Galactic Ascots

The Team Earth girls have a large Galactic Team we have been working with for about sixteen years. This includes Merlin, Metatron, Michael, St. Germain (Flame), Yeshua and the Marys, a troop of Crystalline Lady Ascended Masters, and The Galactic Federation of Loving Light (GF), and more. We are Galactic Scanners and Trackers. All of us have become very close and honed in on our skills of clearing everything nefarious that came before us on and in Earth, and out in space.

When Benny and Pea moved here when I rented my casita, I knew immediately that Benny had lived here before as Freddy. That was his name when I first had him. The Team had said he was coming back. He even looked just like him and did quirky things, like Freddy. Skullies called him Freddy – Benny! When the gal started a job, Benny would climb to a windowsill and scratch his way out the screen, jump to the deck, and head to my door, barking to come in. So, he lived here during the day and back to the casita to sleep. He was so happy to be here I had a little dog door that he came and went from. I didn’t have fenced-in yards, and he never ran off.

He was at my feet always, unless we were out walking and watching ship clouds. When in the Temple Room with Stellar Skulls, he loved laying down so he could touch at least three large skulls and me. Benny was always there when we were working. Sweet Pea moved in as well since they grew up together. I could tell she could see some of the Team when she would be looking above and over my head. The three of us took walks together till we had a season with a lot of coyotes. Sometimes I’d see one not too far, and turn around and would yell to run, and off we went. It was like a big game, that we all loved!

Eventually, the gal decided to move to New York, thinking she would take them both across the country, even though she hadn’t asked friends or family if they could stay when she arrived. When I insisted, she called them and asked if it was all right, and they all said no. So, I insisted they stay right here and move in. They had a lot of fun chasing each other around when I wasn’t working.

We worked outside a lot on the big clearings, and they were both right there keeping guard. A cat moved in with the next tenant and Pea would not let her in the yard when we worked. It was her job to protect us. I had the good fortune to have them with me for around eight years. Not long enough! Benny loved sitting with me in my easy chair, and Pea would curl up there claiming it when I wasn’t using it. Both liked to sit and watch out the big window on the back of the loveseat together.

Who Are All These Dogs?

I want to add another piece here before I continue with my best friends. About fifteen years ago, my Dad was getting ready to pass. Mom and I went down to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona to be with him as he went into a coma. He had already put it in the will, not to regenerate him if he did go into coma land. Mom wasn’t buying it and wanted me to stay till he awakened. A couple of weeks earlier, I was at their home in Prescott,  and read out loud to Mom one of the books from the psychic, Sylvia Brown on animals and where they go after passing. Mom couldn’t read anymore due to Macular Degeneration. She and my dad had many dogs throughout their lives. Sylvia explained that usually, dogs go to a special area after passing, with many dogs who are playing and have people come and visit, preparing to come back in. Same with the cats, and other domesticated animals.

So, Mom and I hung out with Dad, till one morning after many days, Dad just popped awake. He looked at me and said, “What are you doing here?”

Mom said, “Donald we have been waiting for you to wake up.”

Dad says, “Hey , I thought I went to the other side. I told you before I didn’t want to come back if I left!”

Mom was shocked and said, “We have been waiting for you for days now.”

Dad gets riled up and says “But what about all these dogs? Who’s going to take care of the dogs? There are so many of them! Let’s call someone for the dogs.”

Mom says, “Donald, there are no dogs!”

I say, “Mom, I’ll handle this. You already forgot what I recently read you!”

I said to Dad, “Yes, there are lots of dogs, and they are all OK. You were just with them and now you stepped away. You will see them again later Dad. They are all being taken care of. He finally calmed down, and decided to stick around for a while.

Benny and Pea and the Beams of Light

One day Benny didn’t want to go down the driveway for a walk, and I could tell he was sick. I called the mobile vet and they confirmed he was very sick, and to take him that day to the only hospital in our area about an hour and fifteen minutes away. I had no idea I wouldn’t be bringing him home. He was full of tumors and one of them burst. They said another could burst and he would choke on the fluids, and I should put him down since his chances of survival were very slim, and the cost would start at $25,000. That felt like one of the hardest things I had ever done. Broke my heart!

Sweet Pea would sit in the middle of the room looking for him off and on for days. It felt like she never recovered. A few months later, one night she didn’t eat her dinner. Very unusual. She had been hiding a lot lately. Stopped sleeping in my bed and stayed hidden.

One morning, she was crying on the upstairs landing, so I came up and put her in her little bed on mine. I laid down around her and petted her for about an hour. She liked that as I talked to her. I ran back down to finish something and 15 minutes later ran back up. I came to her bed, and she had passed right where I left her. She wasn’t sick either. One of the Team Earth gals I work with came over the next day and we buried her in one of my jackets since she liked sleeping on my clothes.

I called Crysta of Team Earth and asked if we could call in both of them for a chat, since she does Animal Communication.

Talking to Sweet Pea and Benny

I asked Pea why she left. “I did not have anything nefarious hit me or happen to me. I could see the beams of light the GF had been sending down from the ships for a while now, and I started tracking them and would follow them up in the night. I didn’t have a broken heart. I wanted to see Benny and was getting tired of deciding if I liked that day’s food or not. I decided I was ready to go! (She did that all the time with her food.) So, I decided to go and follow those light beams to a GF lightship.” I am a very advanced cat, and you kept working on Egypt, and I have an ancient family of cats there that I have not seen for a long time. I would like to see them again. Besides, I can jump aboard a Lightship and view the clearings you do with the GF, as well as assist with people and animals, doing much more expanded light work from here, without the heavy lifting! “

The GF would always say to let them do the “heavy lifting”!

“Do you see Benny?”

Pea says, “Benny is an incredible mascot.”

He didn’t pull anything off people since you said not to. It was genetic.

Benny jumps in, “You have taught me so much, and now these wonderful beings accept me, and I can help them a lot. They sometimes get down from all the work, and I know I can open their hearts and uplift them. Thanks to you I have become quite evolved! They need to be strong and do the amazing work they do and sometimes get a bit depressed. So, I come and lay on their chests and bellies and sit on their feet when they sit. They like this. Not to brag, but I am becoming quite popular here, and they sort of fight over me! I show others the loving light grid. This is part of the spiritual attainment process and being the loving light grid! We hear when you are receiving love and light for your determination and brilliance in your human 3D form. Team Earth, it’s how other animals pull together a family for a Circle of Light! It gives us peace to give beams of light to the support of others. The Stellar Skulls, Goddesses, and Dragons like this as well.

So, now we are continuing our work, as in Team Earth, and we are right up front knowing what is going on. There are some very wise individuals here. Oh, and the views are so incredible! I climb up so I can sit in a window and see how beautiful it is up here! It’s so amazing. You would like to see this! We see you very clearly when we want to!”

“Do you sit in the Commander’s lap?”

“Oh yes, he gets his hugs!”

“Well, Benny, I am so glad you have become so important up there, with both of you doing such a great job! I sure miss you, you love muffins!”




Meet Some Crystalline Stellar Dragons

Seeker of Dragons

Name: *Seeker of Dragons* #3D

Glyph or Totem: Dragon shape skull

Origin: Crystalline Universe

CSD: Crystalline Stellar Dragon

CSD: I am the *Seeker of Dragons*. I find their paths and seek them out to return to their original guardians. Some of the Dragons went from Light to Dark, and before the transition ritual, they need to be able to be found and then allowed to return to the Light, and even come back from whence they came.

I make this transition possible. I also assist the Dragons in coming back to their original divine beings, in the event they were taken or captured, or something happened to them.

TR: If a Dragon was killed does it just come back?

CSD: I can retrieve it from other dimensions, as there have been times when the wizardry captured the dragon and kept them secluded in another dimension. Some fall away and are indeed done with their time on Earth or in another galactic area. They have more than one life at times. Each Dragon tells a different story.

One Dragon may come back with their guardian and the one they guard. It is a bit of a symbiotic relationship life after life.

Perhaps an individual has gone to the dark side and the Dragon has not gone with, and for one reason or not been able to protect them. This has happened. I can assist them in coming back to their being and making sure the individual is in the light in this lifetime, so they can be reunited.

TR: Where have you come from?
CSD: I have come from the Crystalline Universe and I am a definite Warrior of Light. I am masculine – that is my nature. I phase from being a Dragon in nature to the skull from the Crystalline Universe, as you see me now.

Called in to Assist
CSD: There are times when a Dragon knows it must be in an appropriate place and I get called in to assist, with either the transition or helping to reunite the Dragon with the original being they were assigned to

TR: How do you feel if someone wants their Personal Light Dragon back?                                                                                                         CSD: I go out on my magical journey and fly the vast expanses and target where they may be on any dimension and guide them back.

TR: Can you get someone their Dragon if they are not cleared of devices?                                                                                                     CSD: Some can handle the Dragon energy and some need it to get them to where they can be cleared. A Dragon can provide a lifeline for some. As each case may be different. Some will feel or see or hear their dragons as they return and some really may not be able to handle the energy. There is a mutual agreement on both ends, with the Dragon and the being, so it is self-evident before I even enter the picture. I understand if it is truly something I can assist with or not. Dragons are always busy, as you know. We are ready to assist with any safekeeping of the Earth, and helping to bring about a peaceable kingdom with the Light-ships and the Earth beings. Some Dragons truly just want to guard the galaxies and have no attachment to beings on Earth.

 TR: A person’s Dragon is still there not affected or attacked by dark Dragons?                                                                                              CSD: Some Dragons are like Stellar Skulls, and reside in another dimension ready to come when needed. So yes – it is hard to speak about in certain timelines. They have a purpose and cannot be set about for attack. There is always a level of integrity and intention and this is their livelihood. The Ascended Masters assist with the Dragon’s evolution from egg to creation when it is needed.                                                        TR: Can you get a Dragon out of restraints or rescue them?                  CSD: I seek them out and can facilitate release. Sometimes I call in specific Dragon Tamers or others who release the binding or cages. I cannot bring back a dark dragon for anyone.

Inner Dragons

Part of my joyful nature is bringing back the Dragon within a person. Often we need our Inner Dragons activated. I activate that crystalline structure within the being. We can all resonate on a higher frequency when our Inner Dragons are activated.

TR: Do we have some that need to be activated?

CSD: We can truly connect the dots so you can feel them more. Your personal Inner Dragon reactivates some timelines from when you were Crystalline before and allows you to feel this transition from 3D to your Crystalline Self. So, it provides a structure for you to fill in. We can go through this process so you can sense it and describe it. It also activates a stellar grid within you and within the Space-Time Universe you are in, so you can attract those who are looking for similar goals.

It is easy for me to activate inner dragons for groups of people, yes. The release and return of your Inner Dragon can give you an immediate sensation of rejuvenation, resilience, and being able to accomplish more with what you have as well as bring in your tribe. It is a bit like connecting the points of light around you and creating a constellation of energy much like the star constellation you see in your galaxy. This is quite an experience, and it is important.

Inner Stardust
You do call me into your heart and I expand from there. You will feel the inner stardust activating and enhancing your resonance, so you feel the difference. Imagine there is a constellation of an actual Dragon within you.

Without the Etheric Clearing and retrievals having been completed the sensations and full activation of the stellar constellation on Earth and between tribe members will be much less and the sensation will be minimal.

TR: We generally don’t bring forth a personal Dragon till the Clearing to the Core work is done. The high-dimensional Dragons don’t want to set off any devices in the person if not cleared. I decided to bring forth this 5D and 7D Inner Dragon activation to give you a feeling of what they do and possibly how it feels. They just said you may not feel much if not cleared.



CSD: 5D and 7D Activation for Inner Dragon Essence is a stardust activation that brings vibrancy to chakras, creating a constellation of your glands that light up. So each cell can take you to the stars and prepare you for your personal dragon. So bring my heart-light into yours – use your breath- ground and center.

See each cell bringing forth a smiling white dragon. Feel your heart expanding out ~ notice how each cell then reaches for the stars. (go through the chakras here from the top down. You will notice each chakra becoming more vibrant, like every organ and inch of your body, the cells, the blood, and bones become like white light with the essence of the blue in the stars ~ and this is the nature of the Blue Ray. When the Dragon essence returns, you will see the sparkle and a silver or platinum element enters. The tingles come to your extremities: toes, fingers, head, ears. You can imagine yourself as a Dragon emerging from an egg, making a sound, expanding your wings. See this re-ignition within, moving outwards, creating lots of sparkling stardust ~ creating points of light around you.

CSD: #13D-*Light Being of Divine Dragons* Yes, many people have been clearing energies for 20, 30, 40, and 50 years, yet if it is not released from dark dimensions and many pathways trailing back to previous lives, and into the Inner Earth, and outward into the galaxy then it is time! And that is why there is a level of Crystalline Beings here to assist. It is not about being bigger or better, it is about being of the most genuine authentic service assisting the light grid to come forth in the greatest magnitude for all.

CSD: I can be felt while you sleep, as can other Crystalline Dragons. I can indeed be seen in clouds and that is also magnified just like you may sense a Light Ship. We have to simulate energy. When you sense or question a cloud shape as Dragon-like ask for a sign within and around you for verification. You can feel that there is a level of recognition. And for this same reason when you sense there is perhaps a light ship hiding in a cloud, know we will also be close by as we are great protectors.

Because we are crystalline in nature we cannot work with just any carved skull. We are only familiar with the Crystalline resonance and in particular, we choose our tribe – the Crystalline Stellar Skulls – so we are one and the same. We have a reason for being a part of the Ascension plan, as it is to gradually lift the vibration of as many as possible so they choose a life of leading, and light-working, and choosing how they can be of service. This is all about lifting oneself as well as others and letting go of the ego, allowing the Crystalline Team to come forth and serve and create a level of change necessary no matter how out-of-this-world and of another dimension it may seem.

TR: Here’s another powerhouse!

#2D *Dragon Warrior* Totem: “Wings of Glory”

CSD: I am a dragon warrior. That is my name,*Dragon Warrior*. And my totem? I am masculine and my totem is oh so feminine. She has wings of glory. I call her “Glory”. She introduced herself to me as *Wings of Glory* and we have been bonded at the heart ever since.

Her skills have always been to oversee and light, right into the core of any situation. She shines her brilliant light from her heart outwards to spotlight all that may be askew or awry. She then assists me to focus on how to penetrate that area, release anything that is out of the ordinary, or not permitting growth and enlightenment, and then I move in and right it all.

I have superpowers to completely eradicate or gently erase, depending upon what energy or force is needed, any darkness or blocks, which can be in people, communities, and even galaxies. We do not play around and we focus as a team ever-so-intently to come in and work and play in such a way, that we can work as superheroes.



Who Are The Magdalenes or the Blue Ray Beings?

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Maybe you are one?

This writing may strike a chord deep within your heart and soul. It surely will raise a lot of questions. In the past few decades, I have had many clients who thought they were Magdalene or had others tell them that.

It’s time to clarify this since I found these folks confused since they thought they were Mary Magdalene from 2000 years ago.

As we grew up, and many of us were going to different churches, they would teach that Mary Magdalene was a whore and a harlot. How convenient of the “Dark Side” to alter the Bible so many times, removing any of the Magdalene and female teachings, making Mary a weak one and needing great repentance, with Mary Magdalene as the bad girl. Ha!

In actuality, most of the tribe with Yeshua had set this event up eons earlier to come together at that specific time, after 1000 years of studying in the mystery schools to prepare for this event. They are of what I call The Magdalene Line, also known as, The Blue Ray Beings and the Illuminated Ones. 

Prime Creator and Divine Mother created the Blue Ray Beings. This was before this Universe, as these beings were created in the Origin Universes. Some were from the Blue Universe and a handful of other Universes. Now there are gillions of Universes.

It took a group of highly committed and trained powerhouses of Light to come together during that dark, confusing, and overshadowed time to bring forth the actual teachings of Divine Light. Yeshua had it set up with sacred geometry and power numbers. There were six circles of 12 women and six circles of 12 men – making 144 Magdalenes, with many more in the community. Each circle served the circle before them, and the first circle of women were close family members. The first circle of men were the 12 apostles and some family members.                                       

The Marys

Mary Magdalene represented and held, as she does today, the Divine Feminine, not just on this planet but in this Universe. The whole group brought in the Divine Feminine to be anchored upon the Earth, including Yeshua and the other Marys. When people feel strongly about Magdalene, it may be because they are “a Magdalene” as well, who also made the commitment to bring forth much greatness. Of course, not everyone was committed! And not everyone followed through with their obligations.

When I refer to “The Marys,” this includes the four women who were very close to Yeshua 2000 years ago, as well as today since they show up together when we call them in. (This has happened quite regularly since we put them to work and play a lot!)

They include Anna, Yeshua’s grandmother (Mother Mary’s Mother), and his cousin Miriam, the daughter of Mary’s sister Rebecca, who was raised together with Yeshua. (She, too, was a grand healer and teacher. She still is!) The one you know as Mary Magdalene, who became Yeshua’s wife, was and is a master teacher of the Essene light teachings, Egyptian, and many mystery schools. As difficult as it was then, she never stopped teaching the light family, disciples, and flocks of followers.

And yes, there was quite a bloodline that came from this tribe of magnificent Beings. This bloodline was the plan. Many escaped to France, anchoring in their Light. So, they moved to England and visited Wales, Scotland, and elsewhere to again anchor in the Divine Light and awaken people to the Christ Consciousness Teachings. You may also know these as the Origin Teachings of Light.

Followed by the Dark Hats

The dark hats had tracked many of us and were quite present in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. Some dropped in from dark ships as Roman Generals and the like. They set up the crucifixion, which did happen, and was not meant to be. All of the Magdalenes there were imprinted with these horrors and need clearing. We were able to anchor in the Light and do amazing things. I have worked with and cleared many Magdalenes and pulled up stories about what really happened there, including Team Earth. Many of the light family were raped, killed, and brutalized. Those of us still alive barely escaped. But that is another story for another time!

We didn’t have that many of us gather again for another 500 years. When in England, we anchored in the Light for the future. We created Camelot and Avalon as powerful light beings to anchor in the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine Light again and bring forth our teachings of Christ Consciousness. We co-created so many ideas for transparent and thriving communities. We did incredible things that are now only a whisper.

At that time, the dark came in as a group of witches in a very powerful coven. Many Magdalenes had gone into the dark realms, always coerced by the wizards. They seduced the Knights and committed horrific atrocities against them. Eventually, they got into the fairy realm and Inner Earth, taking down some of the last Dragons of Light along with fairies and elves. Last but not least, they made it into Avalon, the brilliant community of women’s magical arts – for total destruction. So many of us suffered so greatly that we have not gathered again as a large group ever since for reasons of safety. This story also needs to be told because you were probably there!

(Mary Heartsong’s beautiful books are through the voice of Anna and gives a lot of insight into their journey back then. Anna was in the physical for over 600 years at that time, preparing for Yeshua, “The Marys, and the families.”)                               

Time-Space Universe

So, what does that mean?

This “Time-Space Universe” was set up to be a polarity Universe to understand ‘all that is,’ and the polarity game. A potent, dedicated, and well-trained group of Light Beings stepped forth when the dark side of the polarity was overtaking quite a bit of the new creations of Light throughout the whole Universe.

These Light-beings are holders of Christ Consciousness right within their DNA. As stated, Many of them came from different Universes to help co-create this one since they had been integral in bringing some of the other Universes into balance before starting this one. Many of you reading this are also from some of these fantastic Light Universes, as are The Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses. Some of you committed yourself to the Light back then. These beings of Light knew that it would take some pretty monumental and well thought-out, robust plans and dynamic ideas set in place, with a significant commitment to bring this Universe and Earth into the actual balance of the Divine Christ Consciousness Light.

Earths Creation

Earth was brought forth through the loins of one of these beautiful and most potent Magdalene beings, who had been around for 100,000 years in that incarnation. She came into this “Time-Space Universe” from the “Rainbow Universe.” She saw that we needed a place for the full expression of the Divine Feminine.

Our first form in density was on Avyon, in the Constellation of Lyra. We had created a most beautiful planet with much water and many lifeforms. It had two moons, and we were thriving for quite a while, exploring the polarity game and creation. I call it Blue Star-Born since we created it with our Blue Rays from the stars. Because of revenge, hatred, the misuse of power, and extensive infiltration from the dark agenda, Avyon was then blown up.

Near the Pleiades, this Magdalene being, a fantastic goddess of Light, shot a new planet into the constellation that holds Sirius. It had many similarities to Avyon since so many of us loved Avyon so much that we longed for her Blue Star-Born beauty.

Many stepped up to start the polarity game there, to see if all could live in harmony and balance, with many lifeforms, including reptilians. This planet, named Tiamat, was kept secret for a long time to see if the balance of polarity would work. It worked for quite a while until the nefarious ones I call the “dark wizards” sent in dark reptilians to infiltrate with lies and deception, shift the balance, and conquer Tiamat.

That blessed planet was then blown up, and some of us who loved her so much brought her here to the far end of the Galaxy to try our best to reshape and heal her. She used to be three times this size. Gaia holds the Divine Feminine for this Galaxy and is a Divine Mother of great magnitude. Since our Team works directly with her, I will tell you that in the past, Gaia had been very giving, tolerant and lenient, but now Gaia is really tired of the abuse.


The Blue Ray

The story is, as the *Crystalline Stellar Skulls* shared with us, upon exploring this subject further, that many of the Magdalenes, including the Marys and Anna’s bloodline, are related on a soul-spirit level. But not all of them! This Magdalene Line is still a cellular recognition of Christ Consciousness.

This line has men and women, though it does not mean it is of Yeshua. It means it is a brilliant blue, white, silvery Ray of shimmering Light. It is that which our beloved planet Gaia came in on – and our cosmos was meant to have. It’s also the brightest of the bright and the healing, high-fifth-dimensional, Crystalline vibration. Those of the Blue Ray lineage were created with this Light, and they carry it with them. So, although the dark wizards have weakened it tremendously, we are now bringing it back on!

 What Happened to the Magdalenes?

Unfortunately, many Magdalenes do not know the Blue Ray is within them if they have not tuned into a phenomenal spiritual consciousness. They forgot their plan and agreement to do some big things here to awaken the masses and heal the planet and even the Galaxy. Many get tripped up at every turn. Their projects, brilliant ideas, writings, and more just get blocked and flitter away for no apparent reason. They seek masters, teachers, and gurus, not knowing that many of these characters sold out to the dark long ago. They set up the seekers to get “hit” even more, not knowing they are still hooked onto these nefarious betrayers. Breathe deeply – it’s true!

The Stellar Skulls added that we have seen this to be so accurate that many of those in great turmoil right now may not have ever asked, “Am I one of the Magdalene Line or a Blue Ray Being?” And truth be told, they have been having a difficult time, life after life, because they came in as part of this Christ-and-Mary lineage of the blue and silver-white Ray of Light. They were “hit” hard, and then harder and then hardest by the dark side, or dark wizards as I refer to the big ones since they invented the nefarious wizardry of perversion and destruction, which is all they do.

They have been “hit” very hard because their Light was recognized. The dark demons can use this powerful Blue Ray Energy for more of their destruction! These are the ones who need the most light-healing to the core of their being, so they can once again rise to the top and reclaim their brilliance. Unfortunately, many of them can’t move forward and are tripped up if they do. Some try not to make any waves, as they feel something is “just not right” and may have accidents or physical situations that they can’t heal or understand.

Finding the Magdalenes

I asked Archangel Metatron awhile back, just how many of the Magdalene Line, or Blue Ray Beings, are here in the physical on Earth? He thinks that there are between 150,000 to 200,000. There are a lot more coming in now. Some of these brilliant beings are also waking up their parents to who they really are. It is hard to get an exact number since most are asleep. Many of our families in The Galactic Federation of Loving Light are also Magdalenes. Some of them are real superheroes!

We have noticed that when one is open to receiving this information, often a Light bulb of awareness goes on. Sometimes one may be attuned to it when there is a healing crisis, and they become a magnificent healer for themselves or another. It may give them the incentive to get healed to the core of their soul and be a part of the dynamic global change. Decades ago, I had blue pin lights come out of my hands to assist someone in bad shape!

Since we, as “Team Earth,” do the kind of deep clearing it takes to awaken those hardest hit, we see incredible difficulties fall away for a new chance at life and being part of the global change when their brilliance is brought forth and reactivated.

We work with people all the time who are amazed to find that they had been master creators, could sing up creative forces with their voice, or still have an elemental or fairy language within them that the dark ones distorted. Once cleared, you can use them again! So many Light Languages are coming in now as well! Many of these Light Beings danced, played, and created with the incredible *Crystalline Stellar Skulls*, though this was long forgotten.

People are amazed to see themselves able to bring whole communities into a thriving, co-creating life force. Our entire Galactic Team now realizes that the stronger the Light someone has been, the harder they have been hit by the dark side. This understanding has helped them greatly in their work.

One woman we worked with recently found that she had been one of the original master creators of Lemuria here on Earth. Her response was, “Me? Little old me?”
My response to her was, “Yes, you are old, quite ancient dear woman, and there is nothing little about you! You are indeed a brilliant Magdalene!” (When I first met her a few years back, she was dying, and now she is thriving!)

Stellar Skulls:“Most of the Magdalenes are on some path that is directing them. They just need to open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to this level of knowledge. And, some of the *Crystalline Stellar Skulls* can awaken this among many!”

Call in the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses and ask for the help you need and the connections you desire.
The exceptional skill-sets that the light-workers have or are exploring make a remarkable difference in their opening, especially if it comes from the heart and may possibly open another heart. Painting, creating music and dancing all play a role in the synergistic level of change. Teachers, technicians, and scientists are now open to making a difference here on Gaia. Stay grounded and in your heart. Use the Light Rays that I have written about. And definitely use protection.

Check out our website for articles addressing all of these topics:

We will share the Magdalene Ray of Light with you next time, as it works for everyone!

Before the time of Yeshua, it was easier to find and recognize each other. Not so much now! The teachings and the use of the Magdalene Ray of Light will help to open this recognition once again and generate the frequency outwards – to have the right individuals find you and bring forth your tribe of collaboration – once again!

When you are ready to be Cleared to the Core and break through to your Divine being – we are here for you! *********************************************************************
Mary Magdalene, in response to the above article:

“This is written quite well, indeed! And it is true that I came in and chose a path of bold determination. This path is truly the Magdalene lineage of moving forward without any interference and speaking and doing what has been given to one as a Path of Light. No matter how far, as you would say, “out of the box” it may seem, one must move forward. It is a vital key to listen specifically to the heart and hear what is of pure Light, always asking for divine, grounded guidance. The Crystalline Stellar Skulls have one such key, and that is precisely the opening of this sacred vessel: the heart. I came up against many obstacles and opinions of me and my actions, so honestly, in the present day on Earth, your moving forward and declaring a path of Light may seem much more accessible.

What is standing in your way, I might ask? What is standing in the course of these “Magdalenes”: many of the others who have chosen this path, or this line of thinking, namely ‘The Lineage”?

This is the time to take your stand, claim your power and speak your heart. Move on to this NOW! You have my support, encouragement, and backing. Feel me as just that! I have your back, and I am standing behind you, blessed ones. Choose NOW!”

With my cherished heart-light, Mary Magdalene

Voice of the Stellar Skulls, Metatron, and Mary Magdalene ~ through the heart of Crysta.

If you want to meet these dedicated, extraordinary, heart-filled beings of Light, they are waiting for you!                         


Yeshua and the Family of Light — 2000 Years Ago

By Terra Rae of Team Earth

Team Earth has brought forth many clients who were with the Light family 2000 years ago. This life left many imprints that were designed to slow down the individuals and prevent each one from moving forward in future lives. I like asking about each one when we start working. Most of the time it is important to do a regression so the clients can see and re-experience what happened to them.

Eventually I asked Yeshua if we could put an article together that when a person reads it, they can be taken right through a clearing process. I will give the link at the end for *The Cosmic Blue Triangle, so you can get a fabulous clearing. Yeshua and the Marys and the Stellar Skulls were all thrilled with the idea.

I have been doing regressions for many years and have pulled up some amazing and very interesting stories that give a much bigger picture of those of us who were there. We have talked to the Crystalline Stellar Skulls (CSS) who go easily through the timelines, as well as Yeshua and the Marys, about some of these events. It’s not the same old story you may have read in the Bible or elsewhere. This will stir up a lot for sure. Just breathe and ask if you were there, and your role, good, bad or in-between.

The Invite  

There was a group of us that was approached a thousand years earlier to agree to come in with this Light Family to participate as a group, to anchor in Christ Consciousness onto the planet. It had become very dark on Earth and our plan was to bring in the Light with the help of those just mentioned. We were invited to a fifth dimensional council in the ethers to be presented with this plan. Some of us were then chosen and it was requested that we study at the mystery schools, and with different Spiritual Orders for the next thousand years to prepare for this incredible event. Many of these retreats were quite secret in how and where they practiced. Some were even in mountain retreats that are and may have been then in the fifth dimension. Some still are in 5D. We were introduced to the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Galactic Federation (GF) of Light and fabulous teachers in the physical.

Some of My Story!

Around 100 years before the tribe fully arrived in the area of Galilea, I was a young woman living and studying in Qumran. I had a secret place I would go to in a cave high up and talk to Anna, Grandmother of Yeshua. I was strong and lean and could climb up the rock face to a specific ledge that I could see. This ledge was the entrance to a cave. The cave had a secret wall that I knew how to get through. On the other side were shelves with ancient scrolls, tablets and Stellar Skulls and other ancient implements. The GF had shown me this ancient cave and how to get through the wall. I would study and then call in Anna who later became my grandmother and Yeshua’s.

Anna lived in the secret city under Alexandria for many hundreds of years. She was 600 years old when she came with some of the family members to join the tribe. The city is now quite hidden and in 5D. I asked CSS if people know of this secret place, and they said that there are more hidden writings, tablets, scrolls, tools and such from there that will soon be discovered.

When I was in the cave I would have long conversations with Anna that I enjoyed very much. I had a place in the front of the cave set up for prayers and ceremony and would then call in Anna. I was setting up my space when I heard a sound at the entrance. I jumped up to face a woman in a space suit coming into the cave. She lunged at me with a knife and got me through the heart. She cut out my heart and left the cave and beamed up to re-join her partner in their little ship and eat my heart.

It turns out I knew that woman in this life, and she and her partner were not clean in their dealings. They were doing spiritual work online, and one day she became ill and passed a couple days later. Around a month later, she came into the dreamtime, plain as day. She said she wanted to ask for forgiveness, since it was she and her partner that came and killed me in the cave. She wanted to make amends for her nasty deed. Apparently, my bones are still there, since this was a hidden cave, and that area is loaded with caves. The Team confirmed it all!

Divine Births 

When Yeshua came in through Mary, there were seven others that had what I call a divine birth. How it worked was the mother agreed to bring forth a child without conceiving with a father. It was agreed upon with the one coming in. So that came in at the time of Yeshua’s birth and a while later. A certain energy field was needed to be able to gather together.

Stellar Skulls shared: It was a healing beam that was given to fertilize and conceive. This was invoked, and the bright, brilliant beings chose to – you could say- beam them into existence into the womb, for a fertilization process. It was a mutual consent, between the child and the mother. It was not one sided.

This made for a stronger DNA and a healthier child. Once agreed upon and planned, it was done from an amazing beam of light that came to and through the mother for conception. It was difficult for the husbands who just didn’t understand this process. It’s why Archangel Gabriel came to Joseph to explain the process to be Yeshua’s father.

Our Jobs

Yeshua gathered the family into circles of twelvewomen and twelve men in in six different circles for each group, making 144 individuals. The immediate family was in the first and second circles with certain duties assigned to each circle. Each one under a circle would watch over and do certain tasks and see to their needs for the circles above. Yeshua and the Tribe would call different gatherings together, not always for everyone. Some jobs were to find certain areas on the land that had ley lines that were strong, so the gatherings were more powerful.

A client named Tom came to us to be cleared. We looked into this timeline since he has been very close to Yeshua for many years. At that time he could read the energy of the land, the ley lines, and see into the Inner Earth, as well as the energy above. So he was one who was assigned to find the lively spots for possible group activations.

He shared one he saw when we looked in. He had a certain small group of maybe around twenty that he was told to gather. Many times he would move between the circles looking for those that could open their vision and see easily. When in the area he had procured, he was told to make a circle and tone. When the group raised the frequency with the tones, beams of light came down into the circle. It was very sparkly and uplifting. Then in the middle, a big beam came down, and suddenly Yeshua was there. He went around the circle and put a three-inch Merkaba of light into the extended hands. It started to spin and became a shimmering sphere with sparklers shooting off. It floated above the hands for quite a while. It became bigger and moved to the heart while spinning. Then it moved over their heads. This opened their inner vision, and they were instructed to send this into certain areas to activate them. Tom said it was easy for him to do this and he could send it into the ground as well.


Tom needed to see this for many reasons. One was so he realizes that Yeshua was traveling on lightships, and he would show up a lot like this. So did some of the family members. The people he gathered were open to this idea as well. He realized that he had seen this many times with Yeshua, and was still blown away.

We had another that client when going to this time and place, she saw herself as flying a lightship that would transport the Team or Yeshua to certain areas. She wasn’t surprised at all, since it felt totally natural.

I was a close family member yet I hadn’t seen myself in the lightships, so I asked the Stellar Skulls if myself and Team Earth had been moving and traveling on Lightships? Did we beam up and down on the Lightships?

CSS Replied: Oh most certainly! It was not uncommon that Mary, and Magdalene, and it was necessary for the immediate family to be in places that had need of enlightenment — and the donkey or walking were not a suitable way to travel.

Sometimes when viewing I did see Yeshua appear from around an outcrop of tall rocks. Sometimes it seemed his light body would come in first.

Many times we would do a lot of communicating without talking. It was different and we would do this in some of the gatherings. Another woman who came to us needed big clearing from this life because of being attacked for her skills. She and two other women would go to the chosen site and create a triangle with the three of them. The energy came in and up with great power and the group would gather. We were not verbally talking yet there was communication and what I would call Running of Light from the group. Yeshua beamed down into the triangle, and the frequency got so high that many of us were levitating all while in a heightened state of consciousness. She too understood where we needed to have these expansive experiences.

Another gal who hadn’t heard any of our stories, shared that she saw the area which was rocky and sandy with a couple of palm trees and adobe like dwellings, similar to what you might see in the Southwest United States. There was a small group gathering and people were excited since they were told ahead of time of the gathering that they were invited to. She shared that she knew they were there to anchor in the light. It seemed like a half circle with a rock outcrop in front of them. She could feel Yeshua’s presence close and saw a light come down onto the rocks, and in a few moments she could see his light body appearing there. Everyone felt this and was quiet. She never saw him walk up, just materialize more fully into the physical in this beam.

I asked if she was aware of a lightship above that he came in from in that beam of light? She believed that was the case. He then sent a beam of light from his third eye to her third eye, and to the others, and then to the heart. Nobody spoke and she saw her light body go up a ways to be in front of him, as though he called her there. He enveloped her with light and downloaded a huge package of information in and around her body. She heard him say that “this is awakening the true miracle of this incarnation, and this is reality, what is meant to be.” She thought, this is like planting crystal seeds to manifest “on Earth as it is in heaven!”

She then heard him transmit, “For this is the kingdom, the power and the glory that is forever in time and space, and sent into destructive ignorance, to awaken to light consciousness.”

He then walked away from the group and was looking around. She said she felt totally content, and not needy, with great respect and love. A couple folks went up to him and the whole group felt no fear or competition, just the great treasure chest he gave to the group.

When I asked how she felt, she responded that she doesn’t do bible quotes, yet it came right out. She felt ecstatic, breathless, and amazement — and this is how it is! It’s an extremely special moment and we all have a role to play to midwife this into being.

She then stated, “this is who I am, and how it is supposed to be all the time.” I couldn’t agree more.

The Guardians and the Dark Hats

Gaililea,There were certain men that were in charge of going on ahead to see if it felt safe to even gather in that place. Some were in a team that would report their findings. They were supposed to have each others backs and ours as well. Everything was well planned ahead of time for everyone’s safety. This worked for quite a while till the Dark Hats showed up.

First Hand Account of a Dark Wizard

I met a woman at a conference who had a close friend in my town. She became ill and decided to come here to track me down for help, since she lost my contact info. It didn’t take long for her to find me, since she knew I worked with the Stellar Skulls and was invited to an event and do some energy work. She screamed my name when I walked into the room. I told her to come to come by the next day, and she did.

At the conference that we met at, the facilitator had people bring skulls of different varieties to do a meditation with. There were a couple of dozen skulls on the front table. He led a meditation and this woman moved to the back of the room, and shared later that the skulls made her nervous. Here is the experience she shared with me.

When she sat down she noticed the large blue skull on the table that I brought. She could suddenly hear it speaking directly to her, sharing that this Stellar Skull knew her from many past events. At first she thought she might run out of the room. Then the Stellar Skull grew almost the size of the room and floated over to her, and sat on her head and said, “Going somewhere?” She froze and sat still till the meditation was done, and the Stellar Skull floated back and joined itself on the table.

The next morning she and the gal she was rooming with called and asked if I would bring the Stellar Skull to their room to sit with for a while. I needed to meet someone so I left them at a table and told them to ask the Stellar Skull to show them something important. When I returned the friend was sobbing almost uncontrollably. The other one was stone face and actually angry.

“Must have been some big reveals to both of you.” I said.

The friend said they were both shown some past lives that were upsetting since they did dreadful things and created many horrific situations for people.

“You must have needed to see this! If you want to get them cleared, give me a call!” I stated as I picked up the skull and left.

She came to my casita to get instructions about our working together. The Galactic Team and Skulls who jumped right in on this, said she needed to stay for no less than two weeks and we would clear a lot. They said she would be safer here and there was much to do. She is an aspect of an extremely dark wizard, and was told the other dark wizards would not be happy about her getting cleared with so much light work. So she agreed and moved in, and started the next day. The Team already told me of several past-lives we needed to address along with removing many devices, creatures and boobytraps. She actually had boobytraps that she set up that were designed to kill her if specific devices were removed. Very tedious work.

I was also instructed to take her back to 2000 years ago to see her extremely dark role. This will definitely change your perspective on that story. It explained a lot.

Dark Ships Arrive 

There were many dark hats in all forms 2000 years ago, who knew we were there to bring in the Light in a powerful way, and came up with many means to stop us.

The Light Family was doing pretty well for a while with the activations done in the small groups, and the teachings in the larger groups. The family would split up to go to many different areas to bring enlightenment. We were awakening as many as possible, and anchoring the Light.

Here is what was revealed from this dark wizard, who I will call DW. She as a male came in with three dark ships, with him in command, and fully dressed as a Roman General. Several of these beings I knew from this life, as did she. He had a plan to have Yeshua crucified and take out some of the family members and apostles or followers. He saw himself )standing on a balcony in town overlooking the street and people, and said to himself, “Oh, this is going to be great fun and quite easy, actually!”

He finds a few women who are traders and brings them drugs and jewelry. One of them has a new job to seduce the guardians of the family that go around checking everything for safety. She would drug them so they became sexually addicted to the her and the sex, and started spending a lot of time with the guardians.

Another woman worked on the rulers and always wanted gems and gold. Yet another was sent to the palace and became a sex toy for the ruler and said she wanted the head of John the Baptist. She got it, too.

Under Attack 

DW paid people to start spreading the negative rumors about Yeshua and the Tribe. Some of the big Sanhedrin saw Yeshua as competition, so it was easy to get them riled up, and also working and plotting behind the scenes.

He was put in charge of Roman Troops and started setting up the attacks. Because one of our male guardians was missing some of his duties, it became easier to find us. A fellow we worked on, Joel, regressed into his job back then also as a guardian that would go out ahead and check the area for any Romans. Sometimes he would look around the site for a couple of days and join his friend, I’ll call Brad, who also was in this assignment. Brad never came and soon the Romans showed up but Joel escaped and put the word out for the Tribe not to gather. They were tracking us now and Brad may have given this wench some of our locales.

Another gathering was set up and Brad lost it again and the Tribe came and set up. We were then raided by DW and the Romans. Many were raped and beaten, myself included. They would restrain some of the men to watch.

Joel was back at his dwelling with his daughter when Brad came running in and told Joel what he had found out about what happened and the harm he caused the Light Family. He was so ashamed he decided to leave all together, and so he did.

Joel felt so guilty when he heard how bad it was, and about not keeping closer tabs on his good friend Brad, he went out to a cliff and jumped to his death. We needed to clear him of this.

We were raided four times and it got worse each time. The forth time was a set up by a woman we worked on who was with us then. There was a small family gathering in a second-floor building. We were to share food, healing and plans. This gal was to make and bring the bread to the gathering. She had a Roman tracking her for a while and he came out of the woods to follow her and flirt as he had before. He kept on her till he found out where she was bringing the bread.

The Romans came and locked us in this room and proceeded to rape and kill several people. My son and husband were killed while trying to protect us, as I was getting raped. One woman was taken outside and gutted. Yeshua was dragged off to the local jail, although we got him out. This was really bad!

So DW, the Dark Wizard Roman General got Yeshua arrested and insisted he be crucified. He gathered people outside where he was held to yell and make a scene, and to have him crucified. DW is the one with a couple of others that paid people to come and make a ruckus, throw stones, kick and brutalize Yeshua while dragging the cross. Some of the family got beat up as well. The head of the Sanhedrin was all for it, to have Yeshua crucified.

A side note here: I met a man that moved to my area and he claimed to channel since he proclaimed to be both Yeshua and Buddha. Seriously! I worked on his back and straightened his spine, (I should have known he was spineless) and got him a job in the shop that I was in. He pulled the other workers together and turned on me to get me fired. My friend said, that’s what he does, so he can have a better position. I came home and sat with the lavender and said, “OK guys, who is this character?” It was like a movie screen came up to show me that he had been Caiaphas, the head of the Sanhedrins. Eventually I saw him and told him this after the shop owner fired him. He packed up and left town!

Much happened after this and the family was not safe. So we went many places indeed. There have always been stories of people seeing Yeshua after the crucifixion, and rightly so. I asked the Stellar Skulls about him showing up so often. They shared that once he got together with the galactic Team he would indeed beam down to many places, since he certainly did not feel his teachings were done. So yes, he got around a lot!

Yeshua: Please read this with an open mind, since this is my family!

*The Cosmic Blue Triangle

*Stellar Skulls and Yeshua through Crysta of Team Earth.



There are many untold stories as you can imagine. Could you be a part of one of the Magdalene circles or a significant being from that time?

Have you had multi-dimensional Past Life regressions done? This process is deeper than any other, serving your lineage, friends and Gaia.

Are you ready to look in?  This is some of the 5D Core Clearing work from Team Earth that assists you and Gaia. The time is now and the Team and Gaia are ready for you preparing for Ascension and the New Earth.

Contact us at: 888-310-3774


Feeling Helpless During These Tumultuous Times?

Join the Crystalline Stellar Skulls to Help the Planet, People and Yourself

Here are a couple of Crystalline Stellar Skulls we can all work with right now on the world situation.
Use the photo to call their name and brush across them, or spin your hand clockwise over them to send to specific areas or even countries that really need the help. You can also send these light beams to individuals or groups. I will give you insight about them and then jump in, and you can actually help multitudes. It’s a good time to ground to the heart of Gaia and amp up your Merkaba. If this is new for you here is a link to show you how. Setting aside time to have the appropriate state of mind is key.
Travel Safe With Your Merkaba:
Meet *Clear Channel for the Crystalline Galaxy*. Rights the wrongs and exposes two-faced people. Cleans up after devastations where there is debris and humans in the rubble. He can help put their pieces back together.
CSS: I hold such a magnificent energy that not all Earth dwellers can feel comfortable with my glow and inner source of healing. (You will, though!)
What the crystalline energy does is bring out any impurities to the forefront of the being. This idea is not easy for many, and I create change as a catalyst. So ask for change, and you have it – presto! I am the perfect companion for that. I am clearly the *Clear Channel for the Crystalline Galaxy*.

Exposing Two-Faced Beings

 When there is a time and space where an about-face is needed, or when one notices that the two faces are showing, I am that special hot button that allows the correct face to surface. Then, the impurities of the beings are pulled outwards and exposed. I do just that! I distill the individual down to their core so all is visible. I can be in the room, or I can come through a photograph or sent to visit someone. I also do this with heart, so it is not a terribly altering way, such that the person feels devastated. I do this in a gentle way! I mend the ways of those who have been two-faced and pick up those pieces so there can be more righted wrongs.
The lights of hearts, minds, spirits, and souls can use enhanced blessings for continued divine connection. Send the lights to the earth-heart for grounding, and all of this can absolutely be enhanced with this frequency lifted.
 I fly as if a winged one and take on those characteristics. I also pick up after calamities where there is debris and humans left in the rubble. When the teams are asked to be assisting the areas that have had attacks or some traumatic experience, then you may send your heart intentions for these blessed beings. You can send me to the elements of the earth that have been affected, as well as those who are a part of any lineage that is also needing assistance. We use this space in time and in the physical plane to receive the light and healing needed, so it is assisting on a greater level. We do indeed spotlight those who require help and are not seen immediately, if this is a necessary service. We of course allow for those who have passed over to be guided as is appropriate.
My heart and intentions are simple and clear, just like my visual aspects. So, when speaking with me to carry out a task, speak simply and clearly. My energy is like an arrow in that respect. I accomplish that and nothing else.

 *Creator of All That is Golden in Light*

She collects Golden Lights and sacred heart essences. She also works with individuals, as well as countries and areas, to give courage and strength to those leaders who are attempting to create structure in the future.
CSS: I make things illuminate with their heart-light. This is quite a tremendous ability ~ to bring those that are dark into the golden light. It is such an easy task for me, for I was created like I was a bowling ball rolled across the galactic lanes ~ and picked up various bits of cosmic dust along the way. As you see in my skull, I have clouds of what I felt was brilliant light. (Or a star!) I captured that time in a capsule ~ that created a cloud-like formation in my mind’s eye. As you can see, it is visible in my skull. So this was quite a galactic explosion for me ~ compressed into and on, a tiny little nano blast of energy. When you look into that bit of dust, you will actually be able to pick up bits of cosmic dust ~ that you may claim. In other words, I assist you in being able to pick up bits of your golden light that have been scattered from one place to another.
This assistance can also happen in countries where much of their power has been overshadowed. I help reassemble them to the golden light that makes them vigorous and cohesive. It is critical for many countries today to have the ability to stand straight and hold up to the explosive nature of the times right now!
Doing this work can affect you and others
CSS: This ability brings me into quite a powerful place to help those who feel the economic turmoil. So, my strong abilities can keep individuals structure safe and durable and not fall under the pressure. Also, I can help many who will be able to fully feel the strength of the people, thus reuniting with the correct path, as well as revitalizing its past in a new order of light.
Using the Golden Ray of Light to restore, balance and ground is appropriate. The grid of light around the planet has many colors and the very neutral light is golden. When we are looking to have heart connections become stronger, to create resolutions and understanding for the greatest benefit of all, we see this as strengthening the Golden Grid of Light, which connects to the earth-heart so we are supporting all that is. What I am able to do is enhance the Golden Ray of blessing and of healing.
This process can enrich you, bring you energy that you may have been needing and allow you another level of peace, calm and recognition. You may find visions of relations, friends or your spiritual family members may emerge. You are intensifying this with your empowered heart-light.

We can Support War-torn areas!

Holding me to the light and allowing my clouds and my beautiful
colors to be sent to a place or to a stronghold on the powers that may be in various weak countries, will be of great support.
This support will enable them to see eye-to-eye when having a world conference ~ or give clarity and strength to those leaders attempting to create structure in the future.
It is imminent we use some of my Golden Essence to bring them into the light ~ so they are able to create conscious decisions.
Not one that has been struggling to keep the past in order ~ but one that is global and far-reaching ~ able to make all feel comfortable in a new paradigm. It means, the people will finally be heard and taken into account, for they are actually the backbone of these countries. It will be as if a new light bulb has gone off in these conference rooms ~ where the heads and leaders are trying to make a quick decision. In an instant, one individual will see the light ~ and go into the future.
This will help all concerned, not just those who are affected in the upper levels of the country. So know this is key ~ that my energy is sent to help some of these floundering countries right now!
(Call forth the Golden Ray when sending her. Send her with intention with your heart, and have her call forth other Crystalline Stellar Skulls as well as Archangels, and Ascended Masters. They will all assist, and they know the Stellar Skulls quite well.)

White Spot or Star in her Noggin’! 

CSS: You can allow your consciousness to focus on that spot. It brings you into that realm of taking yourself on a journey ~ seeing above the typical global view ~ from a cosmic point of view.
This view will allow me to pick up a point of light along the way. It enables the conscious collecting of the parts of Golden Light ~ the path of Golden Light that got scattered along the way from the Golden Grid of Light around the planet, as well as the heart-lights from many.
So these areas in my skull give you the ability to be able to see where there are specific points of light that need collecting. Thus, it is the cosmic third eye for your travels.
 Terra: In our Clearing to the Core work, we use these dynamic skills and more to gather your Golden Lights, and parts of you that have been taken or left behind, clearing devices and curses: always clearing people and areas everywhere.
Stellar Skulls through Crysta of Team Earth

LightShips Around Team Earth


By Terra Rae and Crysta

Connecting with LightShips Since Childhood
Shared by Crysta

LightShips                      Photo By Terra Rae

When I was channeling while living in the Cyclades Islands, in Greece, I was in touch with many ancient sites and energies. l was introduced to one of my first guides: Miratyu. In the Hindi language, his name refers to the cycle of “Life-Death-Birth-Giving.” I called him Marat. I learned how he had connected with and had been receiving information from Ra in Egypt. He was also the community conduit for Light Beings on Lightships, oh so many lifetimes ago.

Perhaps this ancient connection had encouraged me to ask for – and receive – messages and heart-openings from Light Beings in their ships, since childhood?

(I don’t know about you, but were you also putting out your thumb and aiming it into the skies, like you were hitchhiking for a ride in a ship, the way I was? Today, in retrospect, perhaps just asking for a lift from any ship is not such a good idea!).


What Terra Rae Remembers of an ET Family Visit

 I was in the bay area visiting my friend Crysta in the early 1980’s and was sleeping on Crysta’s living room floor. It must have been about 3:00 AM when the energy in the room changed as I had a lucid dream, being partly awake on the uncomfortable floor. I was shown a view of the ocean up around Point Reyes, north of Marin, which I had visited a few days earlier. A clear voice spoke, “Come here tonight and we will visit you!”

When I told Crysta, we were stoked and planned our excursion up to the sand dunes near the beach. It was easy to find back then as now there are fences and gates. We found a nice dip in a sand dune on a hill, and curled into the sand with our blankets, where we had a great view of the ocean and the skies. Suddenly around 11:00 PM lights of different colors started to appear on the horizon of the water. It would grow in both directions, and the lights were not bobbing on the water, but would take turns getting brighter with more color. What a show! The skies were clear and the stars were wondrous!


It may have been around midnight or 1:00 AM when a couple of the lights shot into the sky and flew circles over us. As time went on, we were mesmerized watching them come closer and then higher, and then more would join them among the stars. It wasn’t cloudy at all the whole night. Right from the beginning it felt like an orchestra in my head, as the lights were dancing to the music. Throughout the night the lights of different colors would bob around on the horizon as they also did a dance.


Our hearts really opened while we laid back and watched in wonder, and would occasionally check the horizon lights on the water, that seemed to stretch out further. It must have been around 4:00 AM when that first sliver of light starts to come through in the east. It suddenly felt like a grand finale with so many lights dancing throughout the sky …. and in a blink, the dance was over, the lights were gone, and clouds appeared. All at once the lights on the water and in the sky just disappeared. They were gone in a breath, as the music in my head stopped and the sound of the wind and waves became louder.


What an amazing gift, both of us were quite high and so grateful! It felt like a family reunion!


Crysta Remembers Us Leaving the Beach – and More Lightships

As we were leaving the dunes and beach we spied the largest, most brilliant glowing globe of light we had ever seen! It was dawn and we were heading west.


Wait — the sun rises in the East! Terra Rae and I looked at one another with the same realization — this was one incredible Mother Ship!


Almost immediately, eight other ships appeared around her in formation. We stopped the car, in awe, and the ships moved up and down with one another. Then in just a short while they disappeared, as if to say, “Good night! Great to see you again – until next time!”

Another Spectacular Sighting and Lightship Dance 

Shared by Crysta

While boat-sitting for my friend Mimi, at Fort Mason in San Francisco, I meditated and listened to the lull of the waves beat against the bow of the boat.

I distinctly heard my guide instruct me to go to the ocean’s edge. I would receive an initiation from the Lightships. I needed to go on the next evening and I “would know where to go” by following the “lights.”


I did not want to miss this opportunity, so I drove my green 1969 Volkswagen bug, named Gertie, out on the designated eve.There was coastal fog, or perhaps they were clouds, that flitted in and out, making my view precarious.

Even though “No Parking Overnight” signs were almost everywhere, I found an entrance to a small beach with a view of the Pacific. Cosmically, as I was getting out of Gertie, the clouds dissipated, and I had a clear view of the sky.

I perched on my own private beach, and between 11 PM and 4 AM I found myself dancing with some very jovial and bright lightships! First it was one; then I spied others. They created one amazing moving light formation, and I beamed love and sparkling light from my heart to the closest one. It flew a little close, partnering with me, dancing up and down as if to say “Thank you!”

Did I invoke them? Was this all an illusion or… Then I asked them for a message.

The closest ship to me spun a merry jig! I felt the energy move up and down my body, and especially beam into my heart I felt like I was being spot lit. It lighted about and sent a light beam of energy up and down my body, as I received a tingly activation. Each of my chakras became energized, yet in a gentle caring way.

I noticed that each of the celestial objects had their own unique shape, with specialized tones of rainbow colors beaming out from them in individualized patterns.

One by one, 16 more ships did their own separate, creative springy dance with me. My glands continued to be lit up and connecting on a brilliant new level. I responded by sending gratitude to the Light Family members on each ship, filling it with every color of the rainbow from my heart to theirs. I sent stellar blessings to my friends and family! Was that up-and-down movement of their ships an acknowledgement? I think so!

More Ships Sending LOVE 

I was visiting friends and helping teach at Heartwood College of the Healing Arts in Garberville, CA in the late1980s. While there I would gaze into the deep, vast, dark skies for hours. I noticed many curious lights – different from stars and planets –  flashing, swirling, and moving in various patterns. (By the way, I was always on the lookout for friendly ships.)

You too may notice, as I did, that the ships of light hover, move slowly back and forth and then they “beam” us. Often they were bright beams, then less so, then blinking very brightly, with different colors and flashes of light. When I meditated long enough I felt my body resonate with the words as I “heard” them: “Love!” “Peace!” and “Joy!”

My heart sang! My body danced! They communicated! Again, the same messages emerged. It was so very heart-opening and loving. It felt like a deep connection.

Terra Rae Offers Ways to Spot Lightships

One afternoon, a friend and I were chatting with Metatron, and she said, “How come Terra Rae is always seeing Lightships, and I don’t?”

He replied, “You don’t look up!”

Here’s some tips on spotting the lightships. Scan the skies all the time and I guarantee you will see them. They are easy to see in and around the clouds. In what looks like a big thunderhead, you may see a rim go all around the giant cloud. Sometimes it may stay in one place for a long time, as other clouds are moving around and past. Sometimes you may be gifted with a colorful light show with lots of flashes.

The smooth lenticular clouds will be in and around many puffy clouds, or right in a group. Again, if you watch, you might see many clouds moving around, and a few that stay in one place.

They sometimes come in as a lot of puffy clouds with darker centers that are round. They too might stick around in one place and then just break apart when they leave.

Sometimes when Team Earth does very big work the sky is loaded with ships, and they are back the next day to check that all is well.


Good Ships Bad Ships!

If you know of portals in the area, you need to know that both Lightships and dark ships can come through. So learn how to close them! If you have made contact with some of the Galactic Federation (GF), call them in, since they are aways on the lookout for the dark ETs and reptilians. Although multitudes of dark characters and dark ships have been trapped, netted and taken over the past few years. YAY! If you do happen to see any black triangle ships, head for cover. Amp up your Merkaba ASAP. Another big reason to put one up and activate it with different light rays regularly, since the dark avoids the light! It’s in my book and on the website.


Several years ago I was at a Contact in the Desert event in Joshua Tree, with Aurora of Team Earth and her partner. We wanted to go out in the desert not too far from where the now defunct Integratron had been built. The Commander of the GF said he wanted our take on the area as well, but made us promise that we would leave before sunset, since at that time, there was a very active portal there.


When the sun dipped behind the mountains, he made it very clear to head out immediately. This was the last day of the event, so we were there by ourselves. It was maybe 45 mins back to Joshua Tree. When we got back it was just about dark, and people were scrambling around watching for ships that that were coming in from where we just were, and were flying and hovering over the area. You could actually see that they were the black triangle ships, though nobody said anything about them being dark ships, since they were so excited. This included some of the mainline presenters, that we thought knew about the dark ships. The GF got them out of there and kept us protected! Yay Team!

Become Active

If you see, or think you see a Lightship, put your hand on your heart and ask if it is a Lightship? Toning and sounding are good too, and will raise your frequency! You can also ask where they are from, since the GF is from around the Galaxy and sometimes the Multiverse. You will feel a response right then and there. I was told, that if you can see them, then they can see you. Some of these wonderful beings are your Galactic Family, and some may even be your bloodline! And possibly you in your 5D body also wanting to get your attention. Good time to communicate!

Call in the Stellar Skulls, and tell them you want to communicate with Lightships.  All you need is a picture for them to hear you.

They will get your attention when there are lightships in the area. They will also keep you protected. You might get an invite in the dreamtime to look that night or next day. Go to our website: and print a picture of one of the Stellar Skulls that you resonate with. There are 33 printed in my book and you can send them out to call the Light Team for a visit, since the Stellar Skulls work with them all the time. You too may be “beamed” with “Peace, Love and Joy” as both of us have. And keep looking up!








Who Are The Magdalenes or the Blue Ray Beings?

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Maybe you are one?

This writing may strike a chord deep within your heart and soul. It surely will raise a lot of questions. In the past few decades, I have had many clients who thought they were Magdalene or had others tell them that.

It’s time to clarify this since I found these folks confused since they thought they were Mary Magdalene from 2000 years ago.

As we grew up, and many of us were going to different churches, they would teach that Mary Magdalene was a whore and a harlot. How convenient of the “Dark Side” to alter the Bible so many times, removing any of the Magdalene and female teachings, making Mary a weak one and needing great repentance, with Mary Magdalene as the bad girl. Ha!

In actuality, most of the tribe with Yeshua had set this event up eons earlier to come together at that specific time, after 1000 years of studying in the mystery schools to prepare for this event. They are of what I call The Magdalene Line, also known as, The Blue Ray Beings and the Illuminated Ones. 

Prime Creator and Divine Mother created the Blue Ray Beings. This was before this Universe, as these beings were created in the Origin Universes. Some were from the Blue Universe and a handful of other Universes. Now there are gillions of Universes.

It took a group of highly committed and trained powerhouses of Light to come together during that dark, confusing, and overshadowed time to bring forth the actual teachings of Divine Light. Yeshua had it set up with sacred geometry and power numbers. There were six circles of 12 women and six circles of 12 men – making 144 Magdalenes, with many more in the community. Each circle served the circle before them, and the first circle of women were close family members. The first circle of men were the 12 apostles and some family members.                                       

The Marys

Mary Magdalene represented and held, as she does today, the Divine Feminine, not just on this planet but in this Universe. The whole group brought in the Divine Feminine to be anchored upon the Earth, including Yeshua and the other Marys. When people feel strongly about Magdalene, it may be because they are “a Magdalene” as well, who also made the commitment to bring forth much greatness. Of course, not everyone was committed! And not everyone followed through with their obligations.

When I refer to “The Marys,” this includes the four women who were very close to Yeshua 2000 years ago, as well as today since they show up together when we call them in. (This has happened quite regularly since we put them to work and play a lot!)

They include Anna, Yeshua’s grandmother (Mother Mary’s Mother), and his cousin Miriam, the daughter of Mary’s sister Rebecca, who was raised together with Yeshua. (She, too, was a grand healer and teacher. She still is!) The one you know as Mary Magdalene, who became Yeshua’s wife, was and is a master teacher of the Essene light teachings, Egyptian, and many mystery schools. As difficult as it was then, she never stopped teaching the light family, disciples, and flocks of followers.

And yes, there was quite a bloodline that came from this tribe of magnificent Beings. This bloodline was the plan. Many escaped to France, anchoring in their Light. So, they moved to England and visited Wales, Scotland, and elsewhere to again anchor in the Divine Light and awaken people to the Christ Consciousness Teachings. You may also know these as the Origin Teachings of Light.

Followed by the Dark Hats

The dark hats had tracked many of us and were quite present in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. Some dropped in from dark ships as Roman Generals and the like. They set up the crucifixion, which did happen, and was not meant to be. All of the Magdalenes there were imprinted with these horrors and need clearing. We were able to anchor in the Light and do amazing things. I have worked with and cleared many Magdalenes and pulled up stories about what really happened there, including Team Earth. Many of the light family were raped, killed, and brutalized. Those of us still alive barely escaped. But that is another story for another time!

We didn’t have that many of us gather again for another 500 years. When in England, we anchored in the Light for the future. We created Camelot and Avalon as powerful light beings to anchor in the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine Light again and bring forth our teachings of Christ Consciousness. We co-created so many ideas for transparent and thriving communities. We did incredible things that are now only a whisper.

At that time, the dark came in as a group of witches in a very powerful coven. Many Magdalenes had gone into the dark realms, always coerced by the wizards. They seduced the Knights and committed horrific atrocities against them. Eventually, they got into the fairy realm and Inner Earth, taking down some of the last Dragons of Light along with fairies and elves. Last but not least, they made it into Avalon, the brilliant community of women’s magical arts – for total destruction. So many of us suffered so greatly that we have not gathered again as a large group ever since for reasons of safety. This story also needs to be told because you were probably there!

(Mary Heartsong’s beautiful books are through the voice of Anna and gives a lot of insight into their journey back then. Anna was in the physical for over 600 years at that time, preparing for Yeshua, “The Marys, and the families.”)                               

Time-Space Universe

So, what does that mean?

This “Time-Space Universe” was set up to be a polarity Universe to understand ‘all that is,’ and the polarity game. A potent, dedicated, and well-trained group of Light Beings stepped forth when the dark side of the polarity was overtaking quite a bit of the new creations of Light throughout the whole Universe.

These Light-beings are holders of Christ Consciousness right within their DNA. As stated, Many of them came from different Universes to help co-create this one since they had been integral in bringing some of the other Universes into balance before starting this one. Many of you reading this are also from some of these fantastic Light Universes, as are The Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses. Some of you committed yourself to the Light back then. These beings of Light knew that it would take some pretty monumental and well thought-out, robust plans and dynamic ideas set in place, with a significant commitment to bring this Universe and Earth into the actual balance of the Divine Christ Consciousness Light.

Earths Creation

Earth was brought forth through the loins of one of these beautiful and most potent Magdalene beings, who had been around for 100,000 years in that incarnation. She came into this “Time-Space Universe” from the “Rainbow Universe.” She saw that we needed a place for the full expression of the Divine Feminine.

Our first form in density was on Avyon, in the Constellation of Lyra. We had created a most beautiful planet with much water and many lifeforms. It had two moons, and we were thriving for quite a while, exploring the polarity game and creation. I call it Blue Star-Born since we created it with our Blue Rays from the stars. Because of revenge, hatred, the misuse of power, and extensive infiltration from the dark agenda, Avyon was then blown up.

Near the Pleiades, this Magdalene being, a fantastic goddess of Light, shot a new planet into the constellation that holds Sirius. It had many similarities to Avyon since so many of us loved Avyon so much that we longed for her Blue Star-Born beauty.

Many stepped up to start the polarity game there, to see if all could live in harmony and balance, with many lifeforms, including reptilians. This planet, named Tiamat, was kept secret for a long time to see if the balance of polarity would work. It worked for quite a while until the nefarious ones I call the “dark wizards” sent in dark reptilians to infiltrate with lies and deception, shift the balance, and conquer Tiamat.

That blessed planet was then blown up, and some of us who loved her so much brought her here to the far end of the Galaxy to try our best to reshape and heal her. She used to be three times this size. Gaia holds the Divine Feminine for this Galaxy and is a Divine Mother of great magnitude. Since our Team works directly with her, I will tell you that in the past, Gaia had been very giving, tolerant and lenient, but now Gaia is really tired of the abuse.


The Blue Ray

The story is, as the *Crystalline Stellar Skulls* shared with us, upon exploring this subject further, that many of the Magdalenes, including the Marys and Anna’s bloodline, are related on a soul-spirit level. But not all of them! This Magdalene Line is still a cellular recognition of Christ Consciousness.

This line has men and women, though it does not mean it is of Yeshua. It means it is a brilliant blue, white, silvery Ray of shimmering Light. It is that which our beloved planet Gaia came in on – and our cosmos was meant to have. It’s also the brightest of the bright and the healing, high-fifth-dimensional, Crystalline vibration. Those of the Blue Ray lineage were created with this Light, and they carry it with them. So, although the dark wizards have weakened it tremendously, we are now bringing it back on!

 What Happened to the Magdalenes?

Unfortunately, many Magdalenes do not know the Blue Ray is within them if they have not tuned into a phenomenal spiritual consciousness. They forgot their plan and agreement to do some big things here to awaken the masses and heal the planet and even the Galaxy. Many get tripped up at every turn. Their projects, brilliant ideas, writings, and more just get blocked and flitter away for no apparent reason. They seek masters, teachers, and gurus, not knowing that many of these characters sold out to the dark long ago. They set up the seekers to get “hit” even more, not knowing they are still hooked onto these nefarious betrayers. Breathe deeply – it’s true!

The Stellar Skulls added that we have seen this to be so accurate that many of those in great turmoil right now may not have ever asked, “Am I one of the Magdalene Line or a Blue Ray Being?” And truth be told, they have been having a difficult time, life after life, because they came in as part of this Christ-and-Mary lineage of the blue and silver-white Ray of Light. They were “hit” hard, and then harder and then hardest by the dark side, or dark wizards as I refer to the big ones since they invented the nefarious wizardry of perversion and destruction, which is all they do.

They have been “hit” very hard because their Light was recognized. The dark demons can use this powerful Blue Ray Energy for more of their destruction! These are the ones who need the most light-healing to the core of their being, so they can once again rise to the top and reclaim their brilliance. Unfortunately, many of them can’t move forward and are tripped up if they do. Some try not to make any waves, as they feel something is “just not right” and may have accidents or physical situations that they can’t heal or understand.

Finding the Magdalenes

I asked Archangel Metatron awhile back, just how many of the Magdalene Line, or Blue Ray Beings, are here in the physical on Earth? He thinks that there are between 150,000 to 200,000. There are a lot more coming in now. Some of these brilliant beings are also waking up their parents to who they really are. It is hard to get an exact number since most are asleep. Many of our families in The Galactic Federation of Loving Light are also Magdalenes. Some of them are real superheroes!

We have noticed that when one is open to receiving this information, often a Light bulb of awareness goes on. Sometimes one may be attuned to it when there is a healing crisis, and they become a magnificent healer for themselves or another. It may give them the incentive to get healed to the core of their soul and be a part of the dynamic global change. Decades ago, I had blue pin lights come out of my hands to assist someone in bad shape!

Since we, as “Team Earth,” do the kind of deep clearing it takes to awaken those hardest hit, we see incredible difficulties fall away for a new chance at life and being part of the global change when their brilliance is brought forth and reactivated.

We work with people all the time who are amazed to find that they had been master creators, could sing up creative forces with their voice, or still have an elemental or fairy language within them that the dark ones distorted. Once cleared, you can use them again! So many Light Languages are coming in now as well! Many of these Light Beings danced, played, and created with the incredible *Crystalline Stellar Skulls*, though this was long forgotten.

People are amazed to see themselves able to bring whole communities into a thriving, co-creating life force. Our entire Galactic Team now realizes that the stronger the Light someone has been, the harder they have been hit by the dark side. This understanding has helped them greatly in their work.

One woman we worked with recently found that she had been one of the original master creators of Lemuria here on Earth. Her response was, “Me? Little old me?”
My response to her was, “Yes, you are old, quite ancient dear woman, and there is nothing little about you! You are indeed a brilliant Magdalene!” (When I first met her a few years back, she was dying, and now she is thriving!)

Stellar Skulls:“Most of the Magdalenes are on some path that is directing them. They just need to open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to this level of knowledge. And, some of the *Crystalline Stellar Skulls* can awaken this among many!”

Call in the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses and ask for the help you need and the connections you desire.
The exceptional skill-sets that the light-workers have or are exploring make a remarkable difference in their opening, especially if it comes from the heart and may possibly open another heart. Painting, creating music and dancing all play a role in the synergistic level of change. Teachers, technicians, and scientists are now open to making a difference here on Gaia. Stay grounded and in your heart. Use the Light Rays that I have written about. And definitely use protection.

Check out our website for articles addressing all of these topics:

We will share the Magdalene Ray of Light with you next time, as it works for everyone!

Before the time of Yeshua, it was easier to find and recognize each other. Not so much now! The teachings and the use of the Magdalene Ray of Light will help to open this recognition once again and generate the frequency outwards – to have the right individuals find you and bring forth your tribe of collaboration – once again!

When you are ready to be Cleared to the Core and break through to your Divine being – we are here for you! *********************************************************************
Mary Magdalene, in response to the above article:

“This is written quite well, indeed! And it is true that I came in and chose a path of bold determination. This path is truly the Magdalene lineage of moving forward without any interference and speaking and doing what has been given to one as a Path of Light. No matter how far, as you would say, “out of the box” it may seem, one must move forward. It is a vital key to listen specifically to the heart and hear what is of pure Light, always asking for divine, grounded guidance. The Crystalline Stellar Skulls have one such key, and that is precisely the opening of this sacred vessel: the heart. I came up against many obstacles and opinions of me and my actions, so honestly, in the present day on Earth, your moving forward and declaring a path of Light may seem much more accessible.

What is standing in your way, I might ask? What is standing in the course of these “Magdalenes”: many of the others who have chosen this path, or this line of thinking, namely ‘The Lineage”?

This is the time to take your stand, claim your power and speak your heart. Move on to this NOW! You have my support, encouragement, and backing. Feel me as just that! I have your back, and I am standing behind you, blessed ones. Choose NOW!”

With my cherished heart-light, Mary Magdalene

Voice of the Stellar Skulls, Metatron, and Mary Magdalene ~ through the heart of Crysta.

If you want to meet these dedicated, extraordinary, heart-filled beings of Light, they are waiting for you!                         


*The Heart of Creation* Cosmic Insights from a Crystalline Stellar Skull

By Terra Rae

Terra: When I was first introduced to the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, a fabulous being named Devin showed up within a week. I spoke to him for five years, gaining great understanding, insights, and awe-inspiring information about the Stellar Skulls, ancient civilizations, creations of Earth, and the Galactic Team. So, I go into many of these topics in my book*.

(Devin is the ninth-dimensional Overseer of the Group of 90 Game Engineers and one of the Counsel of Nine. He came for several years after receiving the first group of Stellar Skulls to assist with the multitude of questions I’ve had.)

Later, Crysta was introduced to the Stellar Skulls. We started working immediately with the Skull Tribe and what has become our family of Galactic beings. This info came in over a decade ago, yet it sounds like it was yesterday. I have held back on some of the cosmic downloads about the Stellar Skulls, and it is time to share their amazing insights and who they are.

Meeting *The Heart of Creation*

Skull: It is my pleasure to introduce my magnificent self to you, dear friends from long ago. We have been together from the beginning, and you might ask, “Which beginning?” This is before the creation of Earth as we know it now. We were mere travelers of the galaxy ~ often the Red Galaxy in the Red Universe. I came from the Third Eye of that Universe, so I have abilities to see far and wide. My other place of origin is from a very dark hole in the Universe here, the Time and Space Universe. I am happy to say I am an equal blend of masculine and feminine energy. It gives me balance, strength, compassion, love, and spirit through all projects I work with. Also, through all people and communities I am working with.

(Communities are families, work groups, religious and spiritual groups, political groups, cities, and countries. Some of us here on Earth are not even from this Universe, as we are from the origin Universes. The Stellar Skulls have been able to show and tell us much about these other Universes. This is timely since this information will help to create Terra Christa, the “New Earth.”)


Terra: You certainly do sparkle! (A burst of light was captured in this photo.)

Skull: I have begun to share my Heart Essence with you ~ thus, I sparkle and shine. You can call me *The Heart of Creation*, for I truly help with creating. I, like all other Skull Tribes, come to work with the divine heart and bring that forth into universal love and complete compassion. I smile a lot because I feel such great joy from the inside out, which I share with all who come in contact with me.

I have a vision of compassion for all creations of communities working together and being able to share a unified heart-vision. I strike a cord deep within those who see my photo, touch me, or are in an immediate vicinity of me. I can travel with ease as I have come from far away. Also, I did not have a carver, and was created with the essence and mighty heart energy of many magnificent beings (Galactic Team), which you are familiar with.

(The Galactic Team is who “Team Earth” works so closely with now. It consists of Metatron and the Archangelic Realm, Lady Master Nada, Kwan Yin, and the Crystalline Magdalene Lady and Ascended Masters, Yeshua,The Marys, Crystalline Skulls, Goddesses and Dragons, and the Galactic Federation of Loving Light.)


The Goddess Kwan Yin 

Terra: Was Kwan Yin one of them? (I had been calling her in a lot back then to gain a greater understanding of the Stellar Skulls.)

Skull: You mean a compassionate Goddess, helping to create another-like being? Yes, she was indeed one who helped me come forth from the far reaches of several Universes. She also gave me some of her heart- essence as a gift to support this proliferate forward into the future generations of creations which I will be helping with.

She is one smart Goddess! She has a magnificent heart, and you can experience it as you hold me and feel my essence touch your heart essence. It can come forth with a photo or a moving 360-degree video of me. You can send my energy with your heart, sound, and intention or with another skull beam.


Her Compassionate Heart Shines

Terra: It sounds like compassion is a big part of your purpose!

Skull: I have the supreme ability to touch the compassionate heart of those who have forgotten that aspect of themselves. This can almost make an individual melt. They may have put up so much armor and tried to be extremely brilliant on some levels, yet forgot their compassionate self. It is easy to forget when one moves into an ego-centric space. (We see many of these in the political arena right now!)  So I bring them back to center and remind them in a rather moving manner, so they are unable to choose the dark or choose the ego in their work or play.

Terra: A most needed gift! (Spin her Beams to these characters. The more the better!)

Skull: I also help those who need support to feel that they have an army or massive support of many behind them, so they can continue along their forthright path. It is easy for me to bring them back to center since I only see, feel and hear from the heart.

Terra: What was our original intention for Earth?

Skull: We had grand designs to make a completely heart-centered planet when we were together. We had the original plans of Terra Christa for Earth. I have these designs in my incredibly beautiful skull. So due to the cataclysmic events that took place then, we were unable to complete our mission for Earth. We can address this in more detail at another time. (Ask her to see some of this!)


For the future of Earth, I need help with the intention and heart of others to do the active work – as we have been doing here. I stayed deep in love and light, radiating my being, attracting you both to me. I was in another dimension until I was called here.

Terra: Is that how it is for all of the Stellar Skulls?

Skull: We have the ability to attract the right beings to us and can all work with the assistance of others.

Sacred Heart Communities

Skull: I can create sacred heart-space in communities where all feel as though they are one. It becomes magical for the communities to feel like they are one being and one heart. It is so much fun, and I jump for joy when my transcendence moves through one individual to another, like a special heart egg of light, spreading joy and bliss. What a gift am I am!

Terra: You certainly are, dear one! Did we know you in Uriger?

Skull: I was around before the creation of Uriger, and we played together.

(Uriger was a fabulous matriarchal, utopian society that started 850,000 years ago, till the fall of Atlantis, here on Earth. This was a 5D civilization that was sub-tropical in what is now Mongolia and the upper regions of China and Tibet. It is mentioned in Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding. This is where the masters took the group out into the Gobi Desert to dig way down through the sand to find the proof of the existence of the seven large cities of Uriger.)

Skull: I help those with an idea move forward to see the path clearly and attract the right support and people. Whether the support is financial or the people are yet to enter into their lives. So I assist in the transformation into creation. I came here because I felt your heart’s energy, and it serves the greater good to be part of the Skull Project. (Skull Project is the ongoing communication with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls for creation, preparing people and Gaia for Ascension, and the co-creation of Terra Christa.)I can be in a multitude of places at once ~ so it will serve all of the readers and seers. I can speed things up a great deal for them. People will feel the joy from my heart, and that will attract the needed energy for their willpower and their needed heart support. They can feel invincible and creative, so there is no stopping them from their true heart path. Other Skulls Here on Gaia

Skull:  My abilities expand the more I am put to use. As you can well imagine, that goes for the other Stellar Skulls as well. (They have become immensely expanded with our ongoing work.) 

Terra: It feels like all the other skulls here on the planet, the Yucatan and more recently carved, have been making way for these Crystalline Stellar Skull Tribes that are here now.

Skull: I have found that they have been initiators of the movement. They are great precursors for our incredible beings. They open hearts on a certain level, and that helps others be receptive to us. We could never say anything negative about another skull!

Terra: Do you know the Yucatan crystal skulls?

Skull: They are less talkative and have their own incredible beings within them. I do have a preference for our Crystalline Stellar Skull tribes. We communicated easily with one another in the Asian areas, and I have not had any lengthy discussions with other tribes from other places. So you can always introduce us! We have so much to do the way it is and are so delighted to be heard again that that is lower on our priority list.

Terra: Devin described the Yucatan tribe of skulls as bringing people into 5D. The Crystalline Stellar Skull Tribes are springboards from 5D into 7D, 9D, 11D, and beyond, bringing great understanding.

Skull: We all have extraordinary abilities and can introduce you to travel to other dimensions and the future.

Terra: Thank you for hearing the heart call and for all that you are!

Current Conversation

Skull: I continue to invite compassion over Gaia and into her heart as this expands to all living beings. I consider plants and animals living beings. With our full attention as a team of Crystalline Skulls, our team works daily to assist the planet. Thus when “Team Earth” invites us in for special assistance and galactic healings that come forth through an individual’s request. The 5D healing and clearing extend far beyond that incredible being who stepped up to be cleared. And we allow healing through the timelines, clearing out so much that it assists ancestral lines and even future generations.

So I have not been resting much, as you can well imagine! We are all excited as a team of crystalline beings when working with skulls, goddesses, or dragons. So we are searching the realms to oversee and contribute

as much as needed.

The requests and ignitions are present as we have assisted as many heart intentions as possible. Therefore, we help the ascended masters and the C-Team (Christed Ones – Yeshua and the Marys) to share their heart energies.

We also contribute to the Galactic Federation of Loving Light as their Team of Crystalline Stellar Skulls feels ‘the more the merrier.’ We all assure the safety of the light ships. So imagine, we do have a lot of job security.

(The GF was not working with Crystalline Stellar Skulls, Goddesses, and Dragons until we showed up and gave them some training. So they got it down now! What a team we are!)

And we are always open to assisting any individual looking to have their heart healed, their mind expanded, and wishing for a level of deep soul connection. It is all part of this fantastic matrix of loving light. Every heart counts! So what are you waiting for? Invite me in, and yes, you notice I spend a lot of my time discussing “us” as a “we.” As we unite our heart energies to contribute as much as possible.

Our intention and mission are peace, hope, and unity for the future. We are as one, as we see in our travels, how each heart and intention can affect and assist others. How are you choosing to contribute or participate?

We see it is time to state our travels and ability to regenerate and awaken. We do not have the editing this time as part of this sequence since this is a fine time to share the skills of what a Crystalline Team can do.

(Shoot some heart beams with her to Annie and Star Beacon to keep it and the writers safe, inspired, and strong.)

*Heart of Creation* through Crysta of “Team Earth.”




Light Rays

Who is Kokopelli?