Entries by Christina Gerber

Activating the Planetary Goddess

           Interesting Past Lives from our Stellar                   “Clearing to the Core” Work               Activating the Galactic Grids We wish to express Gratitude for all of the amazing individuals who have asked for assistance with clearing Past Lives. Gaia has emphatically expressed her […]

Predictions 2017 (Part II)

Magdalene and Marys: Can we give you that answer for what to expect in 2017? When you prepare for the greatest outcome, this is what you will receive. When the bands or groups or tribes of like-minded, thinking, brilliant beings come together, this forms a creative vortex. This opening of energy itself is a portal. […]

Disturbing EMFs ~ Gone? – SkullTalk

Disturbing EMFs ~ Gone? By Terra Rae of “Team Earth It was about a week after Suzy had finished the last round of Crystalline Clearing and Healing with “Team Earth” and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls. She had been suffering greatly with EMF (Electro-Magnetic Frequency) sensitivity. She worked on the computer set way back on her […]

Predictions 2017 – Fasten Your Galactic Seatbelts – Part I

The Good News Terra Rae: “Team Earth” and our Galactic Team are a family of profound Light-workers, extremely dedicated to the clearing, awakening and transformation of Gaia – with everyone and everything upon her – as well as in the Galaxy. While working together as a team, I have seen some of the most profound […]

Personal Aspects and Divine Twins

Did you know that those of us with a high light quotient of our being have aspects of ourselves? Some of them are right here on Earth in 3D. Some of them are in the Galactic Realms, or could be an aspect of one of the Ascended Masters. We may even have an aspect in […]

The Fairy Realm and the Inner Earth – #SkullTalk

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth” Here is a wonderful treasure you may want to get to know, since she can create a portal to the Fairy Realm and the Inner Earth. When folks are introduced to the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, I like to prepare them with the idea that the Stellar Skulls may show […]

Who Are You Really Channeling?

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth” I just read a recent article/blog by Greg Giles, Beyond Discernment – Who are the Authentic Channels? Apparently, he fell victim to being “duped” by what he felt were the Freemasons of the Masonic Order who were channeling through him, while being told they were the Galactic Federation. Because […]