Soul Connecting with Goddess Gaia
by Terra Rae and Crysta of “Team Earth”
Grounding to the Heart of Gaia
Terra: You can do this before your meditation, while out for a walk, or when you are sitting at your desk. It only takes a moment and feels relaxing, centering and delightful!
~ Breathe deeply into your body with a few deep breaths.
~ Close your eyes and breathe a color right into your heart. Pink or green feels good. Using a Rainbow Ray or sparkling white is very uplifting, and a bit of a rush!
~ On the next breath, send a sparkling ball of this colorful light from your heart, right down through your body, to the bottoms of your feet. Feel this.
~ Send this straight to the heart of Gaia ~ The Earth-heart.
~ She will send up her energy, straight up to you, sometimes with color. Just feel it, since she knows what color you need.
~ Feel it come up from your feet right to your heart. Breathe this in. It’s a wonderful feeling!
~ Fill your heart-center with this warm radiance, then let it move through your heart and expand through your chest – and then into your whole body, as you breathe it through. Humming or toning works magnificently to enhance this juicy experience.
~ Now, take another deep breath. Visualize you are sending your light around the entire magical Crystalline Grid of Earth. Tone this out, and send colors with your breath and positive intentions.
Gaia has been amping up the game. Know in your heart and soul that you are making incredible changes with your participation.
Gaia is Delighted and Activated When You Ground to Her Heart!
Gaia: It is my divine pleasure as your Gaian Goddess here to be part of this process – and the uncertainty can indeed be healed with love, appreciation, gratitude and a deep connection to my heart.
I am now using the glorious, brilliant multi-verse energies to eradicate the darkness, to bring forth my own Divine Feminine and exhilarating my blessed being. I extend this to all of you!
This is a new potent vibrancy that will serve your hearts, your immune system and especially your connection to me.
We are all poised and ready to help each other heal.
Together we can give others the ability to be part of the change of the cellular paradigm throughout the planet. Using cosmic light through our hearts can assist planetary and humanity healing.
Together as a team, we can help to cleanse the atmosphere with stardust-filled light and with multi-verse light. We can do this by grounding and sending energy out through our hearts, with your assistance and with you grounding to my heart.
This is a new potent vibrancy that will serve your hearts, your immune system and especially your connection to me.
My ability to serve all is my true purpose. Also, as the disharmonies have been happening throughout Planet Earth, I have maintained strength, honor, and the Divine Goddess energy to soothe all living beings – whether animals, plants, or people – or even the vibrant elements here — to create peace, harmony and connection. This is a guiding light as it soothes and eases the heart, mind and spirit.
Connecting Your Soul
All of this translates to having a connected soul and being a part of the magical light grid around the planet – and within myself – as a living, loving, flowing, sacred Goddess of Light. So as you all connect to this Goddess, and the Spirit and the Earth-Heart energy of mine, this connection provides transformation, light, love, energy and calm.
The calming energy needs your magnificent hearts and minds. And as we all radiate peace and a blessing of light, this strengthens the healing grid, serving all of humanity – rounding out the rough edges, allowing all to be part of humankind’s own divine and earthly plan.
So just being, just breathing deeply, and just grounding – are all part of World Peace. And I am an expert on that!
(She is chuckling here!)
This is one magnificent start – to start at the beginning. It becomes a group healing, as it is ever so true that as you heal and feel your heart and magnificence within, you are serving the Global consciousness. This starts with you! It is the most important “button” to press – the starting point – and going from there, expanding out, to not only all of your organs and chakras, to each and every one of your cells. Feeling the peace and connection is the ultimate experience of a group consciousness that is elevating and bringing up my own resonance. Know that you are healing the planet right now – and “It feels delicious!”
So this is one beginning to use and to move forward with. Come back to this place should you forget and move into fear or worry, with the unstoppable list of questions you may have. How does your heart feel when you breathe deeply and connect with me?
Well, this is a success, my dears! You are feeling that it is a truly wonderful, deep-hearted connection, as it is.
And this is what others feel should they be breathing, using the light of the grid, my Heart-Light – the light of the universal flow and that of the multi-verse.
Sparkling Rainbow Robe of Light
I have reached outwards to use multi-verse healing energies to bring in a greater, well-rounded, divine essence of love and light.
This is part of the energy that may create a calm robe around your shoulders. It has every color of the rainbow, plus tones and tints and many sparkling lights. Breathe it in fully, and exhale fully.
This is electrical and grounding, creating a swath of light for all to connect and feel nurtured. This is truly a level of Divine Feminine serving many while serving the consciousness to be more well-rounded. This is a great place to play – and I am here to give you this message of encouragement and resilience, of being strong and feeling your innermost and outermost workings. Your breath is the key here. Be at one. Be at Peace and more peace will flow inwards.
Your guiding light here – Gaia,
or should I say Goddess Gaia?!
Downloaded through Crysta of “Team Earth”
BIO: “Team Earth” clears Past-lives, Contracts, Entities and whatever does not belong in, on or around you – such as, Implants and Curses. We clear all aspects of you! Do you want a deeply profound transformation from Advanced Healers? Call us for a chat or an appointment. Get yourself Cleared to the Core to prepare for Ascension and First Contact!
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Clear Past-Lives For Your Ascension
by Terra Rae of “Team Earth”
Wouldn’t you like to find and reclaim amazing, brilliant and life-changing skills and abilities that you have mastered in other lives, on other planets, and in much higher dimensions? They can be brought forth and reactivated so you can help yourself and so many others, as well as Gaia, preparing you for Ascension.
People on Earth have been so manipulated that we have forgotten just how skillful and amazingly powerful we really are. I know that I did! It was quite a plan to keep us all under control and in chaos and prevent us from using these previously mastered abilities. It is truly possible to blow off the shackles and reclaim the master beings we are meant to be.
Being on a polarity planet, in “The Time-Space Universe,” we have had to understand the dualities and polarities of all expressions. Most of us have had lives of both light and dark for this understanding. I will define “light” as creation through expressions of love and allowing; “dark,” as destruction, perversion and overriding the will of others. Since Earth is a free-will zone, this has been our school and playground to experience these expressions in all forms.
Many people are afraid to look at their past-lives, because they want only to be seen as good, loving, powerful light-beings. Yet the lessons of who you have been, and what still may need attention or clearing, seems to be the constant tripping up of a well-intentioned person or lightworker.
By tracking and clearing a painful or willful past-life, you can also clear the people that you participated with, as well as that specific place. It can be cleared right through the ley-lines. A negative idea and experience can be erased out of the magnetic grids all over the planet. This can also be done with a positive and powerful experience as well.
The Stellar Skulls and Archangels often give us an estimate of how many were cleared during a particular release.
Ascension Awareness from Stellar Cat Skulls and Cat Nation

*Divine Cat Warrior* Totem: “Slinking Spirit Cat” #17T
Urgent Message from Cat Nation
By Terra Rae and Crysta of “Team Earth”
When “Team Earth” gathers together, we often focus on the animals, and send out tremendous Light with our Crystalline Teams, since they can move quickly through all dimensions. Our intention raises awareness for powerful and positive changes within different animal nations, organizations, blocking poachers and their backers, trapping, trophy-hunting, and special attention to furry friends and guardians. We set up protection, awareness, awakening hearts and expanding consciousness to assist the relationship with all animals. Animals have a divine purpose here on Earth, and some are quite important, yet so many humans are unaware of this. Hopefully, this will give you a better understanding of the Animal Nations.
*Divine Cat Warrior* with Totem: “Slinking Spirit Cat” — Crystalline Stellar Skull #17T (DCW)
DCW: We were brought forth to save the animals in today’s society by giving them a voice. When we are sent out, (which you can do as well) we make sure that all species receive the preservation and protection they so deserve. Right now it is ever so important! When we are able to find animals in distress, we show them a pathway, so they can find a true loving guardian. So, we act much like guardian angels for many creatures.
All living beings have heart-lights that connect one another to celestial objects above, to energies within the Earth, and those who are here and around to help retain the integrity and life of the planet. All of these hearts connect. This is a magical grid of loving light. This is how we hope to awaken those who are ignoring this blessing of being here on our special Lady Gaia. This is how people tug on heart strings and we hope to do the same, as we awaken compassion and awareness in people who connect with us as three dimensional cats on the planet.
Cat Nation Speaks through Crysta
Cat Nation: You may see me as one cat with an array of many cats behind, for we are one voice. You may notice a vibration which is the union of our hearts. We create one incredible purring, whirring, humming resonance as it moves through your body. I am one cat, I am all cats, as I am before you, expressing our view and sending this uniting Healing Ray of Light. You may relate to me as a personal or as a standing figure, humanizing me. You may see me weaving back and forth on all fours. My furry being glows with our magical unification. One cat — all cats. My furry outline may seem rather morphous, as I am floating in and out of clarity.
Feel Their Love and Breathe It In
As a representative Being, I morph and feel for all cats as One, to share unity, and to share our intention of love and harmony. This is our original loving unity with all planetary life. Feel this love now: breathe it in and hold it, then release with a sound that feels natural for you. The sound, tone or hum, or sigh of “Aaaahhhh.” To release and receive allows the energy to move within your body and spirit, enhancing the process. Notice how receiving this vibration of Love warms your body.
We, as the Cat Nation, do have our own ideas of Ascension. We see Humanity as having the ability to move up and beyond the idea of controlling and seeing cats as more than a “pet”— as companions. Once guardians have Ascended, we see us all living in collaboration — hearing and seeing one another for who we really are.
As we know, there are different colors of people on the planet now who feel persecuted, made to feel “less than,” just as there are many of us cats who reside in fear, of the individuals who act on their caveman-like aggressions. They take these primitive emotions out on a defenseless Cat Being. This is intolerable! This is senseless! We are protectors, and lovers of the planet! We are compassionate, blessed prancers of this planet.
This is not an occurrence of an Ascended Being or Loving Realm of this Blessed Planet. We will unite, hear, and see one another as perceptive beings and move in unison when the frequencies have moved up on the scale.
As so many of us are as large as humans, or close to human-size, the time will come when we as regal-sized cats, will once again be collaborative companions with the Human Nation. We will walk the Earth, as we have before, alongside respectful, blessed, spiritual humans. We will all feel compassion, and honor the Planet, and walk each step together as a healing ceremony. We have done this before and we will do this again, once the level of vibration has Ascended to a spectacular resonance!
Until this time, we will indeed share a Ray to assist the Planet for Ascension. We ”beam” from our hearts. We send love and light, and Earth-united energy. We see and feel with our Hearts. Ahhh….. we have so many perceptions with our hearts.
Cat Nation Healing Ray for Ascension
Cat Nation: We send this Earth-Awareness and Earth-Appreciation from our hearts to yours. It blesses each and every cell of your Being — showering your mind, your Spirit-Being, your heart and soul — from around you — inwards. Imagine a circle of light around your body, sending in so many beams of sparkling light, even into your toes, enriching each cell from the outside in. These special beams of light even have a sound, as it is one cosmic song of love! This is what we hear coming from the Earth, and from plants. It may feel a little ticklish even, for your being to receive. It enlivens, is uplifting and invokes Peace and Calm. Receive. Breathe. Notice how you feel regenerated. Notice as each cell and all of the energy around you and your light body, feel connected to our precious Earth as well. This is grounded compassionate light. Continue to receive this light bath.
Pulse it out with your heart and breath into your auric field. Then breathe it in again as you align with this bath of light. It moves within and without your spirit body and your physical body. With one united human and cat body to share this essence. This is the vibration of unity with the animal kingdom — the blessed Cat Kingdom. Yawn and stretch. This massages the senses with aliveness, with the reality of this unification.
This is a gift you can resonate with to assist your being to move upwards on an emotional, energetic scale of light and energy. This is the Cat Nation Healing Ray for Ascension.
Crysta: Take a deep breath and Imagine, see or feel a cat in front of you, representing cat essence and presence. I invited in a large human-sized cat, standing in front of me, and able to hear this Cat Being. (I stand as I write and meditate.) If you are lying down to receive and experience this, imagine their Light emanating into your heart. The Cat Nation heart vibration is so huge, you may just see and feel the heart! I noticed our hearts melded and synced for this meditative healing Ray. Let it flow though you from your heart. Breathe and tone.
The Time is Now
DCW: As we have travelled through the timelines, we have seen the shift in consciousness before, and we know this can happen again. This is how the Crystalline Stellar Beings of Light, we as Stellar Skulls, Goddesses and Dragons, all serve to bring forth clearing the pathway for the New Earth to emerge.
So we work through the timelines to help individuals release the cords and blinders and so much more that is holding back enlightened awareness.
This is ancient knowledge and team work with the planets, with Earth, with the Galactic Team and Masters, who have their hearts intent upon helping to do just this — to clear the negative energies, so light can reignite and blossom everywhere again. So our skill-set is to work with “Team Earth” and reach far into the outer realms and ask for divine assistance from our Galactic Federation friends, many beings in the Archangelic Realms, and so many Masters that have ascended, that we do not have enough fingers and toes to count them all.
Become a Warrior of Compassion
DCW: Take a step now to find out within, what is up for you to release, so you can participate more fully. Ask yourself how you can be more present and aware, and be a warrior for compassion! We know there are many pathways to get there, however, working with this large team allows a tremendous level of transformation and opens the pathway to Ascension in such a magnificent way — that you will be amazed.
Bring our heart energy within you, so you can realize that we provide a cosmic laser beam of light, into your precious being, so you can notice this transformational flow yourself. There are areas in your heart, spirit and physical body that need assistance. Prepare yourself, so you can participate more fully and use these abilities that you have not yet connected with. We can awaken them within you!
We are here to reconnect all parts of your being, and awaken your soul and spirit to their original presence, their united essence. We unite all of your inner beauty with your retrieved aspects, as well.It is time for you to bring forth your strengths on a new level. Allow yourself to be taught in new ways.
(Note: As “Team Earth” retrieves, clears, re-calibrates personal aspects, that we discover in our Clearing to the Core work, and through past-life Scanning, that were taken from you throughout millennia. These are your brilliance!)
All of our Crystalline Team is here to be of service, and to light the most direct pathway before you, so you can take monumental steps in your spiritual growth. You have a level of divinity within that is yet untapped! We know this and assist the Grand Re-awakening — the Ascension for all.
The Time is now – and that is why we are here!
CSS: I am the *Uplifting Light of Crystal and Divine Light* #1T.
My totem is a panther: She has wings, as she is a flying feline. Her abilities allow you to soar into the future, so we create a line of light to empower your abilities and Self, and give you a propulsion, so the right people and events will be magnetized to you, enabling you to move forward in a clear pathway ~ igniting all as you go. Her name is the “Precious Feline of Light and Jet Consciousness.”
My incredibly wonderful being is from the Crystalline Red Universe. This is a special place! So, know that our abilities come forth in such a way that we can fill your aura and body with this magnificent Healing Ray of Light, the Crystalline Red Ray.
Call Forth These Magnificent Stellar Cat Skulls
You can connect to these divine beings of Light by sending a Heart-light to them as you state their name. See an infinity symbol going around your heart to their heart. Breathe them in and ask for their help for you or the animals. Ask for their gifts, Light and whatever you need. They are with you in a blink, since they move quickly through “more dimensions than you could possibly imagine,” as they have stated! Heart-to-heart, they are here to serve. Call them in and send them out.
Stellar Skulls and Cat Nation Channeled by Crysta
Lucia and The Luminescent Ladies of Fatima
By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”
This wondrous story of ten-year-old Lucia and the Lady (Ladies) of Fatima is told through a past-life regression with Anna, who is an aspect of Lucia in the present day.
Anna brought forth Lucia and re-experienced the real story of what happened on the hill near the town of Fatima, Portugal in 1917. The six recorded visits of what the church called “apparitions” of The Lady, were from May through October, precisely at noon, on the thirteenth of each month. This story inspires women to take back their power in many ways. It is so timely and relevant for today’s world. I asked Yeshua (Jesus) and the Marys if I could finally reveal this story, and they gave me their blessing with great excitement, stating, “The time is now!”
How This Came About
Three of us, of “Team Earth,” will Scan, Track and Clear a client as a team. Sometimes an energy comes right in, from another being of Light who has something to share, bringing more depth and clarity to what is being revealed.
Frequently, it is an aspect of the client, from a past-life. Once in a while it is an aspect from an overlapped life – meaning they can be living two different lives, which is the case in this story. We discern the energy of the beings and connect with our hearts.
We had already been working with Anna for several long, intricate sessions of great magnitude. She has been a big player of the Light throughout many lifetimes. On this day, Aurora of “Team Earth” mentioned another presence in the room, and I soon felt it as well. Anna called to this being, and she could see a young girl with dark hair, wearing dated and worn clothes. Aurora thought it was the girl from Fatima in Portugal, and Crysta had the Stellar Skulls confirm that it indeed was. The girl asked if she could stay, and said her name was Lucia. I asked if Lucia was an aspect of Anna.
“Oh, yes I am,” she replied.
She came in and out quite often, yet stayed quietly, observing. I asked Anna if I could do a regression on her at another time, so she could see herself in that lifetime. We could all feel that Lucia had something to share.
“Absolutely, since I don’t really know a lot about the story, except what the Spanish family I married into quite young, had shared with me. That was a while back. I’d be glad to help in any way,” was Anna’s reply.
After we did two long regressions, I decided to have the Crystalline Skulls answer a few questions about Lucia’s experience. The Crystalline Stellar Skulls’s (CSS) response is in bold.
After Anna’s master glands were re-ignited from our clearing work, she was able to access this life pretty easily, and she was there in a blink. She described the area near Fatima in detail, and what it was like to herd sheep on the hillsides. She loved the quiet and being alone. Her younger cousins would sometimes come to herd sheep with her.
Visits in the Grass
Lucia: The Lady would come to visit me around the hill in the tall grass. I could feel her presence first, and then this flash of blue light would happen in front of me, and then I could see her. We would tell each other different things. This was before she showed up on top of the hill, on May 13, 1917.
TR: Did your cousins see her and talk to her?
Lucia: Oh no! The Lady only came when I was alone.
TR: What is she wearing and what color is her hair?
Lucia: She is wearing a long blue dress. It has long sleeves, a high neck and a blue head scarf down to her shoulders. He dress is loose, and she really glows. She has light brown hair. She smiles a lot and makes me feel relaxed and very happy. I feel like I have known her forever.
TR: Did she give you her name?
Lucia: At different times I heard Miriam, Anna, Mary, Magdalene, Mother Mary… hmm!
(CSS: She had a few people come to her, and oddly enough, sometimes it was Mary, and there were other helpers of Mary. The group of Marys all wanted to participate. Often, Mary herself — yet again, not always. In other words, this was also Lucia’s exposure to different facets of the Mary Energy.)
2018 Insights from the Galactic Federation
Insights for 2018 from the Commander and SubCommander of the Galactic Federation Terra Rae: “Team Earth” has been working alongside these incredible Super-Heroes and great protectors for many years. We have assisted individuals, humanity as a whole, Gaia and all life, by clearing away the dark wizardry put in place aeons ago, in and around […]
Donate to “Team Earth”
"Team Earth" and the planetary and galactic work they tirelessly do with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, making great strides and changes for Gaia, addressing every situation and issue concerning her, as well as the clearing, growth and consciousness of the people. This work is preparing all for Ascension and First Contact with The Galactic Federation of Light.