Dragons Speak!

Personal Light Dragons Personal Dragons that align with a particular individual are able to drop down to 7D and 5D to be closer to 3D. This way they can protect and watch over the individual and their family. The individual can also learn to fly on them and ask to safely check out Earth, other planets […]

The Importance of Merkabas – What, How and Why

Travel Safe With Your Merkaba By Terra Rae of “Team Earth” Metatron and the Stellar Skulls channeled through the Heart of Crysta Terra: I asked Metatron and the Stellar Skulls for the history and definition along with the best way to work with a personal Merkaba, since we add Merkabas to everyone and all over […]

June 2015 Newsletter, First Contact, Part 2, Vol IV, Issue IV,

May 2015 Newsletter

April 2015 Stellar Newsletter

Time Travel Can Heal and Release Emotions

Time Travel Can Heal and Release Emotions

                                                                                  Stellar Skulls Changing Timelines
                     By Terra Rae and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls
*Great Blue Expanse* (#52G) ~ through Crysta

For the past several years, Terra Rae and Crysta have been working with a tribe of amazing crystal (crystalline) skulls. Crysta also receives messages from each skull directly. Terra and Crysta say that the skulls have worked together with humanity in many past civilizations, and they refuse to work with dark forces in any manner. Terra and Crysta offer Crystalline Stellar Skull Readings under OPEN EXCHANGE’s Spirit & Soul category.

Rising out of the past and lower octave 3D reality.

Exploring Past-lives

Exploring Past-lives

I see Timelines as going to the core of a time, place, event or situation that had a great impact on an individual, a community, a civilization or possibly the whole planet. Here’s an example: Perhaps Bill had an occurrence in a past life which left him wounded or imprinted in a way that is still running his life right now. His recurring injury in his left knee is still nagging him from the unresolved issue.

Thousands of years ago, Read more

Using The Stellar Glyphs For Positive Change For You And The Planet

Using The Stellar Glyphs For Positive Change For You And The Planet

 By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls through Crysta

The Crystalline Stellar Skull Tribe is a group of crystalline skulls that have come into 3D at this time to assist, serve, teach

Glyph= "Moon Water"

Works with Moon, Water and Sun.

and awaken all who are open to their wonderful gifts. These amazing heart-centered beings of light in this particular tribe, have many skulls with different glyphs, raised in relief on their noggins. You can activate a glyph just by drawing or copying it. You can print one and hang it up, rub your hand over a photo, just hold one, or lay one on your body. You can even put one on a map to energize that specific energy over a huge area, with your heartfelt intention. It helps to call in *Voice of the Water Element*, the skull that carries this blessed glyph, “Moon Water”, on her noggin.

Since they are a 7th dimensional language of light, Read more

The Opening of the “New” Christ Consciousness / Crystalline Portal

The “New” Crystalline – Christ Consciousness Portal

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

This past year we opened the Crystalline Portal, also known as the Christ Consciousness Portal. One of the Magdalenes that came to us to be cleared, held the “Key,” to opening the portal. She called us for a Tune-up! Berniece created both the “Key” and the portal with the help of others. This was done all the way back on the planet Avalon, our second form in density. The dark wizards took over the planet there, in the constellation of Lyra. She started the creation of the Christ Consciousness Portal at that time, to be opened when it was most needed. Since the dark ones had really gotten out of hand and were infiltrating fast once they got onto the planet, she could see their potential to destroy all the light creations, knowing that the Light-workers would need this in the future. That future time for opening this portal ~ is now!

Yeshua/Sananda calling forth the Christ Consciousness Portal

Yeshua/Sananda calling forth the Christ Consciousness Portal

We were able to find this “Key” in her etheric body. Read more

Who are the Crystalline Stellar Skulls? By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

The fire within me is my direct connection with the inner flames of the Earth. I magnify the heart level of existence in one’s physical and spiritual bodies. It is so exciting to introduce you to The Crystalline Stellar Skulls. When I was first introduced to these amazing Beings of light and heart, I stepped […]

Bringing Forth the Relationship or Community You Desire

Stellar Skulls can help you bring forth a true partner or Family of Light.

by Terra Rae of “Team Earth”

with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls

                                                                                                              *Spirit of Life & Joy* "Spirit " glyph #19S

Terra: Many of you may be creating an intention: to bring in your partner, or a community of like-minded, heart-centered individuals to co-create with, or to bring forth World Peace. The Crystalline Stellar Skulls have returned once again, to playfully and skillfully assist us and Gaia with all of these matters. Many of you know these Stellar Skulls. You just forgot, since it has been so long.

The heart-based Stellar Skulls have the ability to move energy and transform people’s emotional state and bodies in a blink of an eye ~ with your direction and request. Being so multi-dimensional, they arrive in an instant when you speak their name. Some of you will even be able to hear the skulls, since they have so much to say and share. Read more