Dragons Speak!

Personal Light Dragons Personal Dragons that align with a particular individual are able to drop down to 7D and 5D to be closer to 3D. This way they can protect and watch over the individual and their family. The individual can also learn to fly on them and ask to safely check out Earth, other planets […]

What Really Happened to Lemuria and Atlantis! By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

   What Really Happened to Lemuria and Atlantis! Atlantis really gets people’s attention these days. It’s coming through our cellular memory now, to enable us to examine and heal our role in the downfall of what I personally believe was a magnificent continent and a highly advanced civilization. It is coming up for many reasons […]

Activating the Planetary Goddess

           Interesting Past Lives from our Stellar                   “Clearing to the Core” Work               Activating the Galactic Grids We wish to express Gratitude for all of the amazing individuals who have asked for assistance with clearing Past Lives. Gaia has emphatically expressed her […]

Newsletter/Galactic Update ~ Stellar Call Info. ~ Book Announcement – October 2015 Stellar Newsletter/ Vol. IV Issue V

Greetings Galactic Gang,

You have not heard from us since we have been full on with personal and planetary changes while Terra Rae has been birthing this magnificent introductory book to our Sacred Crystalline Skulls!

They just love the cover of their new book! Read more

What is First Contact? Pt.2/ June 2015 Stellar Newsletter, Vol.IV Issue IV

by Terra Rae

When we are ready for ‘the time,’ ‘the arrival,’ ‘the union,’ ‘The Welcoming,’ First Contact, we will be assisting with all skulls uniting their hearts.

We will teach this to some of the other skulls ahead of time. They need to be seasoned ~ and go to “Skull University.”

We see this all as a team effort! It will have people step outside their borders and talk to their neighbors ~ create online communities, talking about awakening themselves in preparation as the abilities of those who are coming, live telepathically advanced lives ~ thus they are able to send information telepathically. Read more

May 2015 Newsletter

Oh, Such Good News!

NEWSLETTER/ Jan., 2015
Oh, such good news!
Rainbow lights!
Opening the new Crystalline/Christ Consciousness Portal

Oh, Such good News!

Lights appear in Red River, NM, Jan. 9, 2015. Photo by Joshua Thomas.

Lights appear in Red River, NM, Jan. 9, 2015. Photo by Joshua Thomas.

Here is a beautiful image, a once in a lifetime event captured perfectly on Jan 9, 2015 in Red River, NM. I knew the moment I saw this amazing light anomaly that it was a direct result of the incredible work our whole team has been a part of, from what we orchestrate through the deep work done with our clients and the Galactic Team. Our work is clearing Gaia, the Sun and “Luna Love” our brilliant moon ~ quite spectacularly. We have been told from Gaia recently that she would bring us gifts!
When asking the Crystalline Stellar Skull Tribe about this event, in relation to us, this was the immediate response: Read more

Why Clear Past Lives?

 by Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

Terra Rae of “Team Earth”
and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls through Crysta

Wouldn’t you like to find and reclaim amazing, brilliant and life-changing skills and abilities that you have mastered in other lives, on other planets, and in much higher dimensions? They can be brought forth and reactivated so you can help yourself and so many others, as well as Gaia and the Galaxy.

People on Earth have been so manipulated that we have forgotten just how skillful and amazingly powerful we really are. I know that I did!  It was quite a plan to keep us all under control and in chaos, and prevent us from using these previously mastered abilities.

It is truly possible to blow off the shackles and reclaim the master being we are meant to be.

Being on a polarity planet, in “The Time-Space Universe,” we have had to understand the dualities and polarities of all expressions. Most of us have had lives of both light and dark for this understanding. I will define “light” as creation through expressions of love and allowing; “dark,” as destruction, perversion and overriding the will of others. Since Earth is a free will zone, this has been our school and playground to experience these expressions in all forms.


Many people are afraid to look at their past-lives, because they want only to be seen as good, loving, powerful light-beings. Yet the lessons of who you have been, and what still may need attention or clearing, seems to be the constant tripping up of a well-intentioned person or light worker.

By tracking and clearing a painful or willful past-life, you can also clear the people that you participated with, as well as that specific place. It can be cleared right through the ley lines. A negative idea and experience can be erased out of the magnetic grids all over the planet. This can also be done with a positive and powerful experience as well.

The Stellar Skulls and Archangels often give us an estimate of how many were cleared during a particular release.

Here’s an example:

We have all heard the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Sometimes it is a past karmic connection, or a past-life belief that is still playing out. This could be laced with shame, guilt and judgement that draws an experience or dark energy to that person. It could be a hex that was left on, or recently put on the person. It may also be an etheric device in the body, running much negative programming to keep one from realizing their full potential, while numbing and dumbing them down.

These are all very common, and usually started in a past life. They hold judgement of Self and others, many fears and holding patterns which can manifest in a disease, or a stalemate in moving forward on a desirable path.

Queen of Lemuria ~ Joanna’s amazing story!

She was dying when she first came to see me. Her body was burned so badly from the inside out, that over 50% of her skin had oozing blisters. We established that it was radiation burns, though she couldn’t ever remember being exposed. For years, none of the doctors had been able to diagnose her condition.

We did an etheric body scanning on her to find that she had nefarious devices on her, that were adversely affecting not only Joanna, but everyone she came in contact with. Much of this was reactivated as she started to explore a spiritual path.

It took us to Lemuria, where she had lived for hundreds of years in a particular incarnation, as a high matriarch and master creator. She had been one of the originators of the Lemurian feminine principals. A true master of working with the elements in all their forms, she could communicate with the devas and the plant kingdom. She could call up Earth-heart and the Blue Ray for healing and manifesting, and she readily taught this to many, keeping the communities thriving. As the dark forces became more prevalent, they wanted to put an end to her ways, so they tortured and killed her husband. She sought revenge which was a new idea in her reality ~ and exactly what the dark wizards wanted. She fell right into their trap.

After incredible torture, which imprints the cellular memory, they put a dark mesh around her face and body, and many other implants, including transmitters in her head, throat and heart, to stop her many skills. They covered her in a dark, tar-like goo, made of an off-planet radiation, to try to stop her permanently from connecting to Earth-heart.

We discovered that since she had been moving into a more spiritual lifestyle with new practices, that it triggered the radiation that was already within her cells, to once again stop her. Hence the burns!

We found the holding patterns still carried in her body, and went into the programming of how worthless and powerless she thought she was, which seemed to stop her at every turn. When she saw all of this, she said: “I was able to do all of that ~ little old me? I created Lemuria?”

My reply was: “There is nothing “little” about you! You are a master creator, with many amazing skills you will use again!”

The Crystalline Stellar Skulls gave her a new statement to say out loud: “I completely adhere to my new contract, which is only of Light.”

The idea of working again with the devic and fairy kingdom once again got her very excited.

We removed everything and burned away the radiation with the help of the Stellar Skulls, also repairing her cells. We then called back what had been taken from her and others. All the dark wizardry was removed forever, with the implants. We then called forth the Blue Ray, and the ability to communicate with the devas and work with the elements.

Joanna had no idea of how powerful she really is, and she is learning fast. So much of her current life was explained as we unwound what she needed to see and feel. Her relationship with her loving husband, who is the same one as in that life, grew even stronger! Many agreements and contracts were dissolved, and her healing blossomed!

I invite you to call forth one of the Crystalline Stellar Skulls to help you in the dreamtime, and in the waking time, to see the blocks and the lives that need clearing. These wonderful sentient beings lovingly come in an instant, and are here to help those that ask. They can read the timelines, taking you there with your willingness to see and participate.

*Splendid Ray of Truth and Light* would be delighted to assist you, and states: “Without a healed light-worker, how can we proceed as a team, to the best of our group abilities? There is no holding back with me. I remove blocks so there is a new level of completion.”

*Splendid Light and Vision* (12G)

Meet A Crystalline Stellar Skull 

*Splendid Ray of Truth and     Light*                                           

I invite you to call forth one of the Crystalline Stellar Skulls to help you in the dreamtime, and in the waking time, to see the blocks and the lives that need clearing. These wonderful sentient beings lovingly come in an instant, and are here to help those that ask. They can read the timelines, taking you there with your willingness to see and participate.

*Splendid Ray of Truth and Light*
“You can change your path with my abilities to hone in on the most appropriate path for you. Without a healed light-worker, how can we proceed as a team, to the best of our group abilities? There is no holding back with me. I remove blocks so there is a new level of completion.

*Galactic Team Members: Ascended Masters, Archangels, Galactic Federation of Loving Light, Gaia and the Inner Earth.”



Working with Oceans and Connecting to Dolphin Aspects

Meet *Voice of the Oceans* to Clear the Oceans, Meeting your Dolphin Aspect

Very Playful and dolphin-like!

Very Playful and dolphin-like!

Welcome to our first Newsletter with
“The Crystalline Stellar Skulls!”

Meet *Voice of the Oceans*
Find your dolohin aspect.
Awaken to other Universes.

Hi there, I am Terra Rae of “Team Earth.”

I have had the grand experience of being reacquainted with a whole tribe of angelic, heartfelt, galactic, sentient beings ~ the Crystalline Stellar Skulls. They have been with us since the beginning of time, and have just made their reappearance here on Earth.

These sentient Stellar Skulls are here to assist with Gaia, the people of Earth, and others in this galaxy to clear the darkness, making way for the opening, clearing and activation needed for First Contact and Ascension. They move through all dimensions, and they have knowledge of all civilizations, with skills and tools for every level of expanding. There is nothing they cannot address. They love being asked!

I would like to introduce you to *Voice of the Oceans*, who is from the Crystalline and Rainbow Universes. Read more