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Yeshua and the Family of Light — 2000 Years Ago

By Terra Rae of Team Earth

Team Earth has brought forth many clients who were with the Light family 2000 years ago. This life left many imprints that were designed to slow down the individuals and prevent each one from moving forward in future lives. I like asking about each one when we start working. Most of the time it is important to do a regression so the clients can see and re-experience what happened to them.

Eventually I asked Yeshua if we could put an article together that when a person reads it, they can be taken right through a clearing process. I will give the link at the end for *The Cosmic Blue Triangle, so you can get a fabulous clearing. Yeshua and the Marys and the Stellar Skulls were all thrilled with the idea.

I have been doing regressions for many years and have pulled up some amazing and very interesting stories that give a much bigger picture of those of us who were there. We have talked to the Crystalline Stellar Skulls (CSS) who go easily through the timelines, as well as Yeshua and the Marys, about some of these events. It’s not the same old story you may have read in the Bible or elsewhere. This will stir up a lot for sure. Just breathe and ask if you were there, and your role, good, bad or in-between.

The Invite  

There was a group of us that was approached a thousand years earlier to agree to come in with this Light Family to participate as a group, to anchor in Christ Consciousness onto the planet. It had become very dark on Earth and our plan was to bring in the Light with the help of those just mentioned. We were invited to a fifth dimensional council in the ethers to be presented with this plan. Some of us were then chosen and it was requested that we study at the mystery schools, and with different Spiritual Orders for the next thousand years to prepare for this incredible event. Many of these retreats were quite secret in how and where they practiced. Some were even in mountain retreats that are and may have been then in the fifth dimension. Some still are in 5D. We were introduced to the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Galactic Federation (GF) of Light and fabulous teachers in the physical.

Some of My Story!

Around 100 years before the tribe fully arrived in the area of Galilea, I was a young woman living and studying in Qumran. I had a secret place I would go to in a cave high up and talk to Anna, Grandmother of Yeshua. I was strong and lean and could climb up the rock face to a specific ledge that I could see. This ledge was the entrance to a cave. The cave had a secret wall that I knew how to get through. On the other side were shelves with ancient scrolls, tablets and Stellar Skulls and other ancient implements. The GF had shown me this ancient cave and how to get through the wall. I would study and then call in Anna who later became my grandmother and Yeshua’s.

Anna lived in the secret city under Alexandria for many hundreds of years. She was 600 years old when she came with some of the family members to join the tribe. The city is now quite hidden and in 5D. I asked CSS if people know of this secret place, and they said that there are more hidden writings, tablets, scrolls, tools and such from there that will soon be discovered.

When I was in the cave I would have long conversations with Anna that I enjoyed very much. I had a place in the front of the cave set up for prayers and ceremony and would then call in Anna. I was setting up my space when I heard a sound at the entrance. I jumped up to face a woman in a space suit coming into the cave. She lunged at me with a knife and got me through the heart. She cut out my heart and left the cave and beamed up to re-join her partner in their little ship and eat my heart.

It turns out I knew that woman in this life, and she and her partner were not clean in their dealings. They were doing spiritual work online, and one day she became ill and passed a couple days later. Around a month later, she came into the dreamtime, plain as day. She said she wanted to ask for forgiveness, since it was she and her partner that came and killed me in the cave. She wanted to make amends for her nasty deed. Apparently, my bones are still there, since this was a hidden cave, and that area is loaded with caves. The Team confirmed it all!

Divine Births 

When Yeshua came in through Mary, there were seven others that had what I call a divine birth. How it worked was the mother agreed to bring forth a child without conceiving with a father. It was agreed upon with the one coming in. So that came in at the time of Yeshua’s birth and a while later. A certain energy field was needed to be able to gather together.

Stellar Skulls shared: It was a healing beam that was given to fertilize and conceive. This was invoked, and the bright, brilliant beings chose to – you could say- beam them into existence into the womb, for a fertilization process. It was a mutual consent, between the child and the mother. It was not one sided.

This made for a stronger DNA and a healthier child. Once agreed upon and planned, it was done from an amazing beam of light that came to and through the mother for conception. It was difficult for the husbands who just didn’t understand this process. It’s why Archangel Gabriel came to Joseph to explain the process to be Yeshua’s father.

Our Jobs

Yeshua gathered the family into circles of twelvewomen and twelve men in in six different circles for each group, making 144 individuals. The immediate family was in the first and second circles with certain duties assigned to each circle. Each one under a circle would watch over and do certain tasks and see to their needs for the circles above. Yeshua and the Tribe would call different gatherings together, not always for everyone. Some jobs were to find certain areas on the land that had ley lines that were strong, so the gatherings were more powerful.

A client named Tom came to us to be cleared. We looked into this timeline since he has been very close to Yeshua for many years. At that time he could read the energy of the land, the ley lines, and see into the Inner Earth, as well as the energy above. So he was one who was assigned to find the lively spots for possible group activations.

He shared one he saw when we looked in. He had a certain small group of maybe around twenty that he was told to gather. Many times he would move between the circles looking for those that could open their vision and see easily. When in the area he had procured, he was told to make a circle and tone. When the group raised the frequency with the tones, beams of light came down into the circle. It was very sparkly and uplifting. Then in the middle, a big beam came down, and suddenly Yeshua was there. He went around the circle and put a three-inch Merkaba of light into the extended hands. It started to spin and became a shimmering sphere with sparklers shooting off. It floated above the hands for quite a while. It became bigger and moved to the heart while spinning. Then it moved over their heads. This opened their inner vision, and they were instructed to send this into certain areas to activate them. Tom said it was easy for him to do this and he could send it into the ground as well.


Tom needed to see this for many reasons. One was so he realizes that Yeshua was traveling on lightships, and he would show up a lot like this. So did some of the family members. The people he gathered were open to this idea as well. He realized that he had seen this many times with Yeshua, and was still blown away.

We had another that client when going to this time and place, she saw herself as flying a lightship that would transport the Team or Yeshua to certain areas. She wasn’t surprised at all, since it felt totally natural.

I was a close family member yet I hadn’t seen myself in the lightships, so I asked the Stellar Skulls if myself and Team Earth had been moving and traveling on Lightships? Did we beam up and down on the Lightships?

CSS Replied: Oh most certainly! It was not uncommon that Mary, and Magdalene, and it was necessary for the immediate family to be in places that had need of enlightenment — and the donkey or walking were not a suitable way to travel.

Sometimes when viewing I did see Yeshua appear from around an outcrop of tall rocks. Sometimes it seemed his light body would come in first.

Many times we would do a lot of communicating without talking. It was different and we would do this in some of the gatherings. Another woman who came to us needed big clearing from this life because of being attacked for her skills. She and two other women would go to the chosen site and create a triangle with the three of them. The energy came in and up with great power and the group would gather. We were not verbally talking yet there was communication and what I would call Running of Light from the group. Yeshua beamed down into the triangle, and the frequency got so high that many of us were levitating all while in a heightened state of consciousness. She too understood where we needed to have these expansive experiences.

Another gal who hadn’t heard any of our stories, shared that she saw the area which was rocky and sandy with a couple of palm trees and adobe like dwellings, similar to what you might see in the Southwest United States. There was a small group gathering and people were excited since they were told ahead of time of the gathering that they were invited to. She shared that she knew they were there to anchor in the light. It seemed like a half circle with a rock outcrop in front of them. She could feel Yeshua’s presence close and saw a light come down onto the rocks, and in a few moments she could see his light body appearing there. Everyone felt this and was quiet. She never saw him walk up, just materialize more fully into the physical in this beam.

I asked if she was aware of a lightship above that he came in from in that beam of light? She believed that was the case. He then sent a beam of light from his third eye to her third eye, and to the others, and then to the heart. Nobody spoke and she saw her light body go up a ways to be in front of him, as though he called her there. He enveloped her with light and downloaded a huge package of information in and around her body. She heard him say that “this is awakening the true miracle of this incarnation, and this is reality, what is meant to be.” She thought, this is like planting crystal seeds to manifest “on Earth as it is in heaven!”

She then heard him transmit, “For this is the kingdom, the power and the glory that is forever in time and space, and sent into destructive ignorance, to awaken to light consciousness.”

He then walked away from the group and was looking around. She said she felt totally content, and not needy, with great respect and love. A couple folks went up to him and the whole group felt no fear or competition, just the great treasure chest he gave to the group.

When I asked how she felt, she responded that she doesn’t do bible quotes, yet it came right out. She felt ecstatic, breathless, and amazement — and this is how it is! It’s an extremely special moment and we all have a role to play to midwife this into being.

She then stated, “this is who I am, and how it is supposed to be all the time.” I couldn’t agree more.

The Guardians and the Dark Hats

Gaililea,There were certain men that were in charge of going on ahead to see if it felt safe to even gather in that place. Some were in a team that would report their findings. They were supposed to have each others backs and ours as well. Everything was well planned ahead of time for everyone’s safety. This worked for quite a while till the Dark Hats showed up.

First Hand Account of a Dark Wizard

I met a woman at a conference who had a close friend in my town. She became ill and decided to come here to track me down for help, since she lost my contact info. It didn’t take long for her to find me, since she knew I worked with the Stellar Skulls and was invited to an event and do some energy work. She screamed my name when I walked into the room. I told her to come to come by the next day, and she did.

At the conference that we met at, the facilitator had people bring skulls of different varieties to do a meditation with. There were a couple of dozen skulls on the front table. He led a meditation and this woman moved to the back of the room, and shared later that the skulls made her nervous. Here is the experience she shared with me.

When she sat down she noticed the large blue skull on the table that I brought. She could suddenly hear it speaking directly to her, sharing that this Stellar Skull knew her from many past events. At first she thought she might run out of the room. Then the Stellar Skull grew almost the size of the room and floated over to her, and sat on her head and said, “Going somewhere?” She froze and sat still till the meditation was done, and the Stellar Skull floated back and joined itself on the table.

The next morning she and the gal she was rooming with called and asked if I would bring the Stellar Skull to their room to sit with for a while. I needed to meet someone so I left them at a table and told them to ask the Stellar Skull to show them something important. When I returned the friend was sobbing almost uncontrollably. The other one was stone face and actually angry.

“Must have been some big reveals to both of you.” I said.

The friend said they were both shown some past lives that were upsetting since they did dreadful things and created many horrific situations for people.

“You must have needed to see this! If you want to get them cleared, give me a call!” I stated as I picked up the skull and left.

She came to my casita to get instructions about our working together. The Galactic Team and Skulls who jumped right in on this, said she needed to stay for no less than two weeks and we would clear a lot. They said she would be safer here and there was much to do. She is an aspect of an extremely dark wizard, and was told the other dark wizards would not be happy about her getting cleared with so much light work. So she agreed and moved in, and started the next day. The Team already told me of several past-lives we needed to address along with removing many devices, creatures and boobytraps. She actually had boobytraps that she set up that were designed to kill her if specific devices were removed. Very tedious work.

I was also instructed to take her back to 2000 years ago to see her extremely dark role. This will definitely change your perspective on that story. It explained a lot.

Dark Ships Arrive 

There were many dark hats in all forms 2000 years ago, who knew we were there to bring in the Light in a powerful way, and came up with many means to stop us.

The Light Family was doing pretty well for a while with the activations done in the small groups, and the teachings in the larger groups. The family would split up to go to many different areas to bring enlightenment. We were awakening as many as possible, and anchoring the Light.

Here is what was revealed from this dark wizard, who I will call DW. She as a male came in with three dark ships, with him in command, and fully dressed as a Roman General. Several of these beings I knew from this life, as did she. He had a plan to have Yeshua crucified and take out some of the family members and apostles or followers. He saw himself )standing on a balcony in town overlooking the street and people, and said to himself, “Oh, this is going to be great fun and quite easy, actually!”

He finds a few women who are traders and brings them drugs and jewelry. One of them has a new job to seduce the guardians of the family that go around checking everything for safety. She would drug them so they became sexually addicted to the her and the sex, and started spending a lot of time with the guardians.

Another woman worked on the rulers and always wanted gems and gold. Yet another was sent to the palace and became a sex toy for the ruler and said she wanted the head of John the Baptist. She got it, too.

Under Attack 

DW paid people to start spreading the negative rumors about Yeshua and the Tribe. Some of the big Sanhedrin saw Yeshua as competition, so it was easy to get them riled up, and also working and plotting behind the scenes.

He was put in charge of Roman Troops and started setting up the attacks. Because one of our male guardians was missing some of his duties, it became easier to find us. A fellow we worked on, Joel, regressed into his job back then also as a guardian that would go out ahead and check the area for any Romans. Sometimes he would look around the site for a couple of days and join his friend, I’ll call Brad, who also was in this assignment. Brad never came and soon the Romans showed up but Joel escaped and put the word out for the Tribe not to gather. They were tracking us now and Brad may have given this wench some of our locales.

Another gathering was set up and Brad lost it again and the Tribe came and set up. We were then raided by DW and the Romans. Many were raped and beaten, myself included. They would restrain some of the men to watch.

Joel was back at his dwelling with his daughter when Brad came running in and told Joel what he had found out about what happened and the harm he caused the Light Family. He was so ashamed he decided to leave all together, and so he did.

Joel felt so guilty when he heard how bad it was, and about not keeping closer tabs on his good friend Brad, he went out to a cliff and jumped to his death. We needed to clear him of this.

We were raided four times and it got worse each time. The forth time was a set up by a woman we worked on who was with us then. There was a small family gathering in a second-floor building. We were to share food, healing and plans. This gal was to make and bring the bread to the gathering. She had a Roman tracking her for a while and he came out of the woods to follow her and flirt as he had before. He kept on her till he found out where she was bringing the bread.

The Romans came and locked us in this room and proceeded to rape and kill several people. My son and husband were killed while trying to protect us, as I was getting raped. One woman was taken outside and gutted. Yeshua was dragged off to the local jail, although we got him out. This was really bad!

So DW, the Dark Wizard Roman General got Yeshua arrested and insisted he be crucified. He gathered people outside where he was held to yell and make a scene, and to have him crucified. DW is the one with a couple of others that paid people to come and make a ruckus, throw stones, kick and brutalize Yeshua while dragging the cross. Some of the family got beat up as well. The head of the Sanhedrin was all for it, to have Yeshua crucified.

A side note here: I met a man that moved to my area and he claimed to channel since he proclaimed to be both Yeshua and Buddha. Seriously! I worked on his back and straightened his spine, (I should have known he was spineless) and got him a job in the shop that I was in. He pulled the other workers together and turned on me to get me fired. My friend said, that’s what he does, so he can have a better position. I came home and sat with the lavender and said, “OK guys, who is this character?” It was like a movie screen came up to show me that he had been Caiaphas, the head of the Sanhedrins. Eventually I saw him and told him this after the shop owner fired him. He packed up and left town!

Much happened after this and the family was not safe. So we went many places indeed. There have always been stories of people seeing Yeshua after the crucifixion, and rightly so. I asked the Stellar Skulls about him showing up so often. They shared that once he got together with the galactic Team he would indeed beam down to many places, since he certainly did not feel his teachings were done. So yes, he got around a lot!

Yeshua: Please read this with an open mind, since this is my family!

*The Cosmic Blue Triangle

*Stellar Skulls and Yeshua through Crysta of Team Earth.



There are many untold stories as you can imagine. Could you be a part of one of the Magdalene circles or a significant being from that time?

Have you had multi-dimensional Past Life regressions done? This process is deeper than any other, serving your lineage, friends and Gaia.

Are you ready to look in?  This is some of the 5D Core Clearing work from Team Earth that assists you and Gaia. The time is now and the Team and Gaia are ready for you preparing for Ascension and the New Earth.

Contact us at: 888-310-3774



Light Rays

Who is Kokopelli?

What’s Up and Coming

Best-Kept Secrets — Revealed

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Are you working the Light? I know you are working, writing, teaching, healing others – yet are you using any Light-protection? I’ve addressed this several times, and now is a critical time – like never before! And, using the Light is Free! Are you calling in Ascended Masters to assist you and your work? They have ascended because they mastered this Earth dance, and are available to assist if they are called in. Call them in! Remember, just because you may not see them, or the layers of Light, does not mean they are not there helping.

Then, qualify who shows up.There are quite a few nefarious tricksters right now! Using discernment and being diligent with your protection and grounding to the Heart of Gaia – with your practices, meditations, healing and transformational work for yourself and others – is of the utmost importance. Using protection is at the top of the list.

The Crystalline Team of Stellar Skulls, Stellar Goddesses and Stellar Dragons has returned here, both on and around Earth, to help pull us through to Ascension. They are in my reality because I asked to have the tools to assist multitudes to awaken, clear, heal, protect, shield and be safe – in, on and around the Earth, Galaxy and beyond. They heard my call and the Crystalline Teams showed up!

The Crystalline Team and Galactic Federation of Loving Light (GF) has asked me to give you more insights, since they can see on multiple levels, how so many are getting “hit” by the dark wizards. They are able to look into the dark dimensions as well, which we don’t recommend you do. Did you know that if you are looking into, or do remote viewing, and are seeing a dark situation, or character, or reptilian crew, that they can look right back at you? Not kidding!

The Crystalline Teams of sentient beings work from “More dimensions than we could possibly fathom.” What a gift! They come to assist when called in. Crystalline Stellar Skulls (not the Crystal Skulls) are from the Angelic Realm. They can be in many places at once, just like Archangels Metatron and Michael, as well as the Ascended Masters.

Everybody mentioned here works from the Fifth Dimension of Light and higher, which most people cannot see into. “Team Earth” and I work from these dimensions. Yet, this is where you go when you meditate, as well as in the dreamtime.
Why is this important at this time? I will now share some situations, incidents and truths that we have not revealed before. People need to understand some of the magnitude of what is going on at this time on Earth and in the Galaxy – particularly, those of the Light. That’s you – right?

Your Juicy Light

Many times when “Team Earth” is working, we are able to track big, dark situations, and retrieve fragments, Soul Essences and Heart-Lights of multitudes of beings. Metatron will then multi-plicate the Angelic Realm to assist, and take the tortured fragments, spirits and Juicy Lights of beings retrieved to safety. They are then cleaned, cleared, healed and re-calibrated to return to their 3D being. We have sent endless amounts of your Juicy Light back to you! It’s your brilliance that was stolen, in this life and throughout time. Soul Essences are colorful little Lights, sucked out of your chakras. When these are taken, you are still alive, but there is less of you! You get one Heart-light in each incarnation, which is quite sought after. A Soul-Spirit, which is also a great prize to the dark wizards, is sometimes taken at death, especially if one of them has killed you. They keep it well hidden.

Best-Kept Secret on Earth

It’s what the dark-hats feed on! A Soul Spirit is big and needs to be brought in personally; since it is usually taken directly from a wizard in another life, it has to be retrieved. We can work with groups as well. And it’s a big part of you! Stealing all this Juicy Light – like your Soul Essences and Heart-light – is the best-kept secret on Earth!

Doesn’t it make sense, then, that the dark gets its strength from the Light-workers? And they’re always looking for the Magdalenes, since they themselves are not connected to the Light? They are the ultimate insatiable vampires.

Now you can understand why I am so adamant about protection.

And how do these nefarious ones get our Juicy Light, you might ask?
Ready to hear this? Stop here if you are not.


The dreamtime is a big one, since the dark often works in the fourth dimension. It’s why many of you are having creepy dreams. And active meditators without protection are getting sick a lot. Many of you are being taken at night to a dark ship to be examined, have DNA removed and be marked with even more devices. Some of these devices light up when they are near. They fly by and sweep you up out of the fourth dimension dreamtime. Some unsuspecting Light-workers will awaken on these journeys and have to be put under again. This can make people crazy. You wonder why mental illness is on the rise and institutions are loaded. Friends and family members who seem to be fine can change overnight.

How did these reptilians get in? Our government cut a deal in 1955 that the reptilians could come in and harvest DNA from humans for a short time, with full reporting back to the government, in exchange for anti-gravity technology. The President thought they were from off-planet. Many were from very old underground bases here in the Earth. Reptilians always lie, and never hold up their end of a deal. This hasn’t stopped since then, and they have never reported back to anyone. Many of the underground installations, or bases, now closed, are the ones you may have been hearing about. The White-hats and GF have been doing an amazing job with destroying, closing and rescuing, with many arrests. The GF has also been working way overtime to close portals and put Light-nets around certain areas – and the whole planet. Just recently they netted the entire Solar System. Imagine that! The GF are such heroes!


Many Earth-workers are doing the practice of creating and opening portals. Rarely are they closed, or have protection put up at the entrance. Did you know that when a portal is opened, the Light can be called in to amplify an area? Well, guess what, if you don’t know what you are doing, the dark ones can use these portals too, and they come right through.

They are bringing in 5D of dark AIs (Artificial Intelligence) to leave in unsuspecting areas. They always have programming to tag certain groups or types, especially the bright ones, the kids and young people. Some of the kids are able to see these, or feel them, and it scares the crap out of them. Parents rarely understand! Sometimes the kids are afraid to go to sleep. When these “meanies” are cleared out, they relax. Call in the Crystalline Team and Archangels for help.“Team Earth” can also assist.

The music and film industry are being used in a big way by some of the beings that have a dark contract. These characters and the ones standing behind them all want your Juice, as I call it. They can use distorted and sometimes unheard sounds, gases, mirrors, dark nets you don’t see, symbols and more – to pull out your juicy light, unbeknownst to you. Watch for those dark ones. Some are very popular, with a big fan base. You might even be shocked at some, since they sure don’t want to be discovered. They’re rich, famous, usually good looking, and gathering your Juice is their payoff.

Gurus and Spiritual Healers

I just have to mention the Gurus. Not all, but many!
“Oh, but I love my Guru,” you say. We hear it all the time, until we take a closer look at just how they are sucking you dry. Have you ever hugged one of them and felt a big rush? That was more than likely your Soul Essences and possibly your Heart-light getting sucked right out of you and your light body. It’s why they want you to wear mala beads and have pictures of them around. If they put a piece of them into the mala, which most do, such as a clip of a cuticle or nail, they can enter right into your aura to suck off even more at any time. They go into your dreamtime as well, for even more programming. Oh, and they come back life after life to call you in. I recommend you do some past-life clearing and call them in to remove what was left in you, and dissolve any contracts. This will be very revealing, I guarantee it! And do use protection.

Some Spiritual Teachers are able to call in many unsuspecting seekers. They know how to bring in the big Lights – possibly like you! Then they have a whole juicy playground to dance in. This is more common than you may think or know!


Set up Merkabas around you. Put one up around your house, your family, your pets, your friends, your computer and anything else you can think of! You can actually do buildings – like schools, gathering places and even your whole town. Get creative and daring. Wield the Light! Send in different clockwise streams of colors, flavors, essences from the top down, and watch and feel what happens. Once it is up it is there, unless it is not fortified on occasion. Amp it up every day – when you awaken, in the shower, on your walks, before bed – at least twice a day. Affirm that your kids’ and other Merkabas, are also being fortified at the same time. Use the Violet Flame counter-clockwise up from the heart of Gaia to burn through, sticky, goopy, toxic, detrimental energies. It can’t remove the negative devices, but it will calm the system for the programming and spewing of the goop, cords, creatures and more.
For example, put a Merkaba up around the StarBeacon.

“Oh, but I worked with so and so and have a Merkaba,” you say.
I recommend you ask Metatron, St. Germain, Merlin or Michael to dissolve it, or pull it off and start over. Why? Well, there has been some big-time tampering with most of these put up by a spiritual teacher, actually a couple of them, that are very detrimental. You want your Merkaba, not theirs.

Did you know that when you were first created, you had a Merkaba of powerful Light? It was for your enhancement, so you could travel around to almost anywhere, and stay fortified for your safety and protection. Also to open your creativity to assist in the co-creation of this Universe, and advance your skills. Well, they were all stolen by the dark nefarious ones – what a surprise!


When you meditate, you move right through the 4th dimension to the 5th. I unfortunately hear so many teachers and meditators take themselves and groups into 4D. Skip it, since the dark has taken over quite a bit of it, which makes you a juicy target. Go right to 5D after you amp up your Merkaba. Once it is up, it becomes a beautiful, sparkling golden egg of Light, 22 feet out in all directions, repelling the dark all the way. If you meditate quite a lot without protection, you are open to be attacked by everything imaginable. Some people will get sick and drained.

Golden Cylinder of Light

You can also use a Golden Cylinder of Light, around yourself and your clients, going several feet below the Earth. Or put a Golden Egg of Light that is closer to the physical body. These can also be inside a Merkaba. Have one of the above-mentioned Team or your guides assist in this. Fill these with the Green Ray for Healing, the Golden Ray to ground and stay sharp, the Pink Ray for the Heart and cellular activations, and when you’re finished with your work, fill them back up with some of these powerful Lights, including the Violet Flame. This burns off what was released, and seals the etheric body where you have removed something. Top off your session by bringing in the sparkling Crystalline Ray and fill the whole body and Light Body. It will activate the cells for more opening and healing, and it does get one very high. Have it set up with your off-planet Team that you receive the Light activations at the same time.

Dark Egg-Shaped Nets Hitting Our Healers

One of our clients, who has done tremendous clearing, showed up with a dark, egg-shaped net wrapped completely around her. She could feel it, and she felt that one of her other healers may have had something to do with it. She also felt dark energies around three other online healers, with meditation practices, that she had been working with. We tracked these nets and saw that the women she had been practicing and meditating with were actually of the Light, and that all had recently been “hit” with these net bubbles, to pull Soul Essences, Heart-Lights and any juicy bits the dark could retrieve, from the practitioners and their clients, and anyone else they were around. None of them were using any protection. This drains the recipient, their Immune System and their frequency.

When we looked in at the first healer, we saw that she had opened a dark portal while exploring another dimension she had no business looking into.

She then got “hit” big time, which activated many of the devices she already had. All of her clients were also now getting “hit.”

Setting Up Merkabas With the Crystalline Stellar Skulls

The Crystalline Team can always help, as well as the Crystalline Lady lady ascended masters,Ascended Masters, if called in. I put Merkaba techniques at the back of my book, “Crystalline Stellar Skulls — Who are they Really?” And it’s on our website: https://stellarskulls.com

Since we put up quite a few Merkabas, we Shoot Beams (of Light) with the Stellar Skulls. We spin clockwise on the head or picture of a Stellar Skull. Left hand over the eyes 1-2-3 and shoot both hands out with a sound, like paaaaaa. They travel faster with a sound. You can actually do this off the cover of my book, as well as printing a Stellar Skull from the website to use. I have seen some people, who are very active Beam Shooters, laminate the pictures. Do 6 Beams to bring in the first pyramid, and 6 for the second, and 6 to spin them 22 feet out around you. Be sure to call in their name and have fun!

Affirm that you become invisible to the dark, to their “runners” (those that are sent in), and that you no longer are an open target to them. Invite the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Goddesses into your Merkaba if you feel you have been tampered with, or are being attacked. Put up mirrors on the outside to repel even more.

Herbs and Oils

Eat herbs and tinctures in and on your food and drinks – lots of them.

Did you know that there are some pure Essential Oils, such as Young Living Oils, that remove viruses and bacteria, and can create a shield to them? They possess the highest-known natural frequency on the planet. There are oils that can move blocks from your emotional bodies. They work both in the physical and the Light-bodies. You can spray them all around your auric field, in your masks, around the house and in your car, and diffuse the different fragrances to open and uplift yourself and your space. We use essential oils in all of our work, since they can effectively be sprayed or applied on a 5D body. Certain Essential Oils will open your glands and enhance your psychic abilities as well. The dark ones hate them. We wouldn’t work without them!

Stay positive and remember: no matter how small the act, kindness can open hearts and make huge changes!

Contact us for more info, if you need help with any of the above information. We at “Team Earth” are Young Living Distributors.

Dragons Speak!

Personal Light Dragons Personal Dragons that align with a particular individual are able to drop down to 7D and 5D to be closer to 3D. This way they can protect and watch over the individual and their family. The individual can also learn to fly on them and ask to safely check out Earth, other planets […]

Temple of Light, Sound and Rainbows for TerraChrista

Who Are You Really Channeling?


St. Germain (“Flame”)

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

I just read a recent article/blog by Greg Giles, Beyond Discernment – Who are the Authentic Channels?

Apparently, he fell victim to being “duped” by what he felt were the Freemasons of the Masonic Order who were channeling through him, while being told they were the Galactic Federation. Because of this situation he warned that every channel is being “duped or hoodwinked” ~ shall we say. He also stated that the GF is a fabrication of the Freemasons.
Not every channel is hoodwinked! The second sentence here couldn’t be further from the truth, although they may have done this to him and to others.

It’s time to address this, since I have been around channels and psychics since the early 1980s.
I will say that I have really seen a lot of strange and wondrous people and channels around this scene. I have been working for many years directly with the Galactic Federation of Light (GF), Ascended Masters, Archangels, Inner Earth Crew, Elementals and Gaia herself, along with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and Crystalline Goddesses in our clearing work with “Team Earth”. We work with individuals, the planet and throughout this Galaxy. I shall expand upon this further. As “Team Earth” we don’t just “Channel” words from the other side of the veil, from Fifth, Seventh and Ninth dimensional beings. We work directly with them to truly clear the dark, nefarious traps, devices, implants and just about anything that doesn’t belong around an individual or area. Most individuals have no idea that this nefarious 5D of dark ‘stuff’ is there. It was put there to trip one up, program and influence a person as much as they can.

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