreement to do some big things here to awaken the masses, heal the planet and even the galaxy. Many get tripped up at every turn.
What Happened to the Magdalenes?
The Stellar Skulls added, as we have seen this to be so true, that many of those who are in a great deal of turmoil right now may not have ever asked, “Am I one of the Marys, or in this Magdalene Line?” And truth be told, they have been having a difficult time, life after life, because they came in as part of this Christ-and-Mary lineage of the blue and silver-white Ray of Light. They were hit hard, and then harder and then hardest by the dark side, or dark wizards as I refer to the big ones, since they invented the nefarious wizardry.
They have been hit hard, all because their light was recognized! These are the ones who need the most light-healing, to the core of their being, so they can once again rise to the top and reclaim their brilliance. Many of them just can’t move forward and are tripped up if they do. We have seen their beautiful projects and creations go nowhere, or just fizzle away. Some try not to make any waves at all, so as to feel as if something is “just not right”, and may have accidents, or physical situations that they just can’t heal.
I asked Archangel Metatron recently, just how many of the Magdalene Line are here in the physical on Earth? He thinks that there are between 150,000 to 200,000. It is hard to get an exact number since, unfortunately, most are asleep. Many of our families in The Galactic Federation of Light are also Magdalenes. Some of them are real superheroes!
We have noticed that when one is open to receiving this information, often a light bulb of awareness goes on. Sometimes one may be attuned to it when there is a healing crisis, and they become a magnificent healer either for themselves or for another. It may give them the incentive to get healed to the core of their soul, and be a part of the dynamic global change. That is exactly what happened to me over thirty years ago, when blue pin lights came out of my hands, to assist someone!
Since we, as “Team Earth,” do the kind of deep clearing it takes to awaken those hardest hit, we see incredible difficulties fall away for a new chance at life, and being part of the global change when their brilliance is brought forth and reactivated.
We work with people all the time who are amazed to find that they had been master creators, or could sing up creative forces with their voice, or still have an elemental or fairy language within them that had been distorted, and now can be used again. Many of these Light Beings danced, played and created with *The Crystalline Stellar Skulls* as well, though this was long forgotten.
People are amazed to see themselves able to bring whole communities into a thriving, co-creating life force. Our whole Galactic Team now realizes that the stronger the light someone has been, the harder they have been hit by the dark side.
One woman we worked with recently, found that she had been one of the original master creators of Lemuria here on Earth. Her response was, “Me? Little old me?”
My response to her was, “Yes you are old, quite ancient dear woman, and there is nothing little about you! You are indeed a Magdalene!” (When I first met her a few years back, she was dying, and now she is thriving!)
Stellar Skulls: “Most of them, the Magdalenes, are on some path that is directing them. They just need to open their eyes, ears, minds and hearts to this level of knowledge. And, some of the *Crystalline Stellar Skulls* can awaken this among many!”
Mary Magdalene, in response to the above article: “This is written quite well, indeed!
And it is true that I came in and chose a path of bold determination. This is truly the Magdalene lineage of moving forward without any interference, and speaking and doing what has been given to one as a Path of Light. No matter how far, as you would say, “out of the box” it may seem, one must move forward. It is key to listen specifically to the heart, and hear what is of pure light always asking for divine, grounded guidance. The Crystalline Stellar Skulls have one such key, and that is specifically the opening of this sacred vessel: the heart.
I came up against a lot of obstacles and opinions of me and my action, so truly now, in present day on Earth, your moving forward declaring a path of light may seem a lot easier.
What is standing in your way, I might ask? What is standing in the way of these “Magdalenes”: many of these others who have chosen this path, or this line of thinking, namely ‘The Lineage”?
THIS is the time to take your stand, claim your power and speak your heart. Move on this NOW! You have my support, encouragement and backing. Feel me as just that! I have your back, and I am standing behind you, blessed ones. Choose NOW!”
With my cherished heart-light,
Mary Magdalene
Voice of the Stellar Skulls, Metatron and Mary Magdalene ~ through the heart of Crysta
If you want to meet these amazing, heart-filled beings of light, they’re waiting for you!
This article was published in the SEDONA Journal of EMEREGENCE.
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