Tag Archive for: Clearing

Light and Dark Portals

By Terra Rae of Team Earth

Since most folks are feeling so much speeding up all around, I wanted to address some of our experiences with our work, with the Crystalline and Galactic Teams. Big, profound changes are happening that do indeed affect us all. Some hit the news, but most don’t – at least not so much of the positive changes before us. We keep our Crystalline and Galactic Teams quite busy with the Team Earth findings. We have been noticing and addressing very dark ideas that have been in place for millennia, which are now being removed, transformed, and obliterated. Doing this continues to raise the resonance of Gaia herself, which assists in all of our awakenings – as well as balancing the poles and changing the weather patterns in a good way, while transforming so much!

So much has been put in place over time to numb and control everyone. The dark nets, portals, curses, ceremonies, dark wizards and their minions, diseases, reptilians, controlling devices, destruction of the planet and all life upon Her, and so much more, are finally being removed. These are being released from in, on, and around Earth, the planets, moons, many stars, and the multiverse.

Are you asking, “How can I do my part?” You can begin by clearing your emotional body and your past-lives, and assisting Gaia in what brings you joy! Learn to love yourself more deeply, and love your family – since we are all family. Ground to the Heart of Gaia every day. Celebrate!

From the Commander (CW) of the Galactic Federation of Loving Light

CW: We have been clearing full-on for so long, especially with the galactic clearing work we are doing with our frequent Team Earth healings. So, know that the energy is coming in – filled with stardust and many multiverse energies – to assist in clearing out the flows of nefarious energy, and stop the interruption of the basic elements and harmonic frequencies. We are doing the planetary grounding, protecting, and transforming, as that is our mission, using the Heart of Gaia and Crystalline Energy to transmute – and to assist those light-workers looking for assistance and receiving enhanced levels of light.

Spotlighting the Dark

We are always looking to spotlight those who are on the dark side, who adulterate energies that were meant to be in flow or ease, love, cooperation – and this is on a societal level as well. We see the passion and love and compassion in so many, so these are those we look to protect, while we light up their pathways for the greatest of ease.

We work with different realms: the Inner Earth, Mer-communities (in our Oceans), and Galactic Beings, as we are seeking to create greater levels of inter-realm communication – as it was always meant to be.

Know that you can do your part (with protection, however) as in a loving, open-hearted being, and be that compassionate, caring, interconnected Light-Being, holding yourself responsible and knowing that what you do affects all of us in every realm.

As a cooperative team, with many of the Ascended Masters and members of the Archangelic Realm, we are all connecting to your hearts as you choose. So, this is a reminder to call in assistance when you need it, and to continue to strengthen yourselves with a spiritual team of Light.

You have so many abilities to create change from within – and using your hearts to communicate is key. Whether you are grounding or calling in light energies, or strengthening your heart connections with others, or sending energy out to assist those you resonate with, this is all heart-centered communication – and it is part of how you protect yourself physically and spiritually. Notice that we are the Galactic Federation ofLoving Light – and we see the whole cosmos,[1]  including our planets, as being heart-centered. So, you have your own set of tasks to do. Realizing that as you come forth from your heart, you also regenerate the heart of the elements, the elementals, Gaia herself, and the plants and animals. You are helping all of humanity, and far beyond! So you have your own tasks to be aware of – as you participate as conscious, loving beings.

More on Portals

CW: We are presently clearing out portals of light to make sure that the beings who wish to tap into a greater magnificence and resonance are in touch with the higher vibrations. These vibrations allow you to have more of your darkness, and other negative energies lifted. The portal is then fine-tuned so that you are free to send out as much heart energy as possible. This is the magnificent radiation of light that serves to alleviate the depression and disconnect that so many are feeling now. The other part of moving energies out, and allowing the flow of light in to serve as a connecting light, is that some of the newly opened portalsassist *Magdalenes to become aware of deep 5D clearing  (the process that we do with Team Earth), which would serve them. This will help assist the cosmic consciousness and our planet on one incredible scale.

Yes, we have assisted Gaia’s heart clearing, time and time again – as well as her energy centers, the Inner Earth Light Grid, and those healing rays from the newly opened portals of light which extend outward into the multiverse. We consistently notice how the axis is gently coming back and righting herself.

Terra Rae: Often in our clearing work, we track and scan galactic portals. I went into some of this briefly in Star Beacon’s April 2021 issue. Not only do we find these portals on and around Earth, and the Inner Earth, but on stars and planets as well. We have been finding a great many close to Earth and in the atmosphere lately. Quite a few are being used by the “dark hats” for their nefarious ideas and work, since they distort and disturb everything they can.

There are so-called spiritual groups that have been misled with the idea that portals should be open all over the place. The problem is – and there are many – that once a portal is created and opened, it can be used by the light OR the dark. Rarely is it closed, or taught how to be closed or protected. That should be a clue to you if you participate in this activity – to know who you are working with!

These portals need to be closed – and here’s why. Once the “dark hats” attach to a portal, or creates it with unsuspecting Light-Workers or people just messing around, it can bring forth all kinds of fifth-dimensional dark beings. These include what we call red-eyed meanies, who come in all shapes and sizes – and who torment, scare, run around your house and land, and hook onto your friends. They whisper all kinds of creepy things, to kids and teenagers particularly, yet lately many adults are experiencing them as well. They are constantly promoting the use of drugs, to keep them dumbed down. The more sensitive kids and young adults sometimes can see, feel, and hear them. This can really frighten the young ones!

One of our clients became concerned that her brilliant nine-year-old son started to get terrified at night and felt things – or beings – in his room once the lights went out. When we looked in, we saw several creepy, red-eyed beings around him, the house, and their land. Once we removed them, he totally relaxed and could sleep safely in his room again. Scanning further in other dimensions, we looked for an open portal in the area, and found it – and the Galactic Team successfully closed it.

Another client, a 15-year old girl who was alone in her house, could feel a presence next to her as she sat at the end of her mom’s bed. An indentation appeared, as though someone or something had sat right down on the bed next to her. She lived in a forested area and could sometimes see red eyes following her. This scared her, and she was afraid to even tell her family.

Thankfully, once we find these nasty beings, our Team can round them all up and remove them. These beings, along with other disturbing characters, can come through unsupervised portals.

Fantastic Light Portals!

There are extremely wondrous Light Portals being opened and amped up. They are flooding in all new high frequencies of Light and Stardust and more for the Ascension process, as more and more dark portals are being transmuted or closed. It is one of the specialties of the Commander.

CW: Portals at times need to be closed or opened, and we do not have one particular method that all of you are able to discern. We often make sure that the energies are safe and clear while pouring forth the incredible Light. We are always keeping up on our tasks, as there are different means to distort and attract Light Beings, whether the dark uses mirrors or chooses to change the portal of Light into something else. Just as Team Earth found an ancient portal with a provocative distortion that had not been detected. So the positive vibrations can only flow through and serve when you do connect to Gaia and her heart, and use your levels of protection we have mentioned before – which are ever so important. Giving newcomers instructions on how to use the energy of portals is too immense to give specifics about. 



CSS: We see that there are a lot of ways you can contribute, as you ask yourself how you can be of assistance for the greater good.

Doing personal healing, refining these techniques, noticing the difference in your reactions to others and to situations so that you feel and understand your progress, is ever so important. Not only that – knowing your boundaries, using your ability to stay diligent, grounding and protecting yourself as you go about your day – serves you also. Are you truthfully noticing the changes within as well as around you?

Are you doing the same processes over and over? Do you need assistance from in-depth healers and mentors so you can catapult your growth? As you serve yourself, becoming more Light-filled, this process assists those you interact with — and the greater good. This profoundly affects the hearts of many you touch. Self-growth is paramount at this special time!

CW: So, all of us have our times to assist with transforming ourselves and the energies around us. What are you waiting for? 

See you in the Cosmic Light,

Your Commander,


CW and CSS through Crysta of Team Earth

*Magdalenes – Here is a link to an article called  “Who Are the Magdalenes?”:




Best-Kept Secrets — Revealed

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Are you working the Light? I know you are working, writing, teaching, healing others – yet are you using any Light-protection? I’ve addressed this several times, and now is a critical time – like never before! And, using the Light is Free! Are you calling in Ascended Masters to assist you and your work? They have ascended because they mastered this Earth dance, and are available to assist if they are called in. Call them in! Remember, just because you may not see them, or the layers of Light, does not mean they are not there helping.

Then, qualify who shows up.There are quite a few nefarious tricksters right now! Using discernment and being diligent with your protection and grounding to the Heart of Gaia – with your practices, meditations, healing and transformational work for yourself and others – is of the utmost importance. Using protection is at the top of the list.

The Crystalline Team of Stellar Skulls, Stellar Goddesses and Stellar Dragons has returned here, both on and around Earth, to help pull us through to Ascension. They are in my reality because I asked to have the tools to assist multitudes to awaken, clear, heal, protect, shield and be safe – in, on and around the Earth, Galaxy and beyond. They heard my call and the Crystalline Teams showed up!

The Crystalline Team and Galactic Federation of Loving Light (GF) has asked me to give you more insights, since they can see on multiple levels, how so many are getting “hit” by the dark wizards. They are able to look into the dark dimensions as well, which we don’t recommend you do. Did you know that if you are looking into, or do remote viewing, and are seeing a dark situation, or character, or reptilian crew, that they can look right back at you? Not kidding!

The Crystalline Teams of sentient beings work from “More dimensions than we could possibly fathom.” What a gift! They come to assist when called in. Crystalline Stellar Skulls (not the Crystal Skulls) are from the Angelic Realm. They can be in many places at once, just like Archangels Metatron and Michael, as well as the Ascended Masters.

Everybody mentioned here works from the Fifth Dimension of Light and higher, which most people cannot see into. “Team Earth” and I work from these dimensions. Yet, this is where you go when you meditate, as well as in the dreamtime.
Why is this important at this time? I will now share some situations, incidents and truths that we have not revealed before. People need to understand some of the magnitude of what is going on at this time on Earth and in the Galaxy – particularly, those of the Light. That’s you – right?

Your Juicy Light

Many times when “Team Earth” is working, we are able to track big, dark situations, and retrieve fragments, Soul Essences and Heart-Lights of multitudes of beings. Metatron will then multi-plicate the Angelic Realm to assist, and take the tortured fragments, spirits and Juicy Lights of beings retrieved to safety. They are then cleaned, cleared, healed and re-calibrated to return to their 3D being. We have sent endless amounts of your Juicy Light back to you! It’s your brilliance that was stolen, in this life and throughout time. Soul Essences are colorful little Lights, sucked out of your chakras. When these are taken, you are still alive, but there is less of you! You get one Heart-light in each incarnation, which is quite sought after. A Soul-Spirit, which is also a great prize to the dark wizards, is sometimes taken at death, especially if one of them has killed you. They keep it well hidden.

Best-Kept Secret on Earth

It’s what the dark-hats feed on! A Soul Spirit is big and needs to be brought in personally; since it is usually taken directly from a wizard in another life, it has to be retrieved. We can work with groups as well. And it’s a big part of you! Stealing all this Juicy Light – like your Soul Essences and Heart-light – is the best-kept secret on Earth!

Doesn’t it make sense, then, that the dark gets its strength from the Light-workers? And they’re always looking for the Magdalenes, since they themselves are not connected to the Light? They are the ultimate insatiable vampires.

Now you can understand why I am so adamant about protection.

And how do these nefarious ones get our Juicy Light, you might ask?
Ready to hear this? Stop here if you are not.


The dreamtime is a big one, since the dark often works in the fourth dimension. It’s why many of you are having creepy dreams. And active meditators without protection are getting sick a lot. Many of you are being taken at night to a dark ship to be examined, have DNA removed and be marked with even more devices. Some of these devices light up when they are near. They fly by and sweep you up out of the fourth dimension dreamtime. Some unsuspecting Light-workers will awaken on these journeys and have to be put under again. This can make people crazy. You wonder why mental illness is on the rise and institutions are loaded. Friends and family members who seem to be fine can change overnight.

How did these reptilians get in? Our government cut a deal in 1955 that the reptilians could come in and harvest DNA from humans for a short time, with full reporting back to the government, in exchange for anti-gravity technology. The President thought they were from off-planet. Many were from very old underground bases here in the Earth. Reptilians always lie, and never hold up their end of a deal. This hasn’t stopped since then, and they have never reported back to anyone. Many of the underground installations, or bases, now closed, are the ones you may have been hearing about. The White-hats and GF have been doing an amazing job with destroying, closing and rescuing, with many arrests. The GF has also been working way overtime to close portals and put Light-nets around certain areas – and the whole planet. Just recently they netted the entire Solar System. Imagine that! The GF are such heroes!


Many Earth-workers are doing the practice of creating and opening portals. Rarely are they closed, or have protection put up at the entrance. Did you know that when a portal is opened, the Light can be called in to amplify an area? Well, guess what, if you don’t know what you are doing, the dark ones can use these portals too, and they come right through.

They are bringing in 5D of dark AIs (Artificial Intelligence) to leave in unsuspecting areas. They always have programming to tag certain groups or types, especially the bright ones, the kids and young people. Some of the kids are able to see these, or feel them, and it scares the crap out of them. Parents rarely understand! Sometimes the kids are afraid to go to sleep. When these “meanies” are cleared out, they relax. Call in the Crystalline Team and Archangels for help.“Team Earth” can also assist.

The music and film industry are being used in a big way by some of the beings that have a dark contract. These characters and the ones standing behind them all want your Juice, as I call it. They can use distorted and sometimes unheard sounds, gases, mirrors, dark nets you don’t see, symbols and more – to pull out your juicy light, unbeknownst to you. Watch for those dark ones. Some are very popular, with a big fan base. You might even be shocked at some, since they sure don’t want to be discovered. They’re rich, famous, usually good looking, and gathering your Juice is their payoff.

Gurus and Spiritual Healers

I just have to mention the Gurus. Not all, but many!
“Oh, but I love my Guru,” you say. We hear it all the time, until we take a closer look at just how they are sucking you dry. Have you ever hugged one of them and felt a big rush? That was more than likely your Soul Essences and possibly your Heart-light getting sucked right out of you and your light body. It’s why they want you to wear mala beads and have pictures of them around. If they put a piece of them into the mala, which most do, such as a clip of a cuticle or nail, they can enter right into your aura to suck off even more at any time. They go into your dreamtime as well, for even more programming. Oh, and they come back life after life to call you in. I recommend you do some past-life clearing and call them in to remove what was left in you, and dissolve any contracts. This will be very revealing, I guarantee it! And do use protection.

Some Spiritual Teachers are able to call in many unsuspecting seekers. They know how to bring in the big Lights – possibly like you! Then they have a whole juicy playground to dance in. This is more common than you may think or know!


Set up Merkabas around you. Put one up around your house, your family, your pets, your friends, your computer and anything else you can think of! You can actually do buildings – like schools, gathering places and even your whole town. Get creative and daring. Wield the Light! Send in different clockwise streams of colors, flavors, essences from the top down, and watch and feel what happens. Once it is up it is there, unless it is not fortified on occasion. Amp it up every day – when you awaken, in the shower, on your walks, before bed – at least twice a day. Affirm that your kids’ and other Merkabas, are also being fortified at the same time. Use the Violet Flame counter-clockwise up from the heart of Gaia to burn through, sticky, goopy, toxic, detrimental energies. It can’t remove the negative devices, but it will calm the system for the programming and spewing of the goop, cords, creatures and more.
For example, put a Merkaba up around the StarBeacon.

“Oh, but I worked with so and so and have a Merkaba,” you say.
I recommend you ask Metatron, St. Germain, Merlin or Michael to dissolve it, or pull it off and start over. Why? Well, there has been some big-time tampering with most of these put up by a spiritual teacher, actually a couple of them, that are very detrimental. You want your Merkaba, not theirs.

Did you know that when you were first created, you had a Merkaba of powerful Light? It was for your enhancement, so you could travel around to almost anywhere, and stay fortified for your safety and protection. Also to open your creativity to assist in the co-creation of this Universe, and advance your skills. Well, they were all stolen by the dark nefarious ones – what a surprise!


When you meditate, you move right through the 4th dimension to the 5th. I unfortunately hear so many teachers and meditators take themselves and groups into 4D. Skip it, since the dark has taken over quite a bit of it, which makes you a juicy target. Go right to 5D after you amp up your Merkaba. Once it is up, it becomes a beautiful, sparkling golden egg of Light, 22 feet out in all directions, repelling the dark all the way. If you meditate quite a lot without protection, you are open to be attacked by everything imaginable. Some people will get sick and drained.

Golden Cylinder of Light

You can also use a Golden Cylinder of Light, around yourself and your clients, going several feet below the Earth. Or put a Golden Egg of Light that is closer to the physical body. These can also be inside a Merkaba. Have one of the above-mentioned Team or your guides assist in this. Fill these with the Green Ray for Healing, the Golden Ray to ground and stay sharp, the Pink Ray for the Heart and cellular activations, and when you’re finished with your work, fill them back up with some of these powerful Lights, including the Violet Flame. This burns off what was released, and seals the etheric body where you have removed something. Top off your session by bringing in the sparkling Crystalline Ray and fill the whole body and Light Body. It will activate the cells for more opening and healing, and it does get one very high. Have it set up with your off-planet Team that you receive the Light activations at the same time.

Dark Egg-Shaped Nets Hitting Our Healers

One of our clients, who has done tremendous clearing, showed up with a dark, egg-shaped net wrapped completely around her. She could feel it, and she felt that one of her other healers may have had something to do with it. She also felt dark energies around three other online healers, with meditation practices, that she had been working with. We tracked these nets and saw that the women she had been practicing and meditating with were actually of the Light, and that all had recently been “hit” with these net bubbles, to pull Soul Essences, Heart-Lights and any juicy bits the dark could retrieve, from the practitioners and their clients, and anyone else they were around. None of them were using any protection. This drains the recipient, their Immune System and their frequency.

When we looked in at the first healer, we saw that she had opened a dark portal while exploring another dimension she had no business looking into.

She then got “hit” big time, which activated many of the devices she already had. All of her clients were also now getting “hit.”

Setting Up Merkabas With the Crystalline Stellar Skulls

The Crystalline Team can always help, as well as the Crystalline Lady lady ascended masters,Ascended Masters, if called in. I put Merkaba techniques at the back of my book, “Crystalline Stellar Skulls — Who are they Really?” And it’s on our website: https://stellarskulls.com

Since we put up quite a few Merkabas, we Shoot Beams (of Light) with the Stellar Skulls. We spin clockwise on the head or picture of a Stellar Skull. Left hand over the eyes 1-2-3 and shoot both hands out with a sound, like paaaaaa. They travel faster with a sound. You can actually do this off the cover of my book, as well as printing a Stellar Skull from the website to use. I have seen some people, who are very active Beam Shooters, laminate the pictures. Do 6 Beams to bring in the first pyramid, and 6 for the second, and 6 to spin them 22 feet out around you. Be sure to call in their name and have fun!

Affirm that you become invisible to the dark, to their “runners” (those that are sent in), and that you no longer are an open target to them. Invite the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses into your Merkaba if you feel you have been tampered with, or are being attacked. Put up mirrors on the outside to repel even more.

Herbs and Oils

Eat herbs and tinctures in and on your food and drinks – lots of them.

Did you know that there are some pure Essential Oils, such as Young Living Oils, that remove viruses and bacteria, and can create a shield to them? They possess the highest-known natural frequency on the planet. There are oils that can move blocks from your emotional bodies. They work both in the physical and the Light-bodies. You can spray them all around your auric field, in your masks, around the house and in your car, and diffuse the different fragrances to open and uplift yourself and your space. We use essential oils in all of our work, since they can effectively be sprayed or applied on a 5D body. Certain Essential Oils will open your glands and enhance your psychic abilities as well. The dark ones hate them. We wouldn’t work without them!

Stay positive and remember: no matter how small the act, kindness can open hearts and make huge changes!

Contact us for more info, if you need help with any of the above information. We at “Team Earth” are Young Living Distributors.

Opening and Clearing the Heart

Disturbing EMFs ~ Gone? – SkullTalk

Disturbing EMFs ~ Gone? By Terra Rae of “Team Earth It was about a week after Suzy had finished the last round of Crystalline Clearing and Healing with “Team Earth” and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls. She had been suffering greatly with EMF (Electro-Magnetic Frequency) sensitivity. She worked on the computer set way back on her […]

Bobcat Blog – #SkullTalk